Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Two pies

A glance at the two pies reveals some information about various leisure activities among European adults in 1985 and 1995.
It is apparent that watching television ranked first in terms of prevalence in both years. While playing computer games and talking with family witnessed significant increases in the popularity during the period from 1985 to 1995, talking with family, eating out and other activities showed opposite trends in the same period.
From approximately 32 percent in 1985, the percentage of adults in European watching TV marginally declined to about 30 percent in the subsequent decade. Yet, the most considerable change in increased popularity belonged to playing computer games. This activity, by 1985, was not rated by any single respondent to the survey as their preferred one. However, the figure of playing computer games in 1995 soared to a staggering 28 percent - the second highest. A more popular activity in 1995 was talking with friends, at somewhere in the vicinity of 26 percent compared to a slightly slower 21 percent in 1985.
In stark contrast, however, eating out, which stood at the second position with regard to popular pastimes in 1985, accounting for 23 percent of respondents, slipped to a mere 5 percent in 1995. Likewise, there were also noticeable decreases in the popularity ratings of talking with family, other activities and watching television.

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