Saturday, March 28, 2015

weekly review- listening

Section 1: vẫn gặp vấn đề về số, chữ, đánh vần
Section 2:
- điền từ: location: A and B thì B sẽ được nhắc tới trước
- điền số: sẽ nhắc 2 con số, lưu ý những từ như unlikely, not...
- âm e bẹt trong tiếng BE # AE
- paraphrase trong multiple, các đáp án trái ngược nhau trong multiple
(phân loại đáp án trong multiple)
- điền từ xác định loại từ cần điền, đọc hiểu cả câu hỏi
- số nhiều, sở hữu có đuôi "s"

weekly review- Process

- là loại order
- xác định loại từ
- đọc 2 câu trước để xác định vị trí

weekly review- Short answer

- located the irrelevant text
- câu hỏi: xác định được rồi thì chú ý synonyms >> gạch chân "keyword có thể paraphrase" trong câu hỏi bên cạnh noun, year rồi tìm text xem có không để tránh bị xao nhãng và nhầm chỗ. Nhớ là từng chữ câu hỏi không nên bỏ qua

weekly review

* Khả năng đọc hết cả bài. Ngoại trừ loại câu hỏi không theo order thì nên đọc trước 3 câu hỏi để xác định vị trị "relevant text"
* Tâm lý cuống cuối giờ: luôn hỏi trong đầu về keyword sẽ tìm là danh từ, động từ, hay tính từ, từ chỉ vị trí, chỉ thời gian...

2 dạng
List of heading:
- Đọc kĩ các list đầu tiên, cố gắng classify chúng để tạo impression. VD: cùng nói về X
- Thường phân vân giữa ý specific: Nếu chọn thì đọc lại CẢ ĐOẠN xem có đúng ko.

T-F-NG: order
- đọc trước 3 câu
- xác định loại câu: câu đơn, câu ghép >> chia nhỏ câu ra
- xác định các modifiers: adverb, preposition, so sánh
- False:
only >> có thể ở nơi khác >> text có
1st stepwell build in 11th century >> nếu # 11th >> text có
Cam9, t1,p19: Michael Faraday was the first person to recognise Perkin's ability as a student of chemistry.
Text: His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend... by Michael Faraday.

banned >> từ trái nghĩa: encouraged >> text có
advanced futures market >> từ trái nghĩa: rudimentary >> text có
complex: thường có True hoặc False
* one sailor ate a tulip bulb because he considered it was nutritious >> nếu "reason" # >> text có
* criminals were prohibited from bathing in sydney Harbor because they were dangerous to public >> text cho different reason >> F

Morse donated his money to the school he once attended >> text cho vài trường, trong đó có trường ông ấy học thật >> T 
so sánh:
Text cho A>B, nếu question cho
- A>B: True
- A<B hoặc A=B: False
- A=A/B=B: NG
-A cao nhất (the highest): NG
Nếu đề cho A=B (He became interested in both subject A and B) mà hỏi A>B (prefer A to B) >> NG

Perkin was inspired by the discoveries of the famous scientist Louis Paster
Text: proving the the truth of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur's words 'chance favours only the prepared mind', Perkin saw the potential of his unexpected find.
>> NG vì discovery và word ko cùng trường (controversial)

sau khi linh tính là True thì đọc lại để tìm được synonyms
cùng trường nghĩa

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 4

allocate most study time for the weak skills to make such skills perfect
spending the whole morning for part 1 speaking

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Table: 3 years

A glance at the table provided reveals some information about Australian participants in five physical activities, namely walking, aerobics, running, tennis and swimming, in 2001, 2005 as well as 2009.
It is apparent that the total number of people in Australia took part in these activities saw a significant increase during the period in question.
Ranked the highest position of these activities listed with approximately 4 million in 2001, the figure of walking player climbed to around 5 million in 2005, before reaching a staggering 6 million by the year 2009. However, the most significant change in growth rate during the period  belonged to aerobic. This activity witnessed a considerable increase with 158 percent over the 8-year period, from approximately 1 million people joined in 2001 to the number of nearly 3 million in 2009.
The second highest in terms of number of participants is swimming. Increasing from 2.2 million people in 2001 to 3 million in 2005, this activity soared to 4.2 million in 2009.
While other activities experienced increases, tennis displayed an opposite trend, with a decline from nearly 1 million people in 2001 to 0.7 million in 2005 and then stabilised at this number by 2009.

Day 3

- divided the sentence into small parts
- identify the function of each part: adj, noun, modifier (dependent clause)
- Some special cases:
Camparison: If A>B in the text, A<B or A=B in question, the answer is F
How about taking note during listening?
Marked them sentences are worth of band 7 and above. For example
The metro systems mentioned in the table are very different in terms of how many passengers they can transport each year.
The metro systems mentioned vary greatly with regard to yearly carrying capacity.
With regard to yearly carrying capacity, the metro systems mentioned in the table vary greatly.


Outline: one specific paragraph describes two features (applying marked theme sentences) and the rest focuses on the last features.
Priority: Highest and Lowest >> largest, second largest.
Length >> 30 km in length >> extending for 30 km >> cover just 30 km
Comparison the same trend: X saw a similar increasing trend >> Likewise, X saw  a increasing trend >> Likewise, the second oldest system, Paris, is also the second longest.
A glance at the chart provided reveals some information about MRT systems in terms of the year established, the length and carrying capacity per year in six major cities, namely London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles.
It is apparent that recently established metro systems account for shorter lengths than the older ones do.
Completing in 1863, the London system is the oldest of the systems  listed and also the longest, extending for 1100 kilometres. Likewise, the second oldest system is also the second longest. Built in 1890, the Paris metro is approximately 594 kilometres in length. In stark contrast, however, the Kyoto and Los Angeles metro system- established in 1890 and 2001 respectively, are far shorter. The former covers a mere 11 kilometres and the latter just 14 kilometres.
With regard to yearly carrying capacity, the Tokyo metro is equipped to carry the largest number of passengers, at 1434 million. Meanwhile, at 850 million, the Paris metro has the second largest carrying capacity. The systems with the smallest capacities belong to Kyoto and Washington DC, transporting just 11 millon and 70 million people per year respectively.
The table shows the information about the usage of water in Australian cities in 2004.

Cost of water per kilo liter (up to 125 kl)
Cost of water per kilo liter (over to 125 kl)
Average bill for a family

2 ngày đầu: 23-24/3

- Bị facebook làm xao nhãng
- Làm T-F bị sai
>> "trường nghĩa", nếu F thì có thể NG >> phải chữa được F thành T thì câu đó mới F
>> chia câu đó thành các phần rồi tìm symnonym từng phần
- Nghe bị sai
>> đồ thị hình Sin: bị mất tập trung thời gian đầu, không gạch kịp keyword
- Writing bị stress, nhưng sau khi viết được thì đỡ hơn
>> phải viết được trong thời gian đầu
- Speaking qua skype: nhận thấy những gì học chợt quên, phản xạ kém, câu nói hơi dài

Two pies

A glance at the two pies reveals some information about various leisure activities among European adults in 1985 and 1995.
It is apparent that watching television ranked first in terms of prevalence in both years. While playing computer games and talking with family witnessed significant increases in the popularity during the period from 1985 to 1995, talking with family, eating out and other activities showed opposite trends in the same period.
From approximately 32 percent in 1985, the percentage of adults in European watching TV marginally declined to about 30 percent in the subsequent decade. Yet, the most considerable change in increased popularity belonged to playing computer games. This activity, by 1985, was not rated by any single respondent to the survey as their preferred one. However, the figure of playing computer games in 1995 soared to a staggering 28 percent - the second highest. A more popular activity in 1995 was talking with friends, at somewhere in the vicinity of 26 percent compared to a slightly slower 21 percent in 1985.
In stark contrast, however, eating out, which stood at the second position with regard to popular pastimes in 1985, accounting for 23 percent of respondents, slipped to a mere 5 percent in 1995. Likewise, there were also noticeable decreases in the popularity ratings of talking with family, other activities and watching television.