Tuesday, July 28, 2015


  • Người
students= learners= qualification seekers =>> graduates=college leavers
university students= undergraduate= students/learners studying at a university
Young people= young individuals= the youth= youngsters= juveniles= young adults= adolescents= individuals in their young age|early lives
Children= youngsters= young people= young generation= the youth= teenagers= juveniles
Nếu children= kids= young adolescents= young juveniles= young teenagers= young teens
Children btw 7 and 11=young teenagers= young delinquents= young children
With the ageing of a society= the aged/retired/ageing population= the older|senior people|employees >< young employees= mandatory retirement= to be forced out of employment= an older society= the old generation= workers approach/reach age 65 and in years beyond= workers reach/approach the retirement age

Children= wards= offspring= youngsters
Parents= biological parents=folks= their family (=working couples)
Teachers= educational authorities= instructors= tutors 
Friends= fellow students= peers= cohorts
University = university authorities= academy|college authorities= the university administration
Society= the general public=the populace= the entire population= the human society =the human race = human beings = humans =man = mankind = humanity = humankindThe society= the general public= the community= humankind=mankind= human beings
Adults=grown-up people= mature people= people coming of age= people reaching/growing to/approaching/coming to maturity
>> the life circumstance in which they grew up/became adults
Some groups= the disadvantaged= the underpriviledged=the deprived= the needy= students from the disadvantaged areas/backgrounds/conditions
Poor people= impoverished people= people living in poverty= people living below the poverty line
People from rural areas= people living|residing|dwelling|settling in rural/underdeveloped/poor/developing areas|regions= people living in the countryside
People=individuals=eaters=consumers= customers
Criminals= Delinquents= wrongdoers=lawbreakers= people breaking/violating laws/regulations/rules

Professional workers= professionals= well-educated/well-trained employees =  any person who earns their living from a specified activity= commonly engaged in creative and intellectually challenging work= members of the profession with the particular knowledge and skills
People in the field/area/activities of sports= athletes= sports stars
People in the field/area/activities of entertainment= celebrities= entertainment stars
(fields= aspects=sides= facets= dimensions)
Doctors= healthcare professionals= physicians= general practitioners
The workers= job holders= the staff= employees=
Employers= recruiters= managers= the company authorities/administration
Prospective/potential/ideal/appropriate job candidates/applicants/ jobseekers
Good citizens and workers= productive members of society= have excellent personality as inhabitants and employers
  • Vật
Junk food= snack food= food with little nutritional value
company= corporation= firm= enterprise= organisation (plants=manufacturers=factories)
>> the business leader= the company authorities/administration= entrepreneurs= 

Individuals= workers=
Society= the people= the community=>> plants/manufacturers
>> Personal use of machines 
>> Industrial use of machines 
Historical objects/relics/items= historical collections

works of art= art works= art-related/artistic products
People= a high population
Agricultural/village areas= rural areas= rural environments
Cities= metropolitan|urban|municipal areas/environments/regions/zones >> modernised|industrialised|developed areas

Countries=nations= states >> government leaders of several countries….
public museums= concrete museums
Art galleries=
Workplaces = vocations= jobs/(particular) careers/professions>> employers
the success of career= a thrive and robust career = a satisfying/brilliant/distinguished/glittering career
>> devote much more time in working life=  the effort in a vocation= occupational endeavor

External influence= factors external to the family =  social factors= social factors outside of the family= other environmental factors
Family life= >> fine/poor upbringing/rearing/education >> nurtured/reared/ brought up in a positive enriching environment >> a dysfunctional home/ family problems
>> parent-child relationships
Parental influences/impacts/effects
Boarding school= residential schools= schools with residential houses/buildings/halls
>> these educational institutions
>> boarders
>> Send sb to boarding schools = place….into=put...into=
Charities and organisations= not-for-profit organisations= non-profit organisations= charitable organizations 
  • Sự phát triển của trẻ
Children's development= child development/growth= a child’s development= the development of children= the way that their child develops as they get older
(>> skills, behaviors, awareness, intellectual well-being)

future adult life= future adulthood= they come of age= become maturity= children’s future life= children’s future development/growth= the development of the offspring/youngsters
  • Sự di chuyển, chuyển giao

Movement= transition=>> geographic relocation/moving/resettlement/repositioning
>> the inflow/influx/arrival of new inhabitants/residents/dwellers/citizens
>> migrate/shift/leave
>> the rural populace
  • Khoảng cách địa lý
beyond the physical boundaries of their officelocation constraints (blur/transcend/exceed)

  • Dẫn đến, bởi vì

Cause= is the root of= result in= lead to= give rise to= contribute to
Because of = due to= owing to
As a result= By dint of
to stem from| provoke| arise from 

  • Thời gian
in the past= in history= some time ago= in earlier times= previously
Recently=lately= in recent years= in the last/past few years
Nowadays= today= these days= currently=at present = at the present time = in current/modern/contemporary/present-day society= In this age of change= In this day and age
 >> the current trend/circumstance
In the (near/distant/foreseeable) future= in the years ahead= in the years to come >> in due course
  • Số lượng
various = numerous= countless = a wide range of =a wide variety of =a wide array of =a host of =a multitude of =a vast number of =a myriad
Everyone=individuals at all ages
all= the whole/entire number/quantity of
All the lawbreakers= the entire/whole number|quantity of lawbreakers/criminals| delinquents|law-breakers|law-violators|law-offenders|offenders|wrongdoers

>> perpetrators ˈpɜː.pə.treɪ.təʳ (penetrate into: thấm qua hoặc penetrate=understand)
More and more= a growing|increasing|ever-increasing number|figure|quantity= an upsurge in= a surge in
Not enough= inadequate=insufficient
>> number/quantity
All mothers and fathers= the entire number/quantity of parents= each couple
Common things= widely-used= commonplace ways
Most common= prevalent= widely-used= major= key=

The development= the trend= the tendency= the phenomenon >> be widely promoted/recognised
Become increasingly popular=>> gaining/growing in popularity>> this trend/tendency/phenomenon >> a growing number of>>  shift attention/attention/focus onto the trend of sending their kids to...
The most important thing= one of the utmost/greatest jobs
Gender imbalance=gender inequality= the tension/conflict between sex=gender prejudice= gender favouritism= gender preference= gender discrimination
Gender balance= gender equality= a gender-fair environment= the balance between men and female
The underpresentation= females are underrepresented= considered unable/incapable/unqualified of any university subject= a shortage of| the inadequacy| the insufficiency| in the absence of|without a adequate/sufficient number of females
The ascendancy/ the dominance/the superiority of women= the prominent positions of women= women-dominated profession= fields which have been traditionally dominated by females= the women only profession= the exclusive| sole right of females to work in the field
Employ= hire
equal numbers of men and women workers= the same number of male and female as an employee= the  equal numbers of both sexes
workers having equal proportions of each gender = Having the same number of men and women= equal numbers of males and females
>> construction workers + distinct discrepancies in physical and mental health

>> no sexual discrimination|favouritism|preference as well as dramatic promotion of women's social status + family income boosts

  • Lợi, hại, vấn đề, giải pháp, khó khăn
benefits=merits=advantages=plus points=virtues= stand them in good stead
Problems=disadvantages=drawbacks=shortcomings= demerits= limitations=restrictions
Problems= issues= this phenomenon= this trend= this tendency
Serious= enormous= grave= acute= severe=harsh= great
Problems= issues= situations= (add) (major) complications= challenges=
Measures= actions= methods= approaches= tactics= instruments…

Solve= overcome= deal with= tackle= cope with= combat/fight against= address= prevent= deter= suppress
Deal with= well prepare= cope with= tackle= combat= fight against= struggle with= prevent= deter= suppress= hamper= hinder= obstruct= impede
Limit= restrict= restrain (restraint (n))= curb= curtail= inhibit
>> impose/place a limitation/restriction on
The way= method= approach= technique= strategy= tactics=measure
Impossible= a complex task= an unachievable aim= a persistant/lasting/permanent problem= hurdles/difficulties/...
Difficult= have a hard time= experience difficulties in= struggle "to do st"/with
Eliminate=  put an end to= eradicate= curb
Banned= prohibited= forbidden fəˈbɪd= put/place a ban on
Introduce= enact= adopt= pass= impose= place
A law= a regulation= a restriction

Reasons=factors=causes= explanations
Case= situation= circumstance
  • Tự do 

Optional= voluntary = elective (Ame)
>> be given/allowed/permitted/enjoyed unrestricted freedom to choose/select/opt 
  • Sự xa lánh của bố mẹ

Parental alienation/separation
>> a feeling of isolation/elimination/exclusion/segregation/seclusion
>> feel excluded/expelled/isolated
  • Ý kiến 
Opinion: in my opinion= from my perspective= it seems to me that= I believe that= I think that= I argue that
Agree= accept=approve of
Disagree= beg to differ on st=object that/ to do st

  • Mục đích
For= in order to= for the sake of= for the purpose of= in view of
(perform/serve/fulfill) Functions (of) =roles=tasks=(reach/attain/fulfil/achieve) objectives=targets=aims
Main= chief= primary= prime= principal

Purpose= object= aim= goal= objective= target= role=function= intention= with intent to

  • Model verb
Should= be advised to= be supposed to= be expected to= be anticipated to
Should not be required/forced/compelled/obliged= under an obligation to do st
Be made to = be forced to = 
Responsible for= bear/shoulder/take responsibility for= in charge of 
Has the right= to be licensed to do st= hold/have a licence to do st

Can=be able to= be capable of= be equipped to do= have the ability to do
Tend to= be likely to= have potential for= increase/raise the likelihood/odds of
Always= get accustomed to/tend to
  • Các cấp học
In formal education= in an academic environment=  in the university=in the university environment= at colleges= at modern colleges= in some subjects on campuses

primary schools= elementary schools

Higher education= tertiary education= third level education= post-secondary education= formal learning after secondary education=further  education= continuing education = postgraduate education

  • Đi học
Study= learning process= knowledge acquisition= learning effort
Learn= acquire= obtain= gain= attain
Study= gain|acquire a deep/complete/proper/in-depth understanding|comprehension of their subjectsStudy=engage in=…=gain|acquire an clear understanding of
Learn= acquire = >> language acquisition|proficiency|fluency
Get access to university education= follow|chase|pursue university education| higher education

Receive=obtain=attain=achieve=gain=earn education in class= attend/participate in/engage in/sign up formal classes= formal courses= go to university to further education…= commute to school campus

School= educational institutions
Studying at university= attend college

In school= academic activities=

In schools and with teachers= formal classes/ formal courses/channels = with the direct/face-to-face assistance of teachers/trainers/instructors/tutors= formal education= traditional form of university education= attend in education in person
School subjects= school lessons

The training courses= the training programs/classes
Childcare= acquire general ideas about parenting
>> transforming childcare into a formal subject of academic studies
>> compelled to join childcare training

>> parents' participation in care training is advisable/recommendable
Lessons= academic exercises= instructions=lectures
Science subjects= science courses
>> scientists/researchers
>> causes/reasons/factors/impetus

>> cause/result in/ lead to/ give rise to

A foreign language= a foreign dialect

Educate= provide sb with needed information= help sb realise importance of healthy|sensible|balanced diets/meals/dishes (=train=instruct=teach=inform >> informative=instructive=educational)
Provide them with better education= educate= instruct= train
(education=schooling= useful/informative/instructional guidance= instruction)

start school at the age of seven= allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old
As early as possible= at/from an early age
Start schools= attend schools
>> going to school from younger ages
>>  send their children to school at a young age
>> enrol their children in schools at an early age

>> go to school at the earliest possible age
Subjects= fields= areas= courses
>> required courses
>> receive a rounded education
  • Mua mới, thay thế

Throw… and buy= replace their electronic equipment or household appliances with the latest/up-to-date version of these products| devices| items= purchase new products instead of repairing/fixing and reusing old ones
>> buy= purchase= comsume frequently/constantly
>> frequent purchasing habit/behaviour= unrestrained consumption
>> increases in people's income/provide citizens with more disposable income
Replace obsolete machinery/machines/equipment
  • Thải ra

Throw away= discard= discharge=dump= dispose= release= emit
>> contaminate//taint water and soil when toxic chemicals are leaked >> environment contamination
>< decontaminate= purify= cleanse
>> speeds up/accelerate/stimulate the consumption of natural resources
  • Ở cộng đồng
In the community= in the society= in the local areas
  • Tại nhà

Home= the place of residence= the living/inhabited place
>> home-working
  • Trên thế giới

Around the world= on the global scale= at the international level
  • Làm việc

Work= do/perform jobs= carry out/conduct/perform/fulfil/accomplish/complete/succeed in tasks
work is Done= performed= completed= accomplished
  • Chăm sóc

Care=take care of= look after= pay attention to= take notice of
be uninformed about= ignorant of= unaware of
  • Sử dụng công nghệ

Using= utilising= applying= adopting= employing=exploiting=taking advantage of
Modern technology= technological progress/development/achievement/ breakthroughs/advances= advances/breakthroughs in technology

>> mechanisation vs labour/manual work
Machines= modern technology= robots= intelligent machines= automated system 
Using computers=employing  modern technologies= the widespread of computer technology=  the Internet technology
>> visit the museums and galleries online website
>> real objects >> careful inspection/examination
>> virtual images | digital signals (video/texts)
>> visitors
  • Đi học nước ngoài
Go to another country = travel to another nation/country= study overseas= study abroad
>> pursue/follow/chase/quest educational opportunities overseas
>> pursuit of/quest for
>> studying abroad/overseas
>> overseas trips/students

  • Học từ xa
Distance-learning programs|courses= distance learning=e-learning= this state-of-the-art education model= online courses= televised teaching= virtual schools
>< conventional/traditional/physical schools
Mode/method of teaching
Internet >>computer-based learning/distance learning
Television=the small screen
 >> to broadcast/televise/screen/air/launch/show

  • Tự học
Self-study= study on their own way= study by themselves

 let children independently read= read books or find other kinds of entertainments by themselves|on their own
  • Ở nhà
Home=the place of residence
  • Ở nơi khác

Live with= stay with= reside in/settle in/dwell in different cities
Live away from= choose to migrate to other cities= leaving home as a young adult= move away from home >> going universities away from home

>> ease the transition| movement
In different cities= located/situated/placed in other cities=
>> living overseas/abroad
  • Dạy học
Modes/methods/methodologies of teaching
Not exist= non-existent= be on/stand on/hover on the brink/verge/edge of extinction| death

“for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong”
>> moral education| ethics
>> teaching moral and social values in schools
>> to correct students’ behaviours and improve their moral values
>> the moral development of young people
>> ethical principles and moral values as well as a collection of ideals
>> standards of morality
>> unethical| immoral| dishonourable people
>> studying and analyzing right from wrong| the right thing to do
>> distinguish/differentiate btw acceptable and accusable| detestable behaviours

Teach = impart|convey|deliver knowledge of a given field to students= obtain/receive a good education
Translate knowledge of a subject into course materials and impart them to students
Judge= analyse = assess= evaluate= examine
Behave well= well-behaved= well-mannered= behave in a polite way
>> modification in young people’s behaviours

  • có năng khiếu
Have talent for it= excel at= adept at= proficient in= be competent to do st
Best at= excel at= succeed in=
  • Cân bằng cuộc sống

A balance between their work and lives=the balance between an individual's work and personal life=  the balance between family/life and work= a balance between their studies/schoolwork and the workload= a balance between their work and relaxation= a balance between campus and off-campus life >>Life balance >>
Work/life balance
providing means for working mothers and fathers to better balance their work-life commitments

>> imbalanced=  work-life conflict
  • Các hoạt động khác
Concentrate on= focus on= emphasise on= pay attention to = take notice of
Get involved in= attend in= engage in
Other activities= non-academic activities= non-compulsory activities= non-required activities
In school= academic activities=
After school= extracurricular activities
Balance between campus and off-campus life
Encouraged= motivated= inspired= supported= urge= impel= give momentum|drive|force to do st= provide st with …
Prepare=assist=help=provide|offer assistance|aid to students
Make it easy= assist= provide them with assistance=offer assistance to them
Learn some skills= acquire/develop/master/hone/sharpen/improve/upgrade certain skills
Work as= get|land|take a job= follow/pursue job/employment/career opportunities as
Do some work= engage in working=land/get/take certain jobs=gain/obtain/secure/take up employment
To serve society=for societal developments= contribute to society= make a major contribution to N
Make great contribution= contribute to= exert favourable influences on the development|progress|growth|betterment of
Create a better world to live in= make greater contributions
>> build|construct|form|formulate|devise a happier world 
 >> the traditional value-based society
>> not only the older members of the family but also members of the community looked after the children
Employment=a job placement
Useful for their future careers= helpful for their future employment/jobs= useful for their career development/advancement
= secure high-paid jobs/employment opportunities/career opportunities= advance their careers=
 useful=advantageous=beneficial=practical= of major importance
Pay more= receive/obtain/gain/attain/earn higher/larger/handsome/competitive/huge/tremendous/enormous salaries/wages/pays/compensation
Labour market= in the workforce= in the work place= in the working environment= in the office
Life will become meaningless= contribute to a meaningful life= making their life inspirational
>> escape their mundane/tedious/routine/dull lives
>> provide an escape/pastime for sb
>> happiness/well-being/satisfaction

>> make their life even more meaningful beyond work
Doing active or creative things= get involved in physical/outdoor/after-school/extracurricular/recreational/leisure activities

See= view= observe= appreciate= 
Turn...into= transform ...into= change/alter/modify ...into
Benefit them as individuals=building individuals=individual training= build my capacity=instinctively individual abilities and goals that need to be identified and targeted

Give special names to particular days= create particular names for special days
make their activities publicized= draw  the general public's attention
Particular= notable=uncommon=unusual=peculiar=odd=strange

  • Phạm tội, vào tù
Become criminals= engage/involve/participate in criminal/delinquent/unlawful/illegal/prohibited activity/wrongdoing = break/violate/offend the law= commit crimes
Prevent= deter= restrain= suppress= thwart= discourage= impede= hold back
Prison=imprisonment=put sb in prison/in gaol/ in jail
Sent into the jail= put the whole/the entire number of delinquents into prison= imprison all criminals >> imprisonment
put all individuals breaking the law|violating the law|offending the law in jail
be/get thrown in jail
send every breaker of laws to prison|gaol
turn every breaker of laws into prisoners
sentence law-breakers in prison

jail sb for st
  • Tuân thủ luật

Obey= cling to= adhere to= conform to= stick to= follow
Rules=regulations= disciplines= laws= codes of conduct (=principles= instructions)
Set= establish= construct= formulate=devise (create)
Control (v)= monitor= manage=
>> parental controls, school controls

  • Thời gian
Long time= long hours= most of their time
Expect sb to spend long time= desire sb to devote their time >> push to study harder
>> focus on/concentrate on/emphasise on/place an emphasis on academic programs for a long time
>> time= hours
>> study= acquire >> knowledge acquisition/ academic activities/study
>> engage in academic activities
>> in the pursuit of academic objectives
"long time"= most of their time= the majority of their time
>> prolong/lengthen/extend their study time
less free time= less spare time= unable to attend in extracurricular/outdoor/after-school activities= incapable of developing their pastimes
>>  consumes a significant portion of children's free time

read or tell stories to children= indulge themselves to tell the stories to children= have time to read story or tell story for their children
Spend too much time watching TV and/or play video games=
Control= limit their children’ s TV and computer screen time= monitor their children’s use of TV and computers closely

Working hours= hours of work= the number of hours worked= hours worked= working length
For employees= for each person/individual= per employment week
>>  punish the illegal overtime work

>>  exploiting the workers and compelling them to uninterruptedly work over 10 even 12 hours a day with low overtime fee
  • Trả phí
Pay all the cost of studies= cover/bear/meet/afford the entire/whole fees/charges/expenses/expenditures
Fund=sponsor >> allocate money for /invest money in
Pay/cover/meet the costs
Student loans/borrow money from banks/student debts 
(tuition fees)
Spend= allocate= devote
Governments= the government|central|national|governmental administration|authorities|leaders|officials
Tiêu tiền= allocate/allot "tiền chính phủ" for= invest money in= provide sb with "financial support/aid/assistance"
Tiền chính phủ= "chính phủ" funding/budgets= public finances= public funds= government grants
Education= schooling >> educational systems= educaional facilities/buildings/infrastructures/structures
Health= well-being >> medication >> medical amenities
Spending a huge amount of money= the expenditure= the costs= the expenses= the huge sum
>> allot/allocate…for; invest… in
Support= render/provide/deliver direct assistance to participants in
Spend the money on children=  bringing up new stars
Sports competitions= these prestigious (sports) events

>> place an emphasis on …
  • Miễn phí
Free= free of charge= without asking/requiring tuition fees

  • Khả năng tài chính
Financial background= financial condition= economic background

  • Quan trọng, hiệu quả, 
>> of  profound/immense (ko phải immerse)/key/major importance
>> play a vital/crucial/pivotal...role in

The most= key=decisive=vital=crucial= be of utmost importance

>> play a vital part in our lives
Effectively=advantageously=fruitfully=suitably=appropriately=properly (improper nhưng inappropriate)
Effective= compelling= useful= practical=pragmatic
Not good= inefficient= futile= fruitless=unsystematic
Does not Work= ineffective= disadvantageous= fruitless=unproductive= in a weak position= at a disadvantageous
Interesting= favourable=intriguing=fascinating= desirable
Become cheaper= at affordable prices= be low cost
Accessible= gain access= be available

Benefit >> feel privileged/advantaged/honoured
Are not needed= unnecessary= non-essential= unimportant= trivial= insignificant
Cheap= low-cost = at affordable prices >> cost reduction/saving >> a reduction in cost
Accessible= available=reachable
  • Sự ích kỷ và cá nhân

Greed and selfishiness= avarice and egoism
>> society plagued|troubled|afflicted|beleaguered|harassed by avarice and egoism
>> This modern attitude of self-interest 
Traditional values= cultural values= moral values >> local customs/traditions
>> cling to
>> retrace the golden times when we valued traditions and respected the family and community 
>> create a new society which has both material wealth and prosperity, and respect for the family and community as well
>> selfishness and excessive desire is pervaded everywhere
>> please himself with material acquisitions and possessions
>> acquiring wealth
>> greed and individualism

Tìm hiểu về lịch sử, quá khứ
Root-seeking trend
Retrace the heritage
the popularity of root-seeking 
Seeking the root of one's family has been gaining in popularity
>> discover/explore/ unearth/ reveal/ recognise/uncover/ detect family history
>> the sense of belonging(the family tree/the records of family history for past generations>> forebears/ancestors/decendants)
>> recovering the traditions/traditional values (respect the elderly relatives)
  • Lựa chọn
Choose= select=opt to do= opt for >> selection/choice/preference/appetite
A good way for them= an decent/qualified/appropriate alternative/choice/selection/preference=a optimal/ultimate/ideal/impeccable method/methodology/mode of learning

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