Monday, June 29, 2015

Overall cho bar charts

A time period
No time period
- cao nhất, thấp nhất

Bài 1

- a time period
trend: tăng sau từng năm
the charts show an overall increase in participation in education and science from 1980 to 1990
- no time period
the figures for developed countries cao hơn those for developing countries

Bài 2

no time period
- British people spent significantly more money than people in the other three countries on all six goods
- Of the six items, consumers spent the most money on photographic film.

Bài 3:

a time period
- majority tăng
chú ý có 2 thời kì: 1990-1995: house prices fell, còn 1996-2002: most cities tăng
- tăng nhanh nhất là London

Bài 4

a time period
- three out of the four platforms rose each year, leading to a significant rise in total global turnover over the 7-year period
- cao nhất/ cao đôi: Sales figures for handheld games were at least twice as high as those for any other platform in almost every year.

Bài 5

no time period:
- bar 1: under 26 và over 49 là nhất
the proportion of students who study for career purposes is far higher among the younger age groups, while the oldest students are more likely to study for interest.
- bar 2: do bar 1 nói nhất rồi nên bar 2 nói "common"
Employer support is more commonly given to younger students.
Bài 6

No time period
It is clear that the most incidents and injuries took place on demand-response vehicles. By contrast, commuter rail services recorded by far the lowest figures

Bài 7

time period:
trend: tăng rồi giảm >> monthly figures for precipitation in Kolkata vary considerably, whereas monthly temperatures remain relatively stable
striking points
Rainfall is highest from July to August, while temperatures are highest in April and May

Bài 8:  stacked bar chart

no time period:
It is clear that the USA is by far the most successful Olympic medal winning nation.
It is also noticeable that the figures for gold, silver and bronze medals won by any particular country tend to be fairly similar.

Overview cho line graphs

Time period:
+ trend:
- all, majority (except) (except 1 hoặc 2 hoặc 3): tăng hoặc giảm hoặc fluctuation
>> chú ý loại fluctuation nhưng tăng/giảm: Despite the occurrence of extreme fluctuations, ...
- overall
>> chú ý có nhiều cái tăng/giảm, 1 cái giảm/tăng, 1 cái remain the same: The total amount of.... tăng hoặc giảm
- chia nhóm: nhóm tăng, nhóm giảm

+ a striking point
- highest (higher):
>> cao hơn tất cả các năm
>> cao hơn majority các năm
- tốc độ tăng/giảm cao nhất
- cắt nhau

No time period
- cao nhất, thấp nhất

Bài 1

a time period
- tất cả tăng
- USA và Canada cao hơn nhiều so với Mexico
- tốc độ tăng của Canada cao nhất

Bài 2

- despite fluctuations, tăng
- immigration cao hơn
- net migration cao nhất vào 2004 và 2007.

Bài 3

- the total amount of acid rain emissions giảm
- giảm mạnh nhất là Electricity

Bài 4

- global water: tăng, argriculture cao nhất
- table: brazil's water consumption per person cao hơn nhiều so với Công

Bài 5

- ko có trend tăng/giảm: nếu chia ra 2 khoảng thời gian thì lại rơi vào specific
>> ko có trend
- cao hơn: >> cần 2 câu để 1 câu thay cho trend
aged 16-24 cao hơn "the proportion of adults without work"
ở London thì cao hơn in the rest of England.

Bài 6

- trend: trend tăng ko rõ, chủ yếu remain
>> ko có trend
- cần 2 điểm đặc biệt
beef cao nhất for the majority of the 57-year period
broilers tốc độ tăng nhanh nhất và surpass beef cuối thời kì

Bài 7

- trend tăng mặc dù fluctuation
- tăng dramatic nhất là Japan

Bài 8

- trend: 1 tăng 1 giảm
- giao nhau vào 2006

Bài 9

- trend: car vs train tăng, bus giảm
- car cao nhất

Bài 10

- trend:
car ownership (1 +2 + 3 cars) tăng
2 cars tăng còn 0 car giảm >> có vấn đề

Friday, June 26, 2015

Luu y general statement in task 1

A time period: trend >> increase|decrease (except), higher (if 2 years)

1. Generally speaking, the three lines in the diagram fluctuated a lot.
>> This is too general and you should never use the word line/lines.
>> It does not clearly state a trend. Simply stating that something rose dramatically or fell rapidly is not enough as this is too descriptive. You must state which categories fell and which rose. Also, you should never refer to the different categories as lines. It is always necessary to explain what is changing (rising or. falling) by referring to what the figures represent. For instance, if you write about a diagram showing the rates of consumption of three types of fast food - pizzas, hamburgers, fish and chips, you cannot write:
Generally speaking, while pizzas fell, hamburgers and fish and chips rose
>> Generally speaking, while consumption of pizzas fell, the figures for hamburgers and fish and chips rose.

2. It can be dearly seen that, while sales for all categories rose over this time period, figures for Windows were usually higher than the other two.
This is a good general statement showing trends and which category was higher.
>> This clearly states not only a trend of movement (in this case sales in all categories rose) but also a trend of quantity (sales in one category - Windows - were usually higher than the other two).
3. In general, all three categories went up over this time period.
>> This shows a trend but uses the word up which is seen as too informal.
This general statement does state a trend of movement, but it does this by using the informal expression went up. Never use the words up or down because they are seen as being too informal.
4. Revenue for Windows was nearly always higher than the other two categories, Google and iPod, over a three-year period from 2004 to 2006.
>> This focuses on one category having a higher revenue than the other two but repeats information contained in':the introduction.
>> This general statement does state a trend of quantity, but at the end of the sentence, the phrase over a three-year period from 2004 to 2006 is probably repetition of information contained in the introduction. There is no need to state this twice. You could, however, say:
"Revenue for Windows was nearly always higher than the other two categories Google and iPod, over the same period of time."
5. An overview of this diagram shows that Windows climbed gradually and fell at the end, Google went up dramatically and iPod fluctuated a lot.
>> This is too general
6. A closer look at the diagram highlights the fact that the revenue for all three categories, Windows, Google and iPod, rose over this period of time.
>> This is a good general statement that explains the trend of three categories.


Generally speaking, despite the occurrence of fairly extreme fluctuations in UFO sightings, figures decreased over this time period (Intro dùng over an 11-year period from 1997 to 2007)
The table compares and contrasts data on the changes in the emission of CO2 in five different countries as a result of the production of energy and their relative ranks over a 21-year period from 1985 to 2005.
In general, CO2 levels for all countries rose over this time period with the notable exception of Japan which remained the same.

No time period: largest and smallest or categorize into two or three new groups

In general, the city with the largest population was in Asia, whereas the smallest city was in Europe. More specifically, Beijing had the largest population with 10.1 million people, making it just under three times larger than the smallest city, Berlin, with 34 million residents.

1. The two most expensive apartments are to be found in Europe, but the cheapest is in Asia.
2. Illiteracy levels are higher in the develbping countries but lower in the developed countries.
3. The longest and the shortest railway systems are both in Asia, but the oldest is in Europe.

Results of a questionnaire showing how many times teenagers in Australia use an iPod in a week to play videos in 2009.

The pie chart compares and contrasts data on how frequently iPods were used by Australian teenagers per week in 2009 to watch videos.
In general, more than half of the teenagers surveyed did not use an iPod to watch videos while the rest frequently used them for this purpose.

The percentage of deaths from heart disease and cancer and calories consumed from unrefined plant foods.

In general, the less developed countries eat more unrefined vegetables and also have less heart disease and cancer deaths than the developed countries.

However, in this diagram, we can see a very obvious relationship between the two factors. As one decreases, the other increases. This is referred to as a negative correlation. If one factor increases as the other increases, we could write about a positive correlation. Be careful and do not just assume that as one factor changes, it has an effect on the other. For example, you can write:
The bar chart compares and contrasts data on the relationship between heart and cancer fatalities and the amount of unrefined vegetables eaten in 12 countries  around the world.
In general, there is a very clear negative correlation between the two factors as people eat more unrefined vegetable, the rate of heart disease and cancer incidence falls.

You cannot write
In general, there is a very clear negative correlation between the two factors as the rate of heart disease and cancer incidence falls people eat more unrefined vegetables.

As the idea is the consumption of more vegetables reduces heart disease, NOT people eat more vegetables because they are dying of heart disease. This might be partly true but would not explain what is a more obvious connection between eating healthy food and a healthy body.
The bar chart compares and contrasts data on the literacy rates for both men and women in six developing countries over an 11-year period from 1990 to 2000.
In general, both men and women experienced increased levels of literacy in this time period.

The two charts provide data on changes in the number of car accidents, over a four-year period from 1997 to 2000, and figures for the number of deaths per 100,000 people in 2000 in eight countries.
In general, the number of road accidents increased in most countries with the highest frequency of deaths in Algeria.

Sample Task 1 đặc biệt

Về males and females

Duy trì Intro và General statement khoảng 50-60 từ
Số ít số nhiều: jogging, baseball... ko cần chia số ít số nhiều, ko có mạo từ

The table compares and contrasts data on six free time pursuits enjoyed by both males and females in three different age groups.
Generally speaking, the trend shows that as both men and women get older they prefer to participate in more solo activities than team sports.
The least preferred activity for males in the 36-45 age group was meditation with 3% participation whereas 12% of all females of the same age group surveyed did this activity. The biggest overall increase in percentage in any activity for women was for meditation which rose from 7% in the youngest age group to 42% in the oldest age group. The opposite sex, however, experienced the biggest change in fishing from 12% to 45%, a total climb of 33%. No change was seen in jogging at 31% in the two older age groups for women. Similarly, the same gender saw no variation for fishing which remained at 0% in the same two age groups. It is interesting to note that the biggest difference between the two sexes in any one age group and the same activity was for baseball in the youngest age group: men had 87% whilst the opposite gender had only 2%.

Đề tiếp
The diagram below shows time spent watching TV by age and gender in the UK in 1995 and 1999.

The bar chart compares and contrasts data on the changes in the amount of television watched per week by men and women from different age groups over a five-year period from 1995 and 1999.
In general, more television is watched by both men and women of 65 years old and above than any other group.
More specifically, both sexes in the oldest group watched a little over 35 hours per week in 1999. By contrast, the 4- to 15-year-old girls in 1995 and their 16- to 24-year old counterparts in 1999 watched the least with a little less than 17.5 hours each. The biggest difference between the two sexes in any age group was in the second youngest group where an approximate 17.5 hours was recorded for males and a viewing time of a little over 22.5 hours for the opposite gender in 1999. The only two age groups where both sexes experienced an increase in viewing time were for those viewers between 45 and 54 years of age and those between 55 and 64.

2 lines

The line chart compares and contrasts data on the changes in the consumption of two types of meat- pork and chicken- in America over a 44-year period from 1960 to 2003.
In general, although the amount of pork eaten surpassed that of chicken in the first two decades, the amount of chicken consumed for the rest of this period of time was always more than pork.
More specifically, over this time period consumption of pork fell to the lowest point in the mid 1970s, from the highest level of slightly less than 60 pounds per person in 1960 to a little over 40 pounds. Although pork remained the preferred meat from 1960 for over twenty years, by the 1985, the amount of chicken and pork eaten per person was exactly the same at a little over 50 pounds of meat. The biggest difference in consumption between the two white meats occurred in 2003 when slightly less than 80 pounds of chicken was eaten per individual but only a little more than 50 pounds of pork, a difference of about 30 pounds per person.

3 lines

The line chart compares and contrasts data on the changes in the consumption of three types of meat: pork, beef, and chicken in America over a 44-year period from 1960 to 2003.
In general, although the amount of beef eaten surpassed that of both pork and chicken in the first three decades, the amount of chicken consumed for the rest of this period of time was always more than the other two categories.
More specifically, while the consumption level of beef peaked in the mid 1970s with just less than 90 pounds of meat consumed, that of pork fell to its lowest point for this time period with a little over 40 pounds. Despite chicken being the least preferred meat from I960 to the early 1980s, the amount of chicken and pork eaten per person was then a little over 50 pounds of meat. Subsequently, chicken then became the most popular type of meat after equalling figures for beef consumption in the mid 1990s with over 65 pounds of both meats eaten per head.

Table: No period time

The table compares and contrasts data on the differences in the emission of carbon dioxide by nine private jets, fuel consumption and the hourly cost of flying each jet.
In general, although there is not a perfect correlation  between these three categories higher fuel consumption, and therefore, flight cost usually results in higher production levels of carbon dioxide.
Although the cost per hour of flying time is the same at $6,750, the number of gallons of fuel used per hour for the Challenger 605 is over 200 less than for the Gulfstream III at 280 and 488 gallons respectively. By contrast, the Hawker 400XP and 800XP jets both use the same amount of fuel at 188 gallons per hour but the cost of an hour's flight is $2,700 and $4,500 respectively. The two jets most similar in running cost and fuel consumption are the Learjet 60 and the Cessna Citaion XLS as they both cost $4,500 per hour and vary by only 5 gallons per hour in fuel consumption.


The two diagrams compare and contrast data on the preferences, for five types of media and nine activities, of 13- to 17-year-olds.
in general, television was voted as providing the best experience while the majority of 13- to 17-year-olds watched television and the minority of them read a comic book.
More specifically, television came top in three of the questions posed to the people interviewed. Percentages of 46%, 40% and 42% were given for it being the best media experience, the first to be used and the easiest to use respectively. The radio always received the lowest approval ratings with the notable exception of being the least likely media to be used first which was magazines with only 1% of the votes. While the majority of teenagers surveyed (9 out of 10) watched television, about 7% of them read a comic book. Indeed, reading any kind of material was always a lower priority than listening to music where (in complete contrast to the other survey) just over three quarters of teens interviewed listened to the radio or CDs.

Results of a survey from Taiwan explaining how students wanting to study overseas chose a university from 1998-2008.

same key points
The tables compare and contrast data on the changes in eight university selection priorities for male and female Taiwanese students considering studying abroad over an 11-year period from 1998 to 2008.
In general, ranking the cost of accommodation and tuition remained the most important factors in deciding which university to go to for both sexes over this period of time.
More specifically, although university ranking was the most important factor for both males and females in 1998 with 97% and 100% respectively, both sexes focused more on tuition costs in 2008 (97% and 95%). by contrast, teaching quality at 6% was the least important consideration for male students in 2008 whereas their counterparts felt that teaching methods were with only 2% of those surveyed selecting this. The biggest change in opinion for men was the teaching facilities, falling from 66% to 42% but for the opposite gender, it was language support with a drop from 39% to 21%.

Amount of area used for growing fruit between 1993 and 2006 in Washington State (USA)

The two bar charts compare and contrast data on the changes in the amount of land used to grow apricots, prunes and plums in three agricultural regions in Washington State in America over a 14-year period from 1993 to 2006.
In general, land devoted to growing all three kinds of fruit decreased in area with the notable exception of Wenatchee which began to use more land to grow prunes and plums.
More specifically, more land was devoted to growing prunes and plums in Yakima Valley than apricots despite a dramatic fall from a little more than 1,400 acres in 1993 to exactly 600 acres in 2006. The only area to experience a peak in land usage was in Wenatchee in 2001 with lightly more than 450 acres being used to grow apricots. From 2001 to 2006, the only areas to see no change in the number of acres used to grow prunes and plums were in Wenatchee and other areas where the land used to grow these kinds of fruit remained the same at almost exactly 100 acres and 70 acres respectively.

Consumption of various food groups by people in the UK from 1942 to 2004/5

The two line charts compare and contrast data on the consumption levels of various types of milk products, fresh fruit and vegetables over a 64-year period from 1942 to 2005.
Generally speaking, while the rate of consumption of most milk categories decreased, figures for fruit juice and fresh fruit rose over this time period.
More specifically, despite showing a fall in the amount of litres drunk per week from just over 2 litres to almost exactly 2, the consumption of total milk and cream was always higher than the other milk products. Similarly, the number of grams of fresh vegetables eaten per week fell from exactly 900 grams to a little over 700 grains before consumption levels of fresh fruit surpassed it at the beginning of the 21st century. Although the drinking of skimmed milk only started in 1975, by the mid-1990s. it was already the second most popular type of milk with more than 1 litre per week being drunk per person.

Top five supermarkets in the UK

The two charts provide detailed information on the top five supermarkets in the United Kingdom in terms of their market share, number of stores and how many employees each company employed in September 2003.
In general, Tesco had not only the biggest share of the market but it also had more employees than its competitors.
More specifically, while Tesco captured 26% of the market with only 119 stores to become the largest supermarket employer in the United Kingdom with 200,000 staff, Morrisons only had a 6% share with 46,000 workers but owned a total of 730 stores, which accounted for the biggest number of all UK stores. Both J. Sainsbury and Asda had very similar figures for the number of stores each owned at 463 and 480 respectively with the market share just favouring Asda with 17% of the market. This contrasts markedly with Safeway which had a market share of 10%, a similar number of employees to Asda (92,000 and 117,000 respectively) but had the second lowest number of stores with 258.

Paraphrase của so sánh

So sánh tương phản
xxx, as opposed to xxx
xxx, in stark contrast to xxx
In comparison to|Compared to|Different from their low-performance counterparts, talented students  need less time to study and tend to achieve a much greater success not only academically  but also in terms of future job performance.

Exercise 2: Identify types of comparison (verb/noun/nominal group/adjective/adverb/preposition) and objects of that. After finishing doing that, draw some conclusions.

1.      Real-estate investment is considered more a profitable way of saving than keeping money.

2.      The youngsters have more opportunities than their seniors to try out and use these tools.

3.      Libraries should always be funded much more than sports activities.

4.      Young people tend to know better than their elders.

5.      A child would learn more from their friends than he does from his parents.

6.      Universities tend to need more money to run their libraries than they do their students’ sports activities.

7.      These three months were more helpful than dozens of books I had read before.

8.      Swedish advertising techniques are comparatively more state-of-the-art than those of Vietnam.

9.      I took the Introduction to Management class with another lecturer named Mr. A, who adopted a less than desirable teaching method.

10.  Parents could do a better job than trained teachers.

11.  In comparison to|Compared to|Different from their low-performance counterparts, talented students  need less time to study and tend to achieve a much greater success not only academically  but also in terms of future job performance.

12.  Different from their Asian counterparts, students in Western countries usually have a year-long break to get a part-time job or travel before attending university.

13.  Such an environment for youth development in a big city has many advantages over its counterpart in the countryside, such as more opportunities to study and better health care.

14.  I prefer to work with people rather than with machines.

15.  As I have mentioned earlier, students should concentrate on studying rather than finding a job because getting a job while attending university may distracts students from their study, which would give them the basic knowledge of their majors.

16.  Young people often prefer communicating with their friends rather than their parents.

17.  Australian payments platform eWay is fast becoming the preferred way| method to pay online| for online payment| payment options with 67% of shoppers choosing the startup over Paypal.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Paraphrase task 1

Thái Lan là nước xuất khẩu gạo lớn nhất thế giới
Thailand is the biggest country in exporting rice|in the rice export|in the rice exportation
Thailand is the biggest rice-exporting country
Thailand is the biggest rice exporter
Thailand is the country which exports the largest amount of rice
Thailand exports more rice than any country in the world
Thailand is the leading nation in exporting rice|in the export of rice|in the exportation of rice
Thailand exceeds/outstrips/surpasses/is superior to any other country in the amount of rice exported/exported rice
Thailand is the world's largest rice exporter|exporter of riceThailand is expected to dominate global rice exports
Thailand achieves its highest-ever rice export volume

So sánh

động từ: exceed/override/surpass

Nhóm tuổi: xác định các chủ ngữ (viết các cách)
1. the percentage of people aged 65 or more 
2. the proportion of elderly people around 9% of Americans were aged 65 or over 
3. around 27% of the Japanese population will be 65 years old or more 
4. the proportion of elderly people in the USA >> the figures for Japan 
5. the population aged 65 and over 
6. persons age 65 and over 
7. 10 percent of all Americans over age 65 
8. older adults aged 65 and over 
9. people 65 and older 
10. about 18.5 percent of Americans age 65 and over were working in 2012 
11. you were 65 years of age or older 
at age 65 and above 
12. you are between ages 65 - 75 
13. you were 65 years of age or older 
14. at the age of 65 
dưới 13 
1. a child under the age of 13 
2. someone under 13 
3. children under 13 years of age 
4. children under 13 years old 
5. children under 13 
6. all children aged under 13 
7. people under age 13 
8. you are under the age of 13 
1. The 13-18 age group
2. The group of 13-18 years old
3. The group of/at/aged 13-18
4. People at/of/aged 13-18
5. The 13-18-year-old group
6. 13-18 year-olds  
7. Teens Ages 13 - 18 
8. teenagers aged 13-18 years 
9. Our instructors have extensive experience working with kids ages 13-18 
10. 1 dose at age 13-18 years 
11. a relatively new label for youth between the ages of 13 and 18 
12. Volleyball RedHawk Skills Camp for Ages 13-18 
13. Teens ages 13 through 18 years old vary widely in their calorie needs 
14. For ages 13 to 18 years first time 
15. at age 13 through 15 years will need a one-time booster dose
between the ages of 16 and 18 years 
16. Persons aged 11 through 18 years who have not received Tdap should receive a dose followed 
17. you are between the ages of 13 and 18 
18. Young People between 17 and 18 
20. approximately 13 percent of children ages 8 to 15 had a diagnosable mental disorder 
21. age of consent ranged from 10 to 12 years of age 
22. the age of consent at 10-12 years and then raised it to between 13 and 16 years 
23. children between the ages of 9 – 13 
24. Most of the social networks we included are dominated by the age group 35-44 
25. the 18–40 age group 
26. the narrow age group of 18-to-24-year-olds 
1. Among young adults ages 18 to 24 in 2000, about 75 percent had at least a high school degree or GED 
over 15 percent of young adults ages 18 to 24 were reported to have one or more disabilities 
2. Since many youth have not yet completed their schooling before 6, we also analyzed educational achievement for those ages 21 through 24
3. Vaccines for children age 7 to 18 years recommended for children and adolescents between the ages of 7 and 18 years
4. can be given to adults 18 to 64 years of age
given to people between 2 and 49 years of age
5. for children at 11 to 12 years, for adolescents 13 to 18 years
6. recommended for all youth (males and females) at 11 to 12 years of age
7. Males 13 to 21 years of age
8. Males (age 21 to 26 years)
9. Children who are 7 to 18 years
10. for children age 0 to 6 years
11. about 14 percent of those ages 18 to 24 are considered disconnected
the 21 to 35 age group
the youngest age group.

the 21-to 35-year-olds
the second youngest age group
the 36- to 45-year-old men

the second oldest group
men who were 66 years old 
and above 
people in the 66 plus group
women between 46 and 55 
years of age
Male: males- men - the opposite sex - the opposite gender - their counterparts
Female: females - women - the opposite sex - the opposite gender - their counterparts
>> The same age, the same gender/sex
>> both men and women=both males and females= people of their sex/gender
Modes of transport/Types of transport
>> travelling preferences
walking= travelling by foot= travelling on foot
the car= cars
people travelling on buses

So sánh
1. In the year 2000, 16.5 percent of young women ages 21 to 24 had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared with only 11 percent of young men the same age
2. Males were also more likely to lack high school degrees: 21 percent of young men ages 21 to 24 held less than a high school degree in 2000, compared with only 15 percent of their female counterparts
3. Nearly one-half (46 percent) of all young adults ages 18 to 24 who were living in poverty in 2000 were also enrolled in school. 
4. The overwhelming majority of those who were receiving public assistance were not enrolled in school (93 percent). 
5. The ages of 18 to 24 are not only a time when people are transitioning into economic independence
6. Approximately 18.5 percent of those ages 18 to 24 reported being married in 2000

7. More than one in five (22 percent) females ages 18 to 24 were married, compared with 15 percent of males

Đề cập đến
In view of| Regarding| With regard to| As regards| In consideration of| in terms of
Vì mục đích
For the sake of...|With a view to| With the aim of...
Nhờ kết quả của/Bởi vì
By dint of| As a result of| Because of

Paraphrase (tiếp)

kẻ phạm tội
criminals| delinquents|law-breakers|law-violators|law-offenders|offenders|wrongdoers
>> perpetrators ˈpɜː.pə.treɪ.təʳ

hành động phạm tội
criminal/delinquent/illegal/unlawful/law-breaking/law-violating/law-offending acts|actions|activities

nghiêm trọng

tham gia

engage in| involve in| participate in| get involved in
engagement in| involvement in| participation in
commit/perpetrate crimes| criminal wrongdoings|offences| perpetration

vị thành niên
juvenile/young people/youths/youngsters/the young/teenagers/teens/adolescents

tội phạm vị thành nhiên
juvenile criminals/delinquents...
young criminals
criminals at a young age

trẻ em

tống tù
put all/the whole/the entire delinquents into prison
imprison all criminals >> imprisonment
put all individuals breaking the law|violating the law|offending the law in jail
be/get thrown in jail
send every breaker of laws to prison|gaol
turn every breaker of laws into prisoners
sentence law-breakers in prison
jail sb for st

tiến hành phạt
apply/adopt/implement/carry out/administer the same punishments/penalties for children as adults
apply/adopt/implement/carry out/administer equal/equivalent punishments/penalties for children and adults
employ harsh punishments resembling adults' ones

kết án
convict of the same crime as an adult

phạt 7 năm trong tù
serve a 7-year jail sentence
spend seven years in jail

trả tự do
set free
release sb from jail
get out of jail

tái phạm
re-offend/commit crimes repeatedly
habitual criminals

lôi kéo
manipulate impressionable minds into the violent world
>> undesirable outcomes
manipulation of serious adult law-breakers
>> these dangerous individuals

thay đổi hành vi
reshape their attitudes toward the society and their family
in adapting/adjusting/influencing law-violators' behaviours and attitudes
with legal demeanour practised/applied,
cấu trúc
punishing sb
sb face/suffer/confront...

Thái Lan là nước xuất khẩu gạo lớn nhất thế giới
Thailand is the biggest country in exporting rice|in the rice export|in the rice exportation
Thailand is the biggest rice-exporting country
Thailand is the biggest rice exporter
Thailand is the country which exports the largest amount of rice
Thailand exports more rice than any country in the world
Thailand is the leading nation in exporting rice|in the export of rice|in the exportation of rice
Thailand exceeds/outstrips/surpasses/is superior to any other country in the amount of rice exported/exported rice
Thailand is the world's largest rice exporter|exporter of riceThailand is expected to dominate global rice exports
Thailand achieves its highest-ever rice export volume

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Học văn hóa: 
1.arning a culture can help learners 
2. Learning a culture can draw the attention of learners to
3. Learning the cultural dimensions of a language,
4. a language learner can

5. Studying the cultural aspects|elements of a language6. Language acquisition

Sử dụng hợp lý

1. use a foreign language appropriately
2. make him-or-herself acquainted with the skills and habits involved in cross-cultural communication
3. familiarity with a culture

Thể hiện/Có nghĩa
indicate=convey a message

Dành nhiều thời gian
xxx require a high commitment of time and effort
xxx require devoted time and effort

Nên làm gì...
should= be advised to

So sánh tương phản
xxx, as opposed to xxx
xxx, in stark contrast to xxx

1. linguistic differences/disparities: word order
2. effective communication
verbal aspects: pronunciation, sentence construction
non-verbal elements: physical gesture, body language, facial expressions
e.g. silence: agreement in the English-speaking countries but resentment in some Asian countries
3. learners at an elementary/at the first stage of learning a language: incomprehensible, results in confusion when the learning process shows little improvement

culture influences the evolution and formation of a language.
Learning a culture can help learners understand many aspects o f a language, wording, syntax, and so forth.
For example, word order, the order in which words appear in sentences, differs from language to language. In some languages, the object normally comes ahead of the subject, as opposed to the word order in the English language.
It mirrors the disparity in ways o f seeing things and ways of thinking between people who speak different languages.
Learning a culture can draw the attention of learners to these differences and therefore lead them to use a foreign language appropriately.

Familiarity with a culture is also known as the prerequisite of communication with native speakers. Effective communication relies not only on wording, pronunciation and sentence construction but also on physical gesture, body language and facial expressions.
In fact, non-verbal messages sometimes tell people more than verbal messages do. For example, silence in the English-speaking country might indicate the agreement of the speaker on something, but in some Asian countries, silence might convey a message to the contrary, disagreement or even resentment.
There is no denying that by learning the cultural dimensions of a language, a language learner can make him-or-herself acquainted with the skills and habits involved in cross-cultural communication.

Learners: at the elementary level
Although the importance of studying the cultural aspect of language is indisputable, it should not
be over-emphasised.
For most learners, especially for those at an elementary level, the cultural elements of a language are remote and incomprehensible.
Intrusion of these messages will create confusion. Learners will flounder when the progress toward success is little and the situation appeals to be unmanageable.

Language acquisition requires a high commitment of time and effort, so new learners are advised to concentrate on the language itself at the first stage.


arts >> artworks= the works of art >> artists
tự do ngôn luận

freedom of speech|expressionthe freedom to express any opinion|make any statement|deliver any message

khơi gợi cảm xúc cho khán giản
enlist|procure the empathy|sympathy|understanding of the audience
dẫn đến bạo lực, biểu tình
resulting in violent protests and conflicts worldwide
cause social and political unrest|disorder|turbulence|chaos|anarchy

có quyền lực, tầm ảnh hưởng
make their views profoundly|intensely influential over public opinionthe arts possess the power
pose a threat on the welfare of the audience, especially that of childrenwithout looking after the feelings of intended audiences
objectionable contents: racial elements, radical views toward governments
sex-related contents: obscene works, offensive images, (abuse) graphic sexual images

be restrained/censored/limited/suppressed
be threatened by censorship/ restriction/ suppression
impose limits

truyền cho các thế hệ sau
passed down from one generation to anothera way of passing ideas, concepts, beliefs, values and ways of seeing things to later generations
so sánh 2 đối tượng
- A represents xxx, whereas B indicates yyy
The arts represent human thoughts, whereas science represents natural order
- A leads people to .... while B is aimed at ....
The arts lead people to perceive|recognise the world while science is aimed at discovering the nature of things.While science is objective and based on predetermined guides, art is inherent in the human mind and subjective.
- A..... By comparison|By contrast, B....
What has been found true in science would hardly alter, unless sufficient evidence can be cited to challenge or overrule|reject|cancel the established theories and principles. By comparison, what has been conveyed by a work of art is neither right nor wrong, and can be given different meanings by different people. The arts also give people a sense of cultural background and identity, as a key component of any culture in the world. By contrast, technology and science are uniform to people, regardless of nationality, race and ethnicity.
- A...... B, by comparison, ....
An artist’s primary motive is not only to pursue the aesthetic in the popular mind but also to remind people something that they cannot afford to ignore, such as environment, religion, politics, morality, and so forth. A scientific breakthrough, by comparison, brings benefits dial can be shared by the whole human society, but not unique in any specific community.
- A..., in contrast to B, which....
Science is about exploring the undiscovered but existing, in contrast to the arts, which are interested in exploring both the undiscovered and the nonexistent

Although a citizen’s freedom of speech|expression is protected by law, artists should not be treated as ordinary citizens. Because of the wide appeal of their artworks, the artists can easily enlist|procure the empathy|sympathy|understanding of the audience and make their views profoundly|intensely influential over public opinion. On the other hand, freedom of speech does not automatically suggest that one has the freedom to express any opinion, make any statement and deliver any message regardless of contents. If it contains racial elements, radical views toward government, and other objectionable contents, the freedom should be restrained. Artists are not an exception A good example is that in 2005, a Danish newspaper published 12 editorial cartoons that depicted an Islamic prophet, resulting in violent protests and conflicts worldwide. It shows that the arts possess the power to ruin harmony and promote anarchy|chaos|disorder.
>> artworks contains racial elements or views

Apart from artworks that cause social and political unrest|disorder|turbulence, some other types of artworks should be censored as well. In order to increase the visual impact of their works of art, some artists introduce unusual or even offensive images, without looking after the feelings of intended audiences. Many obscene works appear in the guise of artworks, abuse graphic sexual images and expose the public to those unwelcome messages. It will pose a threat on the welfare of the audience, especially that of children. The authority should discriminate between artworks and obscene works and impose limits.
>> sex-related contents

When artists should not be treated as normal people in view of their unique capacity to influence others, their freedom of speech should be protected to the largest extent. Undeniably, their creativity would be inhibited if they are threatened by censorship|restriction|suppression or prosecution. Many of their artworks might look objectionable at first sight, but over time give people different perspectives to see things. Artworks inspire people to be creative and encourage them to reflect on what happened in the world or in the immediate vicinity|surrounding area. They draw attention to particular issues, which might be otherwise ignored. By encouraging critical and reflective thinking, an artist contributes to addressing social and political issues.
>> enhance creativity

The arts represent human thoughts, whereas science represents natural order. In other words, the arts lead people to perceive|recognise the world while science is aimed at discovering the nature of things. What has been found true in science would hardly alter, unless sufficient evidence can be cited to challenge or overrule|reject|cancel the established theories and principles. By comparison, what has been conveyed by a work of art is neither right nor wrong, and can be given different meanings by different people. Science sometimes treats a new theory as an erratic|irregular and stresses conforming to|clinging to|adhering to existing rules and pursuing accuracy. Science is about exploring the undiscovered but existing, in contrast to the arts, which are interested in exploring both the undiscovered and the nonexistent. In simple terms, the arts encourage individuality and creativity, whereas science respects conformance.

Another major distinction is that the arts draw attention to issues that are unique in a particular society, while science attaches importance to the issues that are of interest to mankind as a whole. Contrary to popular belief, artwork does not necessarily aesthetically appeal to a majority of viewers. An artist’s primary motive is not only to pursue the aesthetic in the popular mind but also to remind people something that they cannot afford to ignore, such as environment, religion, politics, morality, and so forth. A scientific breakthrough, by comparison, brings benefits dial can be shared by the whole human society, but not unique in any specific community.

The arts also give people a sense of cultural background and identity, as a key component of any culture in the world. By contrast, technology and science are uniform to people, regardless of nationality, race and ethnicity. Art has long been a way of passing ideas, concepts, beliefs, values and ways of seeing things to later generations. Because of art, people can be classified into different social and cultural groups.

>> In conclusion, the arts differ from science in many aspects and because of it, people know more about the world in which they live and get an insight into the society, culture and themselves. While science is objective and based on predetermined guides, art is inherent in the human mind and subjective.

The arts, by comparison, although enabling people to see the world and the human condition differently and to see a truth one might ignore before, do not merit|deserve|earn government spending. The first reason is that the arts—referring to music, film and literature altogether—are more likely to attract the investment of the private sector than public facilities. Businesspeople continue to invest in the arts in the expectation of earning lump sum income and the arts in return, continue to flourish|thrive|boom without the government spending. Meanwhile, the arts are a key component of a culture and naturally passed down from one generation to another. Unlike public facilities, they require no money to survive.
>> private sectors+ require no money to survive


Reasons why the Olympics would continue are many.
có giá trị kinh tế
- are of commercial values and of broad interest to mass media organisations, advertisers, sponsors and business managers- possess commercial values to mass media organisations
- open up/create business opportunities
- are so engrossed by|occupied by|absorbed in|immersed in the grace, endurance and fortitude|courage|determination|strength shown by athletespeople, especially young males, are in need of some form of outlet for their energy and emotion related with sports.

Athletes: scandals

Tempted| Attracted| Enticed by the prospect of large financial rewards, many athletes take proscribed|banned|prohibited|forbidden performance-enhancing drugs, a stain on the sportsmanship pursued by the Olympicspay little attention to their nations of origin, cultural and language differences

Business organisations

- seek business opportunities
-  the growing leisure industries with a variety of leisure activities valued today
Major cities

- not cease to compete to host|provide facilities for sporting events
- Expenditures: 
So many services and facilities are required for serving athletes, media and spectators|viewers|observers|audiences|watchers that up to present, only those cities from industrialised countries are capable of and interested in hosting such events
- not require any of them to meet the strict political requirements set by other worldwide organisations

- Critics also view international sporting events as a substitute for war, ritualsing and formalising the conflicts between countries.
- What's more, the Games draw criticism for embracing|accepting|adopting commercialism. The Olympic torch, for example, an important symbol of the Olympics, has been used popularly in the commodity market
First, people, especially young males, are in need of some form of outlet for their energy and emotion related with sports. The Olympics, as well as other international sports events, are ideal for them. Meanwhile, leisure activities are valued today, as economic conditions continue to improve. As part of the growing leisure industries, sport and sporting contests will become increasingly important.
Moreover, the Olympics are of commercial values and of broad interest to mass media organisations, advertisers, sponsors and business managers. Because of those business opportunities, cities will not cease to compete to host|provide facilities for sporting events. Needless to say, they can thus achieve or maintain world class status.
>> outlets for energy, business opportunities

Apart from those tangible benefits, the Olympics possess other values. For example, the Olympics allow nearly all nations in the world to compete in the event rather than require any of them to meet the strict political requirements set by other worldwide organisations, such as the United Nations on sovereignly. The political, social and economic conflicts between countries and regions are disregarded in the face of Olympic spirit. Audiences are so engrossed by|occupied by|absorbed in|immersed in the grace, endurance and fortitude|courage|determination|strength shown by athletes that they pay little attention to their nations of origin, cultural and language differences.
>> borders among countries are blurred,economic conflicts are disregarded in the face of Olympic spirit, pay little attention to cultural differences

Despite those elements in favour of sustaining this international event, the Olympics are facing many challenges today.
The expenditures are one of the biggest. So many services and facilities are required for serving athletes, media and spectators|viewers|observers|audiences|watchers that up to present, only those cities from industrialised countries are capable of and interested in hosting such events.
The Olympics are meanwhile the hotbed of various scandals. Tempted| Attracted| Enticed by the prospect of large financial rewards, many athletes take proscribed|banned|prohibited|forbidden performance-enhancing drugs, a stain on the sportsmanship pursued by the Olympics.
 Critics also view international sporting events as a substitute for war, ritualsing and formalising the conflicts between countries.
What's more, the Games draw criticism for embracing|accepting|adopting commercialism. The Olympic torch, for example, an important symbol of the Olympics, has been used popularly in the commodity market

>> expenses lớn, scandals, thương mại hóa