Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cấu trúc phức hoặc complex trong map

- Beginning in the westernmost section of the island, the beach has offered a swimming area.
>> Tận dụng từ "offer" cho the town, city... rồi cộng thêm từ chỉ vị trí hướng
VD: The town has offered a car park, located in the south of the hotel. (câu trước đã nói hotel rồi)
- Looking southward from the reception area, the pier can be seen extending into the ocean into a T shape.
>> Áp dụng cấu trúc này phải thay được từ "extending" bằng động từ khác, thấy có từ "running"/"moving" hoặc thấy vật X ở trong vật Y (a boat in a river)
>> Looking southward from the reception area, we can observe that small huts have been constructed to (từ chỉ chức năng) accommodate visitors to the island.
- The new facilities on the island include a pier, where boats can dock.
>> từ chỉ chức năng làm adj clause:
+ road:
crossing|passing this area from west to east;
running from the south east of the city to the north west;
connecting the pier with the reception and restaurant
+ houses:
accommodate visitors...
There were two school buildings, accommodating 600 students altogether, separated by a path running from the main entrance to the sports field in the east.
In 1968, this area was underdeveloped, with only one road oriented to the city and a shipside on the west river bank.
The entrance and the toilets will exchange their places, with the former directly leading to an oval reception.
Ten years ago, in the southwest of the center was situated the entrance, through which people had access to a reception are, with a coffee bar and the toilets lying to its east.

** các cấu trúc về sự thay đổi
- cranes, which were used in 1980, no longer exist now.
- a sailing club has been erected at the position where the crane used to be.
- in place of the lobby and office areas, which are shown on the existing plan, the new gallery plan displays an education an education area and a small storage area.
- on the south of the river, the warehouse has been transformed into apartments, which are located in the middle of a parking area and a new hotel.
>> South of the river is apartments, which are transformed from the warehouse. >> google ko thấy cách này
** whereas, while, but
Vị trí
A farmland occupied the northeast corner, while a forest park was established south to the farmland.
There were residential houses in the northwest corner, but those houses were demolished in 1980 to make way for a car park and a science block.
Farmland was also destroyed and replaced by a sports field, while the playground in the southeast area still existed.
From 1980 to 2010, the car park was dramatically extended, and the sports field was moved a little to the east, forcing the playground to become smaller.
On the north of the river, the warehouse on the west has been converted into the education centre while the one on the east has been removed to make way for a kids' playing area.
** and (compound)
From 1980 to 2010, the car park was dramatically extended, and the sports field was moved a little to the east.
There is also a short road linking the pier with the reception and restaurant, and footpaths connect the huts.
** cấu trúc lạ
Entering the centre by the entrance, people would see the No.2 court on the right hand.
North to the park located tennis courts numbered from 3 to 14.
Opposite the bushes saw a giant court at the northeast corner.

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