Monday, July 6, 2015

Ví dụ part 3 Speaking

Q: How do you feel about the modern biological technology?
A: Wow, it seems a hard question. We can't ignore that biological technology really bring us many benefits, such as to produce better medicines to cure people's disease or to make plants or animals grow faster. But what I am concerned more about the usage of these technologies. People right now can change the genes of certain species and clone animals in large amounts. Maybe in the future, people might use the technique to clone human beings and change peopled gene. This is what I am worried about. I have seen a fictional movie showing the disaster biological technology brought to the world. In the novel, it deeply described the scene of biological disturbance caused by cloning. So I hope scientists should take serious consideration on the range and purpose of its usage.
>> not esoteric and professional language but relevant information plus examples

Q: How has family life changed in your country over last 50 years?
A: Many aspects of family life have changed in China since the founding of the
People’s Republic of China. The greatest area of change probably revolves around the status and the role of women in Chinese society. In the past, women had no income and they had to depend on their husbands. But now women can do what they like and they have become much more independent. I think this is really a great change. Women have more freedom and their economic situation enable them a secure life. All of those would not happen at all during the former years.

Thêm Ví dụ cho "Why"
Q: Some scientists say that people are products of their environment, how far do
you agree, why?
A: Personally, I think that’s partly true. Actually, people arc the product of both nature and nurture. For example, aside from that gene, my father gave me many excellent qualities like good abstract thinking, since he is an engineer. However, I have many other characteristics, which may come from my upbringing. I have the desire to explore. You know, I often have many fanciful ideas that extremely puzzle my parents and beyond their imagination. In conclusion, I think both heredity and environment work on individuals greatly.

Nói rõ giải pháp cho problems
Q: What should the government do to improve the elderly people’s life?
A: I think the government should improve the welfare system to allow more elderly people to enter nursing house or something like this. Thus they can get better care and companionship. Besides, more actions should be taken by the government to benefit the old, such as putting aside seats particularly for the aged in buses and subways, setting up elderly dress counters in clothes stores and constructing sport facilities for them.

Loai benefits
Q: What are the benefits of advertisement?
A: Well, for manufacturers, the product advertisements can create awareness and preference of the company and products among its target of customers. For consumers, the advertisements communicate information about the commodities like its features or the location of sale. For a city as a whole, I think the out-of-home advertisements like posters and neon light advertisements add dynamic and vital scenes.

Loại future
Q: What kind of job do you think will be the most popular in the future?
A: I think industries like IT, Finance, Investment and Construction, etc. will be
more and more attractive to people and jobs like computer programmers will be in great demand in the future. Just taking a look around, computers are doing kinds of work instead of human beings. With the social hyper growth, the range of computers’ usage will undoubtedly extend, and naturally the programmers, electronicians and something relevant will be most popular jobs in the future.


1 Which should be emphasized in education, knowledge or creativity?
xxx 1: knowledge involves facts and skills; that’s essential
xxx 2: creativity allows someone to do original things with knowledge
2 What’s the role of jobs in people’s lives?
xxx1: keep them alive; pay for all kinds of bills and afford the house
xxx2: lead a meaningful life; do something useful to others and society
xxx3: enjoy work for their own sake; work gives them satisfaction and social personal esteem
Both of them are important to people and no system should only emphasize one. Knowledge involves facts and skills which are essential, but creativity allows you to do original things with your knowledge. If 1 had to emphasize one, personally, I would choose knowledge. Creativity has to base on knowledge, although it has greater significance to the growth of the society than knowledge. Without knowledge, creativity doesn’t mean anything.
2. xxx
Jobs play an important role in people’s life. First, most people needs jobs to keep them alive. They need income to pay for all kinds of bills and afford the house. Secondly, with the progress of economy, more and more people want to lead a meaningful life. They want to do something useful to others and society as a whole. Thirdly, there are also people who are enjoying work for its own sake. They meet lots of people and do interesting things for getting rid of the boring life. Working actually gives them mental satisfaction and brings social personal esteem.

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