Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Para task 1

Paraphrase câu

[Writing Trick No 2]. Hướng dẫn paraphrase câu đơn giản ( Chưa dùng liên từ các thể loại). Khi câu phức tạp thêm chút thì có rất nhiều cách paraphrase lại, hôm nay dừng lại ở câu simple.
Ví dụ: Everyone should try their best to reduce crime. (Khi viết bài bạn nên giải thích rõ nên làm gì đằng sau cho nó cụ thể, ta chi xét câu trên)

IELTS speaking and writing Corner
*Phân tích cấu trúc câu*
Everyone (Subject)+ should try(Verb) their best (Adv) to (Purpose)+ reduce (V)+ crime (Object)
>>Câu này là S+V ko có object. Thật ra try one's best là idiom, tuy nhiên coi là verb cho dễ
Paraphrase level 1: chỉ chuyển thành từ đồng nghĩa, cấu trúc giữ nguyên, dạng này không qúa khó. Còn nhiều dưới chỉ là ad ghi đại khái thôi nhé
(a) Subject: everyone>> all citizens/individuals/the entire population/all members of society/ ordinary citizens/......
(b) try one's best>> do one's utmost/ make every possible effort/ join hands in/ contribute their strength to/.....
(c) reduce crime(khỏi cũng dc)>>reduce crime rate/lower crime incidence/ deter prospective criminals/halt the possibility of future crime/ tackle crime from reoccurring....
(d) should>> be advisable that/ be supposed to/ have the responsibility for/ have the obligation to........
>>Công việc lắp ráp, chú ý ngữ pháp, từ (a),(b),(c) ta có: (giống toán ghê)
Sample 1: all citizens are supposed to do their utmost to help reduce crime incidence
Sample 2: It is advisable that every individual make every possible effort to help tackle crime from reoccurring....(nhớ là make ko có S là thể subjunctive)
Paraphrase level 2: level này đòi hỏi thay đổi cấu trúc, Chỉ dành cho my students :)).
Cho 1 vài ví dụ nè:
Sample 1: Tackling crime requires the commitment of nearly all members of society.
Sample 2: Crime prevention is not the sole responsibility of governments but the entire population as well.
Để ghi được level 2 đòi hỏi rất nhiều yếu tố, phải khổ luyện mới thành tinh được nhé

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


  • Người
students= learners= qualification seekers =>> graduates=college leavers
university students= undergraduate= students/learners studying at a university
Young people= young individuals= the youth= youngsters= juveniles= young adults= adolescents= individuals in their young age|early lives
Children= youngsters= young people= young generation= the youth= teenagers= juveniles
Nếu children= kids= young adolescents= young juveniles= young teenagers= young teens
Children btw 7 and 11=young teenagers= young delinquents= young children
With the ageing of a society= the aged/retired/ageing population= the older|senior people|employees >< young employees= mandatory retirement= to be forced out of employment= an older society= the old generation= workers approach/reach age 65 and in years beyond= workers reach/approach the retirement age

Children= wards= offspring= youngsters
Parents= biological parents=folks= their family (=working couples)
Teachers= educational authorities= instructors= tutors 
Friends= fellow students= peers= cohorts
University = university authorities= academy|college authorities= the university administration
Society= the general public=the populace= the entire population= the human society =the human race = human beings = humans =man = mankind = humanity = humankindThe society= the general public= the community= humankind=mankind= human beings
Adults=grown-up people= mature people= people coming of age= people reaching/growing to/approaching/coming to maturity
>> the life circumstance in which they grew up/became adults
Some groups= the disadvantaged= the underpriviledged=the deprived= the needy= students from the disadvantaged areas/backgrounds/conditions
Poor people= impoverished people= people living in poverty= people living below the poverty line
People from rural areas= people living|residing|dwelling|settling in rural/underdeveloped/poor/developing areas|regions= people living in the countryside
People=individuals=eaters=consumers= customers
Criminals= Delinquents= wrongdoers=lawbreakers= people breaking/violating laws/regulations/rules

Professional workers= professionals= well-educated/well-trained employees =  any person who earns their living from a specified activity= commonly engaged in creative and intellectually challenging work= members of the profession with the particular knowledge and skills
People in the field/area/activities of sports= athletes= sports stars
People in the field/area/activities of entertainment= celebrities= entertainment stars
(fields= aspects=sides= facets= dimensions)
Doctors= healthcare professionals= physicians= general practitioners
The workers= job holders= the staff= employees=
Employers= recruiters= managers= the company authorities/administration
Prospective/potential/ideal/appropriate job candidates/applicants/ jobseekers
Good citizens and workers= productive members of society= have excellent personality as inhabitants and employers
  • Vật
Junk food= snack food= food with little nutritional value
company= corporation= firm= enterprise= organisation (plants=manufacturers=factories)
>> the business leader= the company authorities/administration= entrepreneurs= 

Individuals= workers=
Society= the people= the community=>> plants/manufacturers
>> Personal use of machines 
>> Industrial use of machines 
Historical objects/relics/items= historical collections

works of art= art works= art-related/artistic products
People= a high population
Agricultural/village areas= rural areas= rural environments
Cities= metropolitan|urban|municipal areas/environments/regions/zones >> modernised|industrialised|developed areas

Countries=nations= states >> government leaders of several countries….
public museums= concrete museums
Art galleries=
Workplaces = vocations= jobs/(particular) careers/professions>> employers
the success of career= a thrive and robust career = a satisfying/brilliant/distinguished/glittering career
>> devote much more time in working life=  the effort in a vocation= occupational endeavor

External influence= factors external to the family =  social factors= social factors outside of the family= other environmental factors
Family life= >> fine/poor upbringing/rearing/education >> nurtured/reared/ brought up in a positive enriching environment >> a dysfunctional home/ family problems
>> parent-child relationships
Parental influences/impacts/effects
Boarding school= residential schools= schools with residential houses/buildings/halls
>> these educational institutions
>> boarders
>> Send sb to boarding schools = place….into=put...into=
Charities and organisations= not-for-profit organisations= non-profit organisations= charitable organizations 
  • Sự phát triển của trẻ
Children's development= child development/growth= a child’s development= the development of children= the way that their child develops as they get older
(>> skills, behaviors, awareness, intellectual well-being)

future adult life= future adulthood= they come of age= become maturity= children’s future life= children’s future development/growth= the development of the offspring/youngsters
  • Sự di chuyển, chuyển giao

Movement= transition=>> geographic relocation/moving/resettlement/repositioning
>> the inflow/influx/arrival of new inhabitants/residents/dwellers/citizens
>> migrate/shift/leave
>> the rural populace
  • Khoảng cách địa lý
beyond the physical boundaries of their officelocation constraints (blur/transcend/exceed)

  • Dẫn đến, bởi vì

Cause= is the root of= result in= lead to= give rise to= contribute to
Because of = due to= owing to
As a result= By dint of
to stem from| provoke| arise from 

  • Thời gian
in the past= in history= some time ago= in earlier times= previously
Recently=lately= in recent years= in the last/past few years
Nowadays= today= these days= currently=at present = at the present time = in current/modern/contemporary/present-day society= In this age of change= In this day and age
 >> the current trend/circumstance
In the (near/distant/foreseeable) future= in the years ahead= in the years to come >> in due course
  • Số lượng
various = numerous= countless = a wide range of =a wide variety of =a wide array of =a host of =a multitude of =a vast number of =a myriad
Everyone=individuals at all ages
all= the whole/entire number/quantity of
All the lawbreakers= the entire/whole number|quantity of lawbreakers/criminals| delinquents|law-breakers|law-violators|law-offenders|offenders|wrongdoers

>> perpetrators ˈpɜː.pə.treɪ.təʳ (penetrate into: thấm qua hoặc penetrate=understand)
More and more= a growing|increasing|ever-increasing number|figure|quantity= an upsurge in= a surge in
Not enough= inadequate=insufficient
>> number/quantity
All mothers and fathers= the entire number/quantity of parents= each couple
Common things= widely-used= commonplace ways
Most common= prevalent= widely-used= major= key=

The development= the trend= the tendency= the phenomenon >> be widely promoted/recognised
Become increasingly popular=>> gaining/growing in popularity>> this trend/tendency/phenomenon >> a growing number of>>  shift attention/attention/focus onto the trend of sending their kids to...
The most important thing= one of the utmost/greatest jobs
Gender imbalance=gender inequality= the tension/conflict between sex=gender prejudice= gender favouritism= gender preference= gender discrimination
Gender balance= gender equality= a gender-fair environment= the balance between men and female
The underpresentation= females are underrepresented= considered unable/incapable/unqualified of any university subject= a shortage of| the inadequacy| the insufficiency| in the absence of|without a adequate/sufficient number of females
The ascendancy/ the dominance/the superiority of women= the prominent positions of women= women-dominated profession= fields which have been traditionally dominated by females= the women only profession= the exclusive| sole right of females to work in the field
Employ= hire
equal numbers of men and women workers= the same number of male and female as an employee= the  equal numbers of both sexes
workers having equal proportions of each gender = Having the same number of men and women= equal numbers of males and females
>> construction workers + distinct discrepancies in physical and mental health

>> no sexual discrimination|favouritism|preference as well as dramatic promotion of women's social status + family income boosts

  • Lợi, hại, vấn đề, giải pháp, khó khăn
benefits=merits=advantages=plus points=virtues= stand them in good stead
Problems=disadvantages=drawbacks=shortcomings= demerits= limitations=restrictions
Problems= issues= this phenomenon= this trend= this tendency
Serious= enormous= grave= acute= severe=harsh= great
Problems= issues= situations= (add) (major) complications= challenges=
Measures= actions= methods= approaches= tactics= instruments…

Solve= overcome= deal with= tackle= cope with= combat/fight against= address= prevent= deter= suppress
Deal with= well prepare= cope with= tackle= combat= fight against= struggle with= prevent= deter= suppress= hamper= hinder= obstruct= impede
Limit= restrict= restrain (restraint (n))= curb= curtail= inhibit
>> impose/place a limitation/restriction on
The way= method= approach= technique= strategy= tactics=measure
Impossible= a complex task= an unachievable aim= a persistant/lasting/permanent problem= hurdles/difficulties/...
Difficult= have a hard time= experience difficulties in= struggle "to do st"/with
Eliminate=  put an end to= eradicate= curb
Banned= prohibited= forbidden fəˈbɪd= put/place a ban on
Introduce= enact= adopt= pass= impose= place
A law= a regulation= a restriction

Reasons=factors=causes= explanations
Case= situation= circumstance
  • Tự do 

Optional= voluntary = elective (Ame)
>> be given/allowed/permitted/enjoyed unrestricted freedom to choose/select/opt 
  • Sự xa lánh của bố mẹ

Parental alienation/separation
>> a feeling of isolation/elimination/exclusion/segregation/seclusion
>> feel excluded/expelled/isolated
  • Ý kiến 
Opinion: in my opinion= from my perspective= it seems to me that= I believe that= I think that= I argue that
Agree= accept=approve of
Disagree= beg to differ on st=object that/ to do st

  • Mục đích
For= in order to= for the sake of= for the purpose of= in view of
(perform/serve/fulfill) Functions (of) =roles=tasks=(reach/attain/fulfil/achieve) objectives=targets=aims
Main= chief= primary= prime= principal

Purpose= object= aim= goal= objective= target= role=function= intention= with intent to

  • Model verb
Should= be advised to= be supposed to= be expected to= be anticipated to
Should not be required/forced/compelled/obliged= under an obligation to do st
Be made to = be forced to = 
Responsible for= bear/shoulder/take responsibility for= in charge of 
Has the right= to be licensed to do st= hold/have a licence to do st

Can=be able to= be capable of= be equipped to do= have the ability to do
Tend to= be likely to= have potential for= increase/raise the likelihood/odds of
Always= get accustomed to/tend to
  • Các cấp học
In formal education= in an academic environment=  in the university=in the university environment= at colleges= at modern colleges= in some subjects on campuses

primary schools= elementary schools

Higher education= tertiary education= third level education= post-secondary education= formal learning after secondary education=further  education= continuing education = postgraduate education

  • Đi học
Study= learning process= knowledge acquisition= learning effort
Learn= acquire= obtain= gain= attain
Study= gain|acquire a deep/complete/proper/in-depth understanding|comprehension of their subjectsStudy=engage in=…=gain|acquire an clear understanding of
Learn= acquire = >> language acquisition|proficiency|fluency
Get access to university education= follow|chase|pursue university education| higher education

Receive=obtain=attain=achieve=gain=earn education in class= attend/participate in/engage in/sign up formal classes= formal courses= go to university to further education…= commute to school campus

School= educational institutions
Studying at university= attend college

In school= academic activities=

In schools and with teachers= formal classes/ formal courses/channels = with the direct/face-to-face assistance of teachers/trainers/instructors/tutors= formal education= traditional form of university education= attend in education in person
School subjects= school lessons

The training courses= the training programs/classes
Childcare= acquire general ideas about parenting
>> transforming childcare into a formal subject of academic studies
>> compelled to join childcare training

>> parents' participation in care training is advisable/recommendable
Lessons= academic exercises= instructions=lectures
Science subjects= science courses
>> scientists/researchers
>> causes/reasons/factors/impetus

>> cause/result in/ lead to/ give rise to

A foreign language= a foreign dialect

Educate= provide sb with needed information= help sb realise importance of healthy|sensible|balanced diets/meals/dishes (=train=instruct=teach=inform >> informative=instructive=educational)
Provide them with better education= educate= instruct= train
(education=schooling= useful/informative/instructional guidance= instruction)

start school at the age of seven= allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old
As early as possible= at/from an early age
Start schools= attend schools
>> going to school from younger ages
>>  send their children to school at a young age
>> enrol their children in schools at an early age

>> go to school at the earliest possible age
Subjects= fields= areas= courses
>> required courses
>> receive a rounded education
  • Mua mới, thay thế

Throw… and buy= replace their electronic equipment or household appliances with the latest/up-to-date version of these products| devices| items= purchase new products instead of repairing/fixing and reusing old ones
>> buy= purchase= comsume frequently/constantly
>> frequent purchasing habit/behaviour= unrestrained consumption
>> increases in people's income/provide citizens with more disposable income
Replace obsolete machinery/machines/equipment
  • Thải ra

Throw away= discard= discharge=dump= dispose= release= emit
>> contaminate//taint water and soil when toxic chemicals are leaked >> environment contamination
>< decontaminate= purify= cleanse
>> speeds up/accelerate/stimulate the consumption of natural resources
  • Ở cộng đồng
In the community= in the society= in the local areas
  • Tại nhà

Home= the place of residence= the living/inhabited place
>> home-working
  • Trên thế giới

Around the world= on the global scale= at the international level
  • Làm việc

Work= do/perform jobs= carry out/conduct/perform/fulfil/accomplish/complete/succeed in tasks
work is Done= performed= completed= accomplished
  • Chăm sóc

Care=take care of= look after= pay attention to= take notice of
be uninformed about= ignorant of= unaware of
  • Sử dụng công nghệ

Using= utilising= applying= adopting= employing=exploiting=taking advantage of
Modern technology= technological progress/development/achievement/ breakthroughs/advances= advances/breakthroughs in technology

>> mechanisation vs labour/manual work
Machines= modern technology= robots= intelligent machines= automated system 
Using computers=employing  modern technologies= the widespread of computer technology=  the Internet technology
>> visit the museums and galleries online website
>> real objects >> careful inspection/examination
>> virtual images | digital signals (video/texts)
>> visitors
  • Đi học nước ngoài
Go to another country = travel to another nation/country= study overseas= study abroad
>> pursue/follow/chase/quest educational opportunities overseas
>> pursuit of/quest for
>> studying abroad/overseas
>> overseas trips/students

  • Học từ xa
Distance-learning programs|courses= distance learning=e-learning= this state-of-the-art education model= online courses= televised teaching= virtual schools
>< conventional/traditional/physical schools
Mode/method of teaching
Internet >>computer-based learning/distance learning
Television=the small screen
 >> to broadcast/televise/screen/air/launch/show

  • Tự học
Self-study= study on their own way= study by themselves

 let children independently read= read books or find other kinds of entertainments by themselves|on their own
  • Ở nhà
Home=the place of residence
  • Ở nơi khác

Live with= stay with= reside in/settle in/dwell in different cities
Live away from= choose to migrate to other cities= leaving home as a young adult= move away from home >> going universities away from home

>> ease the transition| movement
In different cities= located/situated/placed in other cities=
>> living overseas/abroad
  • Dạy học
Modes/methods/methodologies of teaching
Not exist= non-existent= be on/stand on/hover on the brink/verge/edge of extinction| death

“for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong”
>> moral education| ethics
>> teaching moral and social values in schools
>> to correct students’ behaviours and improve their moral values
>> the moral development of young people
>> ethical principles and moral values as well as a collection of ideals
>> standards of morality
>> unethical| immoral| dishonourable people
>> studying and analyzing right from wrong| the right thing to do
>> distinguish/differentiate btw acceptable and accusable| detestable behaviours

Teach = impart|convey|deliver knowledge of a given field to students= obtain/receive a good education
Translate knowledge of a subject into course materials and impart them to students
Judge= analyse = assess= evaluate= examine
Behave well= well-behaved= well-mannered= behave in a polite way
>> modification in young people’s behaviours

  • có năng khiếu
Have talent for it= excel at= adept at= proficient in= be competent to do st
Best at= excel at= succeed in=
  • Cân bằng cuộc sống

A balance between their work and lives=the balance between an individual's work and personal life=  the balance between family/life and work= a balance between their studies/schoolwork and the workload= a balance between their work and relaxation= a balance between campus and off-campus life >>Life balance >>
Work/life balance
providing means for working mothers and fathers to better balance their work-life commitments

>> imbalanced=  work-life conflict
  • Các hoạt động khác
Concentrate on= focus on= emphasise on= pay attention to = take notice of
Get involved in= attend in= engage in
Other activities= non-academic activities= non-compulsory activities= non-required activities
In school= academic activities=
After school= extracurricular activities
Balance between campus and off-campus life
Encouraged= motivated= inspired= supported= urge= impel= give momentum|drive|force to do st= provide st with …
Prepare=assist=help=provide|offer assistance|aid to students
Make it easy= assist= provide them with assistance=offer assistance to them
Learn some skills= acquire/develop/master/hone/sharpen/improve/upgrade certain skills
Work as= get|land|take a job= follow/pursue job/employment/career opportunities as
Do some work= engage in working=land/get/take certain jobs=gain/obtain/secure/take up employment
To serve society=for societal developments= contribute to society= make a major contribution to N
Make great contribution= contribute to= exert favourable influences on the development|progress|growth|betterment of
Create a better world to live in= make greater contributions
>> build|construct|form|formulate|devise a happier world 
 >> the traditional value-based society
>> not only the older members of the family but also members of the community looked after the children
Employment=a job placement
Useful for their future careers= helpful for their future employment/jobs= useful for their career development/advancement
= secure high-paid jobs/employment opportunities/career opportunities= advance their careers=
 useful=advantageous=beneficial=practical= of major importance
Pay more= receive/obtain/gain/attain/earn higher/larger/handsome/competitive/huge/tremendous/enormous salaries/wages/pays/compensation
Labour market= in the workforce= in the work place= in the working environment= in the office
Life will become meaningless= contribute to a meaningful life= making their life inspirational
>> escape their mundane/tedious/routine/dull lives
>> provide an escape/pastime for sb
>> happiness/well-being/satisfaction

>> make their life even more meaningful beyond work
Doing active or creative things= get involved in physical/outdoor/after-school/extracurricular/recreational/leisure activities

See= view= observe= appreciate= 
Turn...into= transform ...into= change/alter/modify ...into
Benefit them as individuals=building individuals=individual training= build my capacity=instinctively individual abilities and goals that need to be identified and targeted

Give special names to particular days= create particular names for special days
make their activities publicized= draw  the general public's attention
Particular= notable=uncommon=unusual=peculiar=odd=strange

  • Phạm tội, vào tù
Become criminals= engage/involve/participate in criminal/delinquent/unlawful/illegal/prohibited activity/wrongdoing = break/violate/offend the law= commit crimes
Prevent= deter= restrain= suppress= thwart= discourage= impede= hold back
Prison=imprisonment=put sb in prison/in gaol/ in jail
Sent into the jail= put the whole/the entire number of delinquents into prison= imprison all criminals >> imprisonment
put all individuals breaking the law|violating the law|offending the law in jail
be/get thrown in jail
send every breaker of laws to prison|gaol
turn every breaker of laws into prisoners
sentence law-breakers in prison

jail sb for st
  • Tuân thủ luật

Obey= cling to= adhere to= conform to= stick to= follow
Rules=regulations= disciplines= laws= codes of conduct (=principles= instructions)
Set= establish= construct= formulate=devise (create)
Control (v)= monitor= manage=
>> parental controls, school controls

  • Thời gian
Long time= long hours= most of their time
Expect sb to spend long time= desire sb to devote their time >> push to study harder
>> focus on/concentrate on/emphasise on/place an emphasis on academic programs for a long time
>> time= hours
>> study= acquire >> knowledge acquisition/ academic activities/study
>> engage in academic activities
>> in the pursuit of academic objectives
"long time"= most of their time= the majority of their time
>> prolong/lengthen/extend their study time
less free time= less spare time= unable to attend in extracurricular/outdoor/after-school activities= incapable of developing their pastimes
>>  consumes a significant portion of children's free time

read or tell stories to children= indulge themselves to tell the stories to children= have time to read story or tell story for their children
Spend too much time watching TV and/or play video games=
Control= limit their children’ s TV and computer screen time= monitor their children’s use of TV and computers closely

Working hours= hours of work= the number of hours worked= hours worked= working length
For employees= for each person/individual= per employment week
>>  punish the illegal overtime work

>>  exploiting the workers and compelling them to uninterruptedly work over 10 even 12 hours a day with low overtime fee
  • Trả phí
Pay all the cost of studies= cover/bear/meet/afford the entire/whole fees/charges/expenses/expenditures
Fund=sponsor >> allocate money for /invest money in
Pay/cover/meet the costs
Student loans/borrow money from banks/student debts 
(tuition fees)
Spend= allocate= devote
Governments= the government|central|national|governmental administration|authorities|leaders|officials
Tiêu tiền= allocate/allot "tiền chính phủ" for= invest money in= provide sb with "financial support/aid/assistance"
Tiền chính phủ= "chính phủ" funding/budgets= public finances= public funds= government grants
Education= schooling >> educational systems= educaional facilities/buildings/infrastructures/structures
Health= well-being >> medication >> medical amenities
Spending a huge amount of money= the expenditure= the costs= the expenses= the huge sum
>> allot/allocate…for; invest… in
Support= render/provide/deliver direct assistance to participants in
Spend the money on children=  bringing up new stars
Sports competitions= these prestigious (sports) events

>> place an emphasis on …
  • Miễn phí
Free= free of charge= without asking/requiring tuition fees

  • Khả năng tài chính
Financial background= financial condition= economic background

  • Quan trọng, hiệu quả, 
>> of  profound/immense (ko phải immerse)/key/major importance
>> play a vital/crucial/pivotal...role in

The most= key=decisive=vital=crucial= be of utmost importance

>> play a vital part in our lives
Effectively=advantageously=fruitfully=suitably=appropriately=properly (improper nhưng inappropriate)
Effective= compelling= useful= practical=pragmatic
Not good= inefficient= futile= fruitless=unsystematic
Does not Work= ineffective= disadvantageous= fruitless=unproductive= in a weak position= at a disadvantageous
Interesting= favourable=intriguing=fascinating= desirable
Become cheaper= at affordable prices= be low cost
Accessible= gain access= be available

Benefit >> feel privileged/advantaged/honoured
Are not needed= unnecessary= non-essential= unimportant= trivial= insignificant
Cheap= low-cost = at affordable prices >> cost reduction/saving >> a reduction in cost
Accessible= available=reachable
  • Sự ích kỷ và cá nhân

Greed and selfishiness= avarice and egoism
>> society plagued|troubled|afflicted|beleaguered|harassed by avarice and egoism
>> This modern attitude of self-interest 
Traditional values= cultural values= moral values >> local customs/traditions
>> cling to
>> retrace the golden times when we valued traditions and respected the family and community 
>> create a new society which has both material wealth and prosperity, and respect for the family and community as well
>> selfishness and excessive desire is pervaded everywhere
>> please himself with material acquisitions and possessions
>> acquiring wealth
>> greed and individualism

Tìm hiểu về lịch sử, quá khứ
Root-seeking trend
Retrace the heritage
the popularity of root-seeking 
Seeking the root of one's family has been gaining in popularity
>> discover/explore/ unearth/ reveal/ recognise/uncover/ detect family history
>> the sense of belonging(the family tree/the records of family history for past generations>> forebears/ancestors/decendants)
>> recovering the traditions/traditional values (respect the elderly relatives)
  • Lựa chọn
Choose= select=opt to do= opt for >> selection/choice/preference/appetite
A good way for them= an decent/qualified/appropriate alternative/choice/selection/preference=a optimal/ultimate/ideal/impeccable method/methodology/mode of learning

Sunday, July 26, 2015

6 bước

Bước 1: Đọc đề, xác định dạng, tìm các ideas (perspectives), 3-3 thì fully, còn 2-2 chỉ adequately, 2-3 (cái nào ủng hộ sẽ nhiều hơn, ko ủng hộ cho ít đi) thì ko rõ, chắc 8.5
Bước 2: Xác định synonyms cho topic sentences, lưu ý phải đủ 3-4 synonyms để dùng cho paraphrase "mở bài", "kết bài" và "các topic sentence"
Bước 3: Viết mở bài và kết bài đầu tiên
Bước 4: Viết các body, lưu ý forms cho topic sentences
Bước 5: Học các loại câu khác nhau
Bước 6: đọc lại soát lỗi, nếu paraphrase kiểu "Apart from...." thì triển khai tiếp

Lexical resource và grammatical

Lexical resource
- từ viết không bị sai
có 2 loại từ là từ cho topics
band 6: "adequate", band 7 là "sufficiently", band 8 là "a wide range"
"uses a wide range of vocabulary for the task"
từ cho topic nhưng "less common" + "collocations"; band 7+8 cần "collocations" cho "less common words"
less common words được hiểu là từ academic, hoặc big words...
VD: environment >> ecology, nếu collocation thì vd "disrupt/damage the natural ecology"
band 8 cần "skilfully" cho "collocations", band 9 cần "sophisticated"
>> khi học, cần hỏi "less common words" và "collocations"

band 6: ƒ uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
band 7: uses a variety of complex structures
band 8:  uses a wide range of structures
band 9: uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy
>> "a wide range" thì chắc cần "which", "which" rút gọn (để lên đầu hoặc để cuối câu để tạo flexibility), câu điều kiện, since/as/because of, due to, despite, câu đảo ngữ (inversion),
>> flexibility thì không có lặp cấu trúc câu hoặc đổi vị trí, ví dụ không dùng "because" 2 lần trong 1 bài...
+punctuation thì lưu ý: compound sentences
"including" hoặc "as" hoặc "whereas" hoặc "in particular" có dấu comma, nhưng "such as", "since", "while" thì không có

Coherence and Cohesion

- có 2 yếu tố quan trọng gồm dùng cohesive devices và paraphrasing
+ paraphrasing
band 6: uses paragraphing, but not always logically
band 8: uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately
band 9: skilfully manages paragraphing
>> phát triển "synonyms", "skillfully" thì có thể hiểu "In addition to + paraphrasing cho ý trước" thay vì nói mỗi "In addition," Hoặc trước mỗi ý lớn có thể nói "From the economic perspective,..."/"On the safety ground,..." hoặc thay vì dùng synonyms có thể dùng "diễn đạt bằng clauses",
>> "sufficiently" thì có thể hiểu số lượng "key words" không bị lặp
>> "appropriately" nghĩa là paraphrase ko sai
+ cohesive devices: gồm reference và linking words
band 6: "may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately"
>> dùng "this", "it"...>> nên thay bằng "this form of art" (nghĩa là paraphrase lại từ đó)
band 6: " uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical"
>> dùng sai hoặc bỏ cohesive devices đi câu vẫn giữ nguyên ý nghĩa
>> "mechanical" cũng có thể "bị lặp"
band 7: "uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-use"
>> "over-use" là sử dụng quá nhiều "linking words", nên hạn chế dùng linking words và thay thế bằng các "reference"
>> "under-use" là ko có "linking words" hoặc "reference",
band 8: " manages all aspects of cohesion well"
>> phần lớn dùng "reference", "tăng cường paraphrase các main ideas: in addition to...",
yếu tố "logically và sequence" dễ dàng đạt được nếu có dàn bài sẵn

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cấu trúc phức hoặc complex trong map

- Beginning in the westernmost section of the island, the beach has offered a swimming area.
>> Tận dụng từ "offer" cho the town, city... rồi cộng thêm từ chỉ vị trí hướng
VD: The town has offered a car park, located in the south of the hotel. (câu trước đã nói hotel rồi)
- Looking southward from the reception area, the pier can be seen extending into the ocean into a T shape.
>> Áp dụng cấu trúc này phải thay được từ "extending" bằng động từ khác, thấy có từ "running"/"moving" hoặc thấy vật X ở trong vật Y (a boat in a river)
>> Looking southward from the reception area, we can observe that small huts have been constructed to (từ chỉ chức năng) accommodate visitors to the island.
- The new facilities on the island include a pier, where boats can dock.
>> từ chỉ chức năng làm adj clause:
+ road:
crossing|passing this area from west to east;
running from the south east of the city to the north west;
connecting the pier with the reception and restaurant
+ houses:
accommodate visitors...
There were two school buildings, accommodating 600 students altogether, separated by a path running from the main entrance to the sports field in the east.
In 1968, this area was underdeveloped, with only one road oriented to the city and a shipside on the west river bank.
The entrance and the toilets will exchange their places, with the former directly leading to an oval reception.
Ten years ago, in the southwest of the center was situated the entrance, through which people had access to a reception are, with a coffee bar and the toilets lying to its east.

** các cấu trúc về sự thay đổi
- cranes, which were used in 1980, no longer exist now.
- a sailing club has been erected at the position where the crane used to be.
- in place of the lobby and office areas, which are shown on the existing plan, the new gallery plan displays an education an education area and a small storage area.
- on the south of the river, the warehouse has been transformed into apartments, which are located in the middle of a parking area and a new hotel.
>> South of the river is apartments, which are transformed from the warehouse. >> google ko thấy cách này
** whereas, while, but
Vị trí
A farmland occupied the northeast corner, while a forest park was established south to the farmland.
There were residential houses in the northwest corner, but those houses were demolished in 1980 to make way for a car park and a science block.
Farmland was also destroyed and replaced by a sports field, while the playground in the southeast area still existed.
From 1980 to 2010, the car park was dramatically extended, and the sports field was moved a little to the east, forcing the playground to become smaller.
On the north of the river, the warehouse on the west has been converted into the education centre while the one on the east has been removed to make way for a kids' playing area.
** and (compound)
From 1980 to 2010, the car park was dramatically extended, and the sports field was moved a little to the east.
There is also a short road linking the pier with the reception and restaurant, and footpaths connect the huts.
** cấu trúc lạ
Entering the centre by the entrance, people would see the No.2 court on the right hand.
North to the park located tennis courts numbered from 3 to 14.
Opposite the bushes saw a giant court at the northeast corner.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Maps- para

- a housing/residential/inhabited|populated estate/zone/region/area/place
>> the lodging
>> a small-scaled residential area/ a residential area with a great scale
- an industrial|trading estate/zone/park/area
- a commercial|business|office area/park
Roads: là thứ có thể viết hay nhất trong bài
the well-suited traffic facilities
(major) transportation|transport links|routes|networks|infrastructure
the transport infrastructure was improved
main roads= arterial roads= major roads
>> có 2 main roads thì "one of the main roads|the eastbound road| the west-east road|the road running south-north"
a railway line
>> thay thế intersection: all major roads terminate at the centre' outer edge.
no traffic zone
>> there is a no traffic zone, so there would be no access to X by car.
>> lacks of transportation| the absence of transportation
>> The railway was shortened.
>> The old path will then connect these to the new building number 3,no longer running to the main entrance
tòa nhà
a block of shops had been opened on the river bank
some entertainment facilities
accommodation buildings
>> other (physical) structures|infrastructure
>> bungalows= small huts (nhà 1 tầng)
cảng biển
tàu ra vào: cruise liners busying to and fro the harbour|the port
the river functioned as a port where goods were stored and transported
tàu neo đậu: freight ships moored in the northeast dock
cần cẩu: cranes were equipped on the north bank to lift heavy goods and upload the ships which anchored on the water

a north-to-south river with a branch flowing from the west to east
a foot bridge has been built across the river
the new district expanded to the opposite side of the river
opposite to the woods, there was a small-scaled residential area on the east (river) bank
run through/cross/pass/orient to/be built/intercross with each other|connect/link st to/with st
run through the entire town form the northwest to the southeast.
a railway goes across it
be accessible by train or by parking on the edge of the central business district
access to this shopping centre will be by either car or train
( ko dungf "get to X by car")
a road is built south to the existed one/to the south of...
Two main roads with different directions of north-south and east-west intercrossed with each other in the west of the old district

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


chú ý thì của động từ: 2004 và 2024
The maps illustrate how a school site is planned to be developed over a 20-year period.
The map details a tiny, undeveloped island's transformation into a peaceful 'getaway' type of travel destination.
The diagrams illustrate some changes to a small island which has been developed for tourism.The map shows the growth of a village called Chorleywood between 1868 and 1994.
Overall: sự thay đổi nổi bật

  1. Overall, there will be extensive developments with regards to construction of buildings, facilities and roads in the school site during these 20 years.
  2. Overall, the village saw considerable growth in the development of new inhabited areas during this period which increased in volume as well as speed towards the end of the 20th century. Furthermore, the developments, both in the establishment of new populated areas and transportation routes, occurred over four phases
  3. Overall, neither site is appropriate for all the towns, but for customers in Cransdon, Hindon and Garlsdon, the out-of-town site (S1) would probably offer more advantages.
  4. It is clear that significant changes will be made in terms of the use of floor space in the gallery. There will be a completely new entrance and more space for exhibitions.
  5. It is clear that the village grew as the transport infrastructure was improved. Four periods of development are shown on the map, and each of the populated areas is near to the main roads, the railway or the motorway.
  6. It is clear that the island has changed considerably with the introduction of tourism, and six new features can be seen in the second diagram. The main developments are that the island is accessible and visitors have somewhere to stay.
  7. Overall, a mostly barren, uninhabited island was transformed into a quaint, attractive tourist resort complete with lodging, a restaurant, and water sports facilities.

8 cấu trúc

  • Từ chỉ hướng (The points of compass)

+ be located/situated in the west
+ lies in the west
+ can be seen in the west
e.g. northwest >> northwestern >> northward (adj) + northwesternmost >> northwards (adv)
>> look northward # observe northwards "for the sake of" look + adj

1. The hospital is located (intermediate)|situated|placed|positioned  in the northwest corner|area|part|site|section of the map|city.
>> the possible location|sit

2. There is designated swimming area for tourists off a beach on the northwest tip of the island.
(tip dùng cho island)

3. In the northwest, there is a hospital.
4. The hospital is located north of the parking area.
5. North of the parking area is a hospital.
6. A hospital lies/is to the north of the lake.
7. The hospital is located in the westernmost section of the city.

8. Near both the northern and southern coasts, the lodging was composed of bungalows.9. From 1922 to 1970, along the southern part of the newly-built railway, two large areas took shape.
10. Looking southward from the reception area, the pier can be seen extending in the ocean into a T shape.11. Beginning in the westernmost section of the island, the beach now offered a swimming area.
(dùng ở đầu Body 1)
--> tạo complex sentences: đưa từ chỉ hướng lên đầu
12. A southbound motorway was built linking the railway and the eastbound main road.

  • Từ chỉ vị trị (Other useful language of location)

  1. In the centre of the town, there are two bridges crossing the river.
    (how abt: (1) "T
    here are two bridges crossing the river in the center of the town"
    and (2) "In the centre of the town, two bridges cross the river"
    and (3) "Two bridges, in the centre of the town, cross the river"
    and (4) "Two bridges, crossing the river, are placed in the centre of the town"
    >> "in the centre of the town" phải đứng sau danh từ chính trong câu "two bridges", e.g. There are two bridges in the centre of the town.
    Câu (1) thì "in the..." ko biết bổ nghĩa cho "river" hay bridges", câu (2) thì 2 vế ko có quan hệ, nếu sửa thành "In the centre of the town, people built two bridges" thì lại ok. Câu (3) thì ok nhưng trông là lạ. Câu (4) ok
  2. The other physical structures that have been added are a reception building, in the middle of the island >> "in the middle" đóng vai trò là "bổ nghĩa" cho "a reception building", bỏ đi cũng được. Nếu bỏ dấu "," đằng trước "in the middle" thì như 
  3. On the bank of the river/On the coast of the sea/ocean
  1. S1 is located between the main road and the railway to Hindon.
  2. Between the groups of bungalows, a large reception area and a restaurant were constructed.
close to/next to
  1. Both supermarket sites are close to the railway that runs through Garlsdon from Hindon to Cransdon
  1. The first possible site for the shopping mall, S1, is just north of the city centre, above the railway line, which runs from the south east of the city to the north west.

Động từ
Run along
>> The railway line runs along the coast.
>> Running along the coast is the railway line.


  1. The main road connects Hindon and Garron.
  2. The area's only road connected these two structures to the pier.
  3. Hindon is linked to Garron by the main road.
  4. the two original buildings are going to be joined together
  5. There is also a short road linking the pier with the reception and restaurant, and footpaths connect the huts.

  1. There were also two school buildings, accommodating 600 students altogether, separated by a path running from the main entrance to the sports field in the east.
  1. The school was surrounded by woodland in the north, south and east

Từ chỉ chức năng

  1. the island is accessible and visitors have somewhere to stay.
  2. small huts have been built to accommodate visitors to the island 
  3. the new facilities on the island include a pier, where boats can dock
  4. in 1909 a railway line was built crossing|passing this area from west to east. 
  5. the island is accessible and visitors have somewhere to stay
  6. small huts have been built to accommodate visitors to the island
  7. It is likely that the pier functioned, in part, to accommodate sailboats. 
  8. At present, visitors enter the gallery through doors which lead into a lobby. However, the plan is to move the entrance to the Parkinson Court side of the building, and visitors will walk straight into the exhibition area
  9. If it is built here, it will be next to a large housing estate, thus providing easy access for those living on the estate and in the city centre.

Từ chỉ số lượng

  1. có ít: Before these developments|In its original state, the island was completely bare apart from a few trees.
  2. In its original state, the island had no buildings, no facilities, no infrastructure, no vegetation and the only feature actually a part of it consisted of a few scattered palm trees. 
  3. Several buildings, facilities, and other structures were then constructed to attract tourists.
  4. Since then, another five living|residential areas| habitations were founded, scattering along the motorway.

  • Cấu trúc chỉ sự xóa bỏ

Động từ:
Nhà cửa bị phá bỏ: be deconstructed, vanish, be destroyed, be demolished, be knocked down
Câu cối bị chặt đi: be cut down, be devastated
Miêu tả cái gì biến mất nói chung: disappear

Danh từ
The destruction of, the demolition of , the devastation of, the disappearance of

The hospital was demolished/knocked down.
All the trees were cut down/chopped down.
The airport disappeared.

  • Cấu trúc chỉ sự xây mới
New development
The residential area was built|constructed|erected.
A park appeared.
There was a construction of a park.

  • A motorway was built to the east of the village, and from 1970 to 1994, further development of the village took place around motorway intersections with the railway and one of the main roads
  •  A large golf course and park in the west of the town prevents this area from being available as a site.

  • Cấu trúc chỉ sự thay thế
The replacement of something
The airport was demolished to make way for a new hospital.
All the trees were replaced by a stadium.
A stadium was established and replaced all the trees.
>> The housing area in the south of the town, on the coast, was replaced by residential blocks and a supermarket.
>> In place of the lobby and office areas, which are shown on the existing plan, the new gallery plan shows an education area and a small storage area.

  • Cấu trúc chỉ sự kéo dài mở rộng
    the extension of, the enlargement of
The car park near the river was expanded/widened/extended|enlarged.
The school became bigger.
The railway was lengthened.
The permanent exhibition space in the redeveloped gallery will be about twice as large as it is now because it will occupy the area that is now used for temporary exhibitions.
The expansion of Chorleywood continued to the east and west alongside the railway line until 1970. 
Looking southward from the reception area, the pier can be seen extending into the ocean into a T shape. 

  • Cấu trúc chỉ sự thu nhỏ
Be reduced in sizeBe diminished / the diminish of ST
The school was narrowed.
The car park became smaller.
The railway was shortened.
>> The old path will then connect these to the new building number 3, no longer running to the main entrance
  • Cấu trúc chỉ sự di chuyển
The stadium was moved/relocated to the north.
  • Cấu trúc chỉ sự giữ nguyên
The airport still remained/existed.

  • Tính từ/Trạng từ
significant, remarkably, dramatically, noticeable, considerable

Bài mẫu IELTS Quang Thắng

Process and cycle diagram

paraphrase của "the process"
- general: The diagram| The process|The illustration| The flowchart|  The flow diagram| The process flowchart| The functional flowchart| The process map| The process chart| The functional process chart| The process model| The process flow diagram| 
- specialised: The circular flow diagram|  The business process model| The work flow diagram| The business flow diagram 

- demonstrates| represents|showcases|illustrates|visualises|depicts|indicates
- cho process
1. the process|the procedure of soft cheese production
2. the dynamic process of soft cheese formation
3. the process for making soft cheese
4. the manufacture of soft cheese
5. how soft cheese is produced|manufactured|made
6. how soft cheese is produced
7. the process through which soft cheese is produced
(5-6-7 linh động hơn khi gặp đề khó)

- cho natural process: +/ the stages|steps in the life of a silkworm and the process of producing silk cloth
+/ the way in which water passes from ocean to air to land during the natural process known as the water cycle

Overview: có bao nhiêu bước và bước đầu, bước cuối
It is apparent|obvious that
+ there are three main/major stages in the life cycle of the silkworm, from eggs to adult moth
+ there are three main stages shown in the picture, beginning with evaporation of ocean water and culminating in running back into the oceans of the water.
+ there are a total of ten stages in the process, beginning with the growing of the pods on the cacao trees and culminating in the production of the chocolate.
It is clear that there are six distinct stages in this process, from the initial collection of waste paper to the eventual production of usable paper.
+ the process of silk cloth production involves six steps, from silkworm cocoon to silk material.

Phần body
First of all,
First off,
At/In the beginning,
The process commences/begins/starts when....
The process begin with + noun
In the first stage,...

Các bước tiếp theo
Over the course of/During the next/following/subsequent/second...stage
After this/that,...
>> <stage A>, after/following which <stage B>
The beans are then roasted at the temperature of 350 degrees Celsius, after which they are crushed and separated from their outer shell.

Following this/that,...
>> Once|When|After being....
e.g.: Once being ripe and red, the pods are harvested and then split open.
>> Following a period of ...,
e.g. Following a period of fermentation, these beans are laid out on a large tray.
>> Undergoing the fermentation processing,...
>> As a part of the process
e.g. Green tea is rolled as part of the process
>> chuyển cấu trúc: The teas are experienced the same stages, in which the leaves are grown and then plucked.

Bước cuối
1. Eventually| Ultimately| Finally,
2. The process ends when/with...
3. The final/last/eventual stage is when

Sản phẩm hoàn thiện
end products
finished products
completed products
e.g.: The end products are transferred|transported|delivered to purchasers|the market.

Chủ ngữ
They then experience the three consecutive pre-processes of raw apples, including washing, weighing and peeling.
The cutting stage comes next with peeled apples getting removed seeds, stems and any hard parts near the seeds before they are cut into small slices.

Make comparison (similarities and differences)

  • While/Whereas
while green tea is steamed before being rolled but is not fermented, the other two teas are first rolled and then both fermented (oolong only slightly but large leaf black completely)
  • In constrast
white tea is unique as it involves no other processing. In contrast, green, oolong and large leaf black tea are all rolled as part of the process.
  • neither...nor
small leaf black tea is neither steamed nor rolled, but is crushed before being fully fermented.--
Từ vựng
dựa theo: according to|based on|rooted in
đặt vào: place| put| locate at (in) | situate st in st| position