Saturday, August 1, 2015

Sentence Structures

Không giữ được ý nhưng ăn điểm grammatical ranges
Tóm tắt nội dung bài:
- bài viết thường 13 câu, đoạn 1 2 ý, đoạn 2 sẽ 3 ý

- nếu vậy sẽ có 5 main ideas, áp dụng 5 loại câu
2 ideas dùng prepositional phrases
By dint of| By virtue of| Thanks to (+ positive)
Due to| Owing to| As a consequence of (+negative)
For the sake of/For the purpose of
3 ý còn lại
With.../Reduced clauses hoặc omission/,followed by the likelihood of
- examples:
Reduced clauses hoặc omission, With, nếu ko viết được câu thì dùng such as; ,including;, confined to
- supported sentences: inversion hoặc conditional sentences
No sooner....than
Inversion of conditional sentences type II: Were it not for+ Noun, S would hardly...
Inversion of conditional sentences type I: Should + S+ Vinf,...
Only by
- Duy trì R-T và tránh over-use:
Giữa các main ideas
First of all, The first reason is that..., Apart from/In addition to+ paraphrasing (cho 2 đoạn), rồi Further/Secondly rồi Last but not least,...
Đưa ví dụ: For instance (chú ý vị trí để tạo flexibility), To be more precise
Giữa a main idea với support: Dùng reference: This practice/This problem/This kind of activity.....(ko được dùng "This"/"It" vì tạo implicitness)

I. Giới thiệu
Nếu 2 clauses cùng S
Original sentence
Thanks to/By dint of/ By virtue of installing public cameras, the locals feel safer in public areas.
Rewritten sentence
Đang cùng S (the locals) cho 2 động từ "install", "feel"
1- Subject omission
Installing public cameras, the locals feel safer in public areas.
2- Rarely/Seldom dùng without, with nếu Verb tương phản, when/if nếu S khác nhau
Rarely do the locals feel safer in public areas without installing public cameras.
>> Rarely do the locals feel safer in public areas with  public cameras being short of.
>> Rarely do the locals feel safer in public areas if refusing to install public cameras.
>> Rarely do the locals feel safer in public areas when refusing to install public cameras.
3. Only by/thanks to....+ trợ động từ (Chỉ bằng/nhờ)
Only by installing public cameras do the locals feel safer.
4. Conditional sentence type 2: Were it not for, S would hardly
Were it not for installing the public cameras, the locals would hardly|seldom|... feel safer in public areas.

Chuyển sang 2 S khác (public cameras và the locals) >> 2 clauses
5. With + N hoặc W+ S+ Vpp/Ving
With public cameras installed, the locals feel safer in public areas.
6. Complex sentences (prepositional phrases)
When/Since/As (nghĩa neutral) hoặc Due to/On account of/ As a consequence of/Owing to (dùng cho negative) hoặc By dint of/By virtue of/Thanks to (dùng cho positive)
>> When public cameras are installed, the locals feel safer in public areas.
7. Conditional sentence type 1: Should + S + V(nguyên thể)..., S+ will+ V
Should public cameras be installed, the locals will feel safer in public areas.
Cứ có 2 mệnh đề là dùng được
8. No sooner + auxi... than...(Ngay khi)
No sooner are public cameras installed than the locals feel safer in public areas.

1. Thay thế cho ",which can..." bằng ",(which is) followed by the likelihood of...."
2. Thay thế cho "when" bằng 8 cách trên
3. Topic sentences nên dùng "Topic: no sooner, since/due to, when, for the sake of, Only inversion, which rút gọn"supported sentences/examples dùng "Câu support/example: câu điều kiện 1, 2, Rarely, with"intro dùng whether or not và while/although/whereas
conclusion dùng not only

Exercise 1:
Source: IELTS Quang Thắng

People have different views about what kinds of obligation a company should have. While I accept that the top priority of companies is to generate profits, I believe they should also have social responsibilities.
Đây là loại ko có hook sentences nên thêm 1 câu vu vơ, chủ đề 
There is heated controversy about whether or not big companies should take societal obligations along with concentrating on their businesses. While I accept that the top priority of companies is to generate profits, I believe they should also have social responsibilities.

On the one hand, I believe that businesses already contribute to society by simply focusing on making money.
1st: The first reason is that when companies earn much profits, they can expand their businesses, which creates more job opportunities for people.
- Có "when", cùng "S"/2 câu >> No sooner, Were it not for..., Only by/thanks to/by dint of/by virtue
- "which" có thể rút gọn hoặc chuyển về giữa hoặc rarely/seldom
The first reason is that
1- Earning profits, firms can expand their biz, which creates more job opportunities for people.
2- No sooner big firms earn profits can they expand their businesses, which creates more job opportunities for people.
3- Only by earning profits can big firms expand their businesses, which creates more job opportunities for people.
4- Rarely do big firms expand their businesses without earning profits, followed by the likelihood of failing to create more job opportunities for people
5- Were it not for profits earned, firms would hardly expand their businesses, followed by the likelihood of failing to create more job opportunities for people.>> câu 4 và 5 nên tách thành 2 câu vì có vẻ ko đúng ý chỗ "followed by..."4- Rarely do big firms expand their businesses without earning profits. Consequently, they may fail to create more job opportunities for people.4 giữ nguyên thì nên chuyển "rarely+ when"4- Rarely do big firms expand their businesses when they are incapable of earning profits, followed by the likelihood of failing to create more job opportunities for people(mệnh đề phụ bổ sung cho "incapable of....")
Some big multinational corporations such as Apple or Microsoft can be a great illustration. They have been employing hundreds of thousands of individuals around the world, which helps to reduce unemployment rates in many countries.
For instance, some big multinational corporations such as Apple and Samsung have been employing thousands of individuals around the world, contributing to unemployment discouragement in many countries.
Additionally, when companies make higher profits, they will pay more taxes for the government.
>> Additionally= In addition to/Apart from offering employment,
when: cùng S nên rút gọn, do rút gọn ở "apart from" nên chuyển "when" xuống sau
+ rút gọn: companies will pay more taxes for the government when making higher profits
+ khác S: dùng "with" để giữ main clause/No sooner/Only by..., khi đó phải để nguyên "Additionally"
no sooner companies make higher profits than they pay more taxes for the government.
only by making higher profits can companies pay more taxes for the government
with higher profits earned/generated, companies pay more taxes for the government
with higher earned/generated profits, companies pay more taxes for the government
This money can be used to invest in important fields such as education or health care, which will benefit society as a whole.
>> which: khả năng chuyển main clause và subordinate clause
Being used to invest in important fields such as education or health, this money will benefit society as a whole.

Body 2
On the other hand, I would argue that apart from making money, companies also need to have social responsibilities.
Firstly, since the rising number of factories these days has led to serious environmental damage, companies need to take immediate a
ctions to help protect the natural environment. 
since= due to the fact that
due to/ owing to+ clauses 
For example, they could try new technologies to recycle their wastes instead of disposing of them right away. 
cùng S, lại đối nhau nên dùng rarely
To be more precise, rarely do these companies dispose of their waste with new technologies incorporated into the recycling waste process.
Secondly, corporations should also consider helping those who are less fortunate such as homeless or disabled citizens. 
This will contribute to better society and also help to enhance the image of the company or the brand.
do "Se..." là 1 câu có 1S+1V nên ko chuyển được. Nếu chuyển thì kết hợp với câu tiếp theo. Khi đó dùng "for the sake of"
Secondly, corporations should take account of helping the underprivileged such as homeless or disabled citizens for the sake of enhancing the firm image, which may trigger more sales and increase their brand equity.

 In conclusion, although companies should prioritise the need to make profits, I believe they should also bear social responsibilities.
although >> while, 

>> not only but also
>> In conclusion, from my perspective, not only should companies give priority to their money-making objectives, but they also bear social responsibilities.

Bài hoàn chỉnh
There is heated controversy about whether or not big companies should take societal obligations along with concentrating on their businesses. While I accept that the top priority of companies is to generate profits, I believe they should also have social responsibilities.
The first reason is that no sooner big firms earn profits can they expand their businesses, which creates more job opportunities for people. For instance, some big multinational corporations such as Apple and Samsung have been employing thousands of individuals around the world, contributing to unemployment discouragement in many countries. In addition to offering employment, companies will pay more taxes for the government when making higher profits. Were it not for this money, the government would hardly invest their national budget in important fields such as education or health, followed by the likelihood of failing to benefit society as a whole. (nên tách ra 2 câu)
On the other hand, I would argue that apart from making money, companies also need to have social responsibilities. Firstly, since the rising number of factories these days has led to serious environmental damage, companies need to take immediate actions to help protect the natural environment. To be more precise, rarely do these companies dispose of their waste with new technologies incorporated into the recycling waste process. Secondly, corporations should take account of helping the underprivileged such as homeless or disabled citizens for the sake of enhancing the firm image, which may trigger more sales and increase their brand equity.
In conclusion, from my perspective, not only should companies give priority to their money-making objectives, but they also bear social responsibilities.
Chỉnh từ vựng
There is heated controversy about whether or not big companies should take societal obligations along with concentrating on their businesses. While I accept that the top priority of companies is to generate profits, I believe they should also have social responsibilities.
The first reason is that no sooner big firms earn profits can they expand their businesses, which creates more job opportunities for people. For instance, some big multinational corporations such as Apple and Samsung have been employing thousands of individuals on the global scale, contributing to unemployment discouragement in many countries. In addition to providing employment prospects for the global citizens, companies will pay "more" taxes for the government when making higher profits. Were it not for this "increased" money, the government would hardly invest their national budget in important fields such as education or health, followed by the likelihood of failing to benefit society as a whole.
On the other hand, I would argue that apart from making money, companies also need to take social responsibilities. Firstly, due to serious ecological degradation caused by a rising amount of untreated industrial waste, companies need to take immediate actions to help protect the natural environment. To be more precise, rarely do these companies dispose of their waste with new technologies incorporated into the recycling waste process. Secondly, corporations should take account of helping the underprivileged such as homeless or disabled citizens for the sake of enhancing the firm image, which may trigger more sales and increase their brand equity in due course.
In conclusion, from my perspective, not only should companies give priority to their money-making objectives, but they also bear social responsibilities.

Exercise 2:
IELTS Quang Thắng

People today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out. What are the causes? What are the solutions?
People currently feel unsafe either when they stay at home or go out on the streets. This problem is caused by some factors, and it should be dealt with by some effective solutions.

There are some reasons why people now have to face serious risks no matter where they are. Firstly, due to climate change that is happening all around the world, people might face the danger of natural disasters even when they are at home. For example, in Japan, earthquakes and tsunamis occur every year, and many people have been killed during those events. Secondly, when being out on the streets, individuals are usually exposed to different types of pollution such as noise or air pollution. This might negatively affect people’s health and can even lead to fatal consequences.

Feasible solutions should be produced to tackle these aforementioned problems so that people would feel safer. The first measure would be to develop new technologies that can help minimise or prevent the damages caused by natural disasters. For instance, scientists have come up with machines that can forecast the occurrence of earthquakes. Additionally, it is necessary to reduce noise and air pollution on the streets. This can be done by encouraging citizens to use public transport in order to limit the levels of noise and exhausted fumes caused by private vehicles.

In conclusion, there are some reasons why people today usually do not have the feeling of safety either at home or when they are out, and some measures could be taken to solve this problem.
1st: People currently feel unsafe either when they stay at home or go out on the streets
>> whether
>> Currently, the residents suffer from a sense of insecurity when either staying at home or going out on the streets.
>> Currently, either staying at home or going out on the streets, the residents suffer from a sense of insecurity.
( để tạo R-T cho câu sau)
2nd: This problem is caused by some factors, and it should be dealt with by some effective solutions.
>> Although this phenomenon is caused by some factors, several effective solutions are offered to deal with it.
Body 1
There are some reasons why people now have to face serious risks no matter where they are.
Firstly, due to climate change that is happening all around the world, people might face the danger of natural disasters even when they are at home.
For example, in Japan, earthquakes and tsunamis occur every year, and many people have been killed during those events.
>> compound sentence: có nguyên nhân- kết quả, nhưng vì là cấu ví dụ nên dùng mệnh đề tính từ rút gọn
For instance, earthquakes and tsunamis occurring in Japan on a yearly basis has claimed many lives in the affected areas.

Secondly, when being out on the streets, individuals are usually exposed to different types of pollution such as noise or air pollution.
This might negatively affect people’s health and can even lead to fatal consequences.
>> simple sentence
>> câu hệ quả thì có thể dùng: "As a consequence of this exposure/interaction/situation/occasion"
hoặc chuyển đảo ngữ "Rarely"/"No sooner"/"Only after" (ngay khi, nên nếu dùng viết chú ý)/"Condition I"/"Condition II"
1- Rarely: từ chuyển về đối nghĩa hoặc thêm "no" trước danh từ, "not"/"fail to"... trươc động từ
Rarely may this situation positively affect these people's health and cause no fatal consequences.
2- "No sooner does this situation negatively affect these people's health than fatal consequences are predicted to occur.
(thế nào ý :)), chắc mỗi "rarely" dùng được, những thứ sau dùng nếu có "nguyên nhân- kết quả")
Feasible solutions should be produced to tackle these aforementioned problems so that people would feel safer.
>> so that nên sẽ dùng for the sake of
>> Feasible solutions should be produced to tackle these aforementioned problems for the sake of helping people feel safer.
The first measure would be to develop new technologies that can help minimise or prevent the damages caused by natural disasters.
>> for the sake of/ mệnh đề rút gọn
>> The first measure would be to develop new technologies, followed by the likelihood of minimising or preventing the damages caused by natural disasters.
For instance, scientists have come up with machines that can forecast the occurrence of earthquakes.
>>purpose, how abt "with"
Additionally, it is necessary to reduce noise and air pollution on the streets.
This can be done by encouraging citizens to use public transport in order to limit the levels of noise and exhausted fumes caused by private vehicles.

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