Friday, June 5, 2015

Buổi 3- thày Diễn- paraphrase và mở rộng

Người hút thuốc lá: cigarette(s)/tobacco, smoker
-          Cigarette/tobacco+ smokers
-          Smokers of cigarettes/tobacco
-          People/Those who smoke cigarettes/tobacco
-          People/Those smoking cigarettes/tobacco

Người sử dụng Internet: use/utilize
-          Internet users/utilisers
-          Users/Utilisers of the Internet
-          People/Those who use/utilize/access the Internet
-          People/Those using/utilizing/accessing the Internet

Người béo phì: obese/overweight, obesity/overweightness
-          Obese/Overweight people
-          People/Those who face/confront/be confronted with/deal with/cope with/suffer from obesity/overweightness
-          People/Those V-ing….

Học sinh giỏi, yếu
Low-achieving|low-performing students
slow students
talented students
a maths prodigy/genius/phenomenon
high achievers|scorers
an excellent|brilliant student
students with poor|low performance
students with strong academic performace
students with poor academic records in school
students who have low academic achievementStudents of low academic achievement|performance
students who performed poorly
Sự kiện thể thao quốc tế: International/Global; sports/sporting,
-          International/Global sports/sporting events
-          Sports/Sporting events at (the/an) international/global level (ko có mạo từ thì mang nghĩa sang trọng)
-          Sports/sporting events on the global/international scale

Gia đình nghèo- Gia đình giàu
The children who grow up in a family short of money
The children who grow up in an impoverished|poor|disadvantaged|indigent|destitute family
Children who are brought up by wealthy|affluent|well-off|financially comfortable parents
Children from poor families
Children from medium or high class families >> Those from middle or upper class families
Children from a poor background
The children from less advantaged backgrounds
Children with highly-educated and rich parents
Children with parents who have sufficient financial backup
Disadvantaged children

Trẻ em nông thôn/thành phố
children in rural areas|environments
children from metropolitan|urban|municipal areas
children living in the country|countryside
urban children
urban juveniles/rural adolescents

Ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển trẻ con
a child’s positive growth patterns
has a direct bearing on children's character development
has a bearing on children’s characters
contribute to children's negative characters
in rural families negatively influence children’s character building
the impacts of living in rural or urban areas on a child’s character development
the potential impacts of a rural or urban environment on a child's personality and behaviour.

Trẻ em
the young people
>> reference: they
>> sở hữu cách: their, children's xxxx

Người trẻ
young people| adults
>> participants

Hoạt động tình nguyện
unpaid work= serve others' interest without rewardwithout reward|without payment|free of charge|voluntarily| without asking for payment or reward
work as volunteers for non-profit organisations and the community
community service
the voluntary participation of youths
the mandatory voluteer work
be volunteering
organising|taking part in volunteer service|work
organised volunteer work: cụm danh từ

Chơi thể thao
to play sports >> sports
to participate in| take part in| engage in physical/recreational exercise| activity
participation in physical recreational activity (activities)
regular exercises
physical inactivity (U)

Doanh nghiệp đầu tư tiền cho sports team
non-government groups| private sector financially support national sports teams| individual athletes
financial support and assistance of the private sector
corporations come into play in sports|sports industry
private sponsors| private patrons| business investors
private financing
the involvement of entrepreneurs| businessmen|merchants
private ownership
performing many fund-raising jobs
committed to seeking sponsorship
governments give the green light to private financing

tiếp tục phát triển hoặc mất động lực phát triển
continue or gradually lose the momentum
forces that drive the events forward
to fear abt their sustainability
would never be extinguished|quenched
will not cease to compete to host sporting events

Olympic Games
Olympic Games= the Olympics= the international sports|sporting events= the sports|sporting contests
Olympic spirit

Già hóa dân số
With the ageing of society
the aged population
the older|senior people|employees >< young employees
mandatory retirement= to be forced out of employment
retirement age
an ageing population
an older society
the retired population
the old generation

Sống lâu hơn
live longer= the ongoing increase in the life expectancy|life span= the extended life expectancy

Nhà cho người già
a nursing home| retirement home| old people's home| rest home

Cân bằng giới tính
gender balance|equality

at the present time= at the moment= these days= currently

Phát triển công nghệ
witnessed more progress in technology
technological development|advances|breakthroughs
the development of technology
the advance in technology
modem technology
modem technological tools
the proliferation of new technologies
 the rapid penetration|invasion of telecommunications technology
the widespread use of technology
the spread of telecommunication technology
technological boom times
technological evolution

Thời gian rảnh/nghỉ ngơi
leisure time|hours
one's leisure time|hours
giving up leisure activities|interests|pursuits

Nhịp độ sống tăng
the pace of everyday life is becoming faster
the fast rhythm of life
The acceleration of the pace of life
the fast-paced lifestyle

Cung cấp đồ hi-tech
Expensive hi-tech media= modern equipment= modernisation
= using computers or other hi-tech products
= modernising facilities of libraries
= the instalment of modern equipment
= integrate new technologies in libraries
= update the facilities
Cung cấp sách
provide books= the enlargement|amplification|growth|increase|rise of a library's reserve|storage
= purchasing books
= maximise the reserve of books

radio= radio broadcasting
TV & news= other mass media|other technologies= other mass media, both electronic and print

impacts of advertising|advertisements on children|young people >> advertisers, advertised products
advertising influences young viewers|young consumers

Sức mạnh của media
advertising with its overwhelming power...
the strength of advertising

Sử dụng các collocation
environmental protection
taking environmental consequences seriously
the adoption of environmentally friendly equipment
By adhering to environmental standards
make their production less environment-damaging
keen on products made from an environmentally conscious business
Probing|Investigating the core of environment-related issues
the possibility of incorporating environmentally friendly practices
environment problems= environment degradation= the deterioration of environment
environmental management

Nước phát triển- đang phát triển
economically-developed countries
underdeveloped countries=developing countries= countries in a backward state
industrialised countries
developed countries

Hợp tác quốc tế
International cooperation from countries worldwide=  the support from the global community= international engagement= cooperation between countries

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