Sunday, June 21, 2015


tuyệt chủng: the demise|death of a speciesput this species at the verge of extinctionbeing pushed closer to the brink of extinction
many animals and plants face extinction risk the mass extinction of species The sharp fall in|The progressive extinction of living species
 pose a threat on the survival of speciesThe natural balance will be disrupted 
the ecosystem cannot be sustained
bảo tồn
 animal protectionwildlife protectionhas a real knowledge of environment protection and stays alert to the risk of animal exploitation and ecological degradation.=preservation of living species

thí nghiệm trên động vật
animal-based experiments.
Animal testing
animal experimentations animal experiments
vivisectionthe experimentation on animals 
animal research, and in vivo testinguse of non-human animals in experimentsperform experiments on living animals
Animals used by laboratories for testing purposes  the use of animals in medical research

human beings + ecosystem + industries
human beings: 
essential to the well-being of humankind
- over-reliance/over-exploitation/excessive use: animals are raised, bred|reproduced and fed|raised|brought up for human use. For example, laboratory- animals, working animals and sport animals have been used for economic reasons or to fulfill different tasks throughout much of human history. The meat of rare|exotic|threatened animals is regarded as a delicacy in some countries, for example, whale meat in Japan. When it comes to plants, over-logging, over-grazing and soil erosion are the root causes of the dwindling|declining vegetation- animal source foods provide a wide range of nutrients|nutrition|life-enhancing substances that are difficult to obtain in adequate quantities from plant source foods, insufficient intake of those nutrients will produce negative health outcomes, such as poor growthAnimal fats, for example, increase the risk of heart disease and meat is frequently associated with outbreaks of food poisoningAdopting a pet animal as a companion can give quality to the owners life, and help reduce stress and blood pressure in those regions where inhabitants struggle with weak economics and have few job sources, direct spending on any animal program would not stop people from hunting and trading animals for a living. An alternative strategy is creating jobs or providing subsidies, lifting these regions out of poverty.fur is desired and pursued as a fashionable status symbol in many countriesmany people adopt pets for wrong reasons, such as as a statement of affluence or a status symbol. They are very likely to abandon or even kill pets when their initial interest subsides

- en
able vegetation from purifying|decontaminating water, recycling nutrient and pollinating crops
 When holding pet animals has become popular, other problems will result, e. g., pollution caused by excess manure|dung

medical/health care industries: 
derive substances and materials from animals for different purposes. A typical example is that animals provide essential substances for drug-makingcosmetic industries: the cosmetic industry has been exploiting animal experimentation simply for diversifying products and maximising profits. The fewer cosmetic products people use, the fewer animals they have to slaughter|kill|massacre

>> preservation and renewal of vegetation, waters and soil

Animals, as a significant part of an ecosystem, have profound impacts on the sustainability of an ecosystem and on the well-being of humanity. All animals are connected in one way or another in food chains. For this reason, the demise|death of a species can lead to overpopulation or underpopulation of another species and then put this species at the verge of extinction. The natural balance will be disrupted and the ecosystem cannot be sustained. It would disable vegetation from purifying|decontaminating water, recycling nutrient and pollinating crops. We humans are eventually affected.

>> development of industries

Another justification for animal protection is that animals play a significant role in the development of industries, as an important natural resource. People derive substances and materials from animals for different purposes. A typical example is that animals provide essential substances for drug-making. It is also very common that designers and engineers turn to wildlife for inspiration. For instance, the invention of water-proof|water-resistant clothing drew upon the research on sharks.

>> appropriate strategy

On account of those benefits, wildlife protection is a significant strategy that has far-reaching effects on the future of human. However, when implemented, this strategy should be adapted in different contexts. It should be noted that spending money simply on animals is not the approach that promises the best outcomes in all circumstances. For example, in those regions where inhabitants struggle with weak economics and have few job sources, direct spending on any animal program would not stop people from hunting and trading animals for a living. An alternative strategy is creating jobs or providing subsidies, lifting these regions out of poverty.

>> development of technology, vivisection practiced on human beings is inhumane

There is little doubt, first of all, that most of the animal-based experiments are conducted for the development of technology and to date, there is little chance of finding satisfying substitutions|replacements for animals. Animals are used mainly because they bear a close resemblance|sameness|similarity to humans, either in behaviour or in cell structure. They respond to external disturbances (such as electrical shock) nearly in the same manner as humans do. There is much evidence that most of what people know about themselves, including pain, stress, reproduction and nutrition, is based on findings of animal-based experiments. Animal testing proves one of the main approaches to predict the risk when drugs or other products arc used on humans.

>> have no ability|competence to make the moral choice

Another fact to support animal-based experiment is that animals are not the equivalent|counterpart of humans, and can be used as resources for human purposes. Animals have no capacity|ability to recognise the rights of other species. Nor will they take in consideration the interests of other species. It is possibly one of the main reasons why animals feed on|survive on each other. Humans, by comparison, use animal experimentations not only for their own interests but also for the interests of animals. For example, some medical discoveries can be used by veterinary surgeons to give medical care and treatment to sick animals.

>> profit-oriented purposes instead of society-oriented objectives

Despite the justifications given for vivisection, researchers have the obligation to reduce animal testing and animal suffering. There is a growing recognition that animal tests are mostly done for commercial purposes and most of them are avoidable. For instance, the cosmetic industry has been exploiting animal experimentation simply for diversifying products and maximising profits. The fewer cosmetic products people use, the fewer animals they have to slaughter|kill|massacre. When scientists are empowered to carry out cruel experiments like vivisection, such powers should not be abused.

>> animals and plants treated as resources for human purposes

The sharp fall in|The progressive extinction of living species is first attributed to people's continued and heavy reliance on them for their own interests. An age-old tradition is that animals are raised, bred|reproduced and fed|raised|brought up for human use. For example, laboratory- animals, working animals and sport animals have been used for economic reasons or to fulfill different tasks throughout much of human history. The meat of rare|exotic|threatened animals is regarded as a delicacy in some countries, for example, whale meat in Japan. When it comes to plants, over-logging, over-grazing and soil erosion are the root causes of the dwindling|declining vegetation. Over-utilisation|Excessive use of living species has made many animals and plants face extinction risk.

>> lack of environmental awareness

Another reason cited to explain this is that few people take the mass extinction of species seriously. For example, fur is desired and pursued as a fashionable status symbol in many countries, even in those countries where people are known for their environmental concern, such as New Zealand, Canada and Australia. Barely have buyers realised that their purchase decisions will encourage the fur business to further animal slaughter. Rainforest destruction is another example. Despite strong opposition to lumber harvesting, this problem continues simply because people have an ever-growing appetite for land to live on (such as buying luxury properties in the country) and wood products to consume (such as furniture ). Humans' pursuit of comfort and enjoyment has long been justified and condoned|forgived|ignored, even though the pursuit is at the expense of other species on the planet.

>> humane education+ control detrimental activities + careful consideration prior to making decision

From what has been discussed, it is clear that lack of awareness and over-reliance on natural resources are the main reasons why species are being pushed closer to the brink of extinction.
Humane education represents a long-term commitment and will help raise a generation that has a real knowledge of environment protection and stays alert to the risk of animal exploitation and ecological degradation. In addition, it is imperative to carefully measure and control any activity that is likely to pose a threat on the survival of species. Decision makers and individual citizens alike should take into consideration the impacts of their decisions and behaviours on living species. It is important to realise that preservation of living species is not sentimental|unrealistic|emotional, but essential to the well-being of humankind.

>> provide essential nutrients

The first justification is that animal source foods provide a wide range of nutrients|nutrition|life-enhancing substances that are difficult to obtain in adequate quantities from plant source foods, insufficient intake of those nutrients will produce negative health outcomes, such as poor growth. A diet with a good combination of meat and vegetable is thought to have considerable value. Some might argue that consumption of meat can pose health risks and increase the risk of foodbome illness. This statement is fallacious, considering the fact that people can kill bacteria and remove risk factors by cooking properly and using scientific methods in manufacture.

>> The produced livestock should be considered as manufactured goods

Another point to note is that most of the meat available in supermarkets for people’s consumption is produced by industrial agriculture. In view of the intense use of modem technology and mass production techniques, the produced livestock, poultry|fowl|livestock or fish cannot be taken as ordinary animals but only as manufactured goods. By making use of economies of scale|cost-effective advantages to produce enough food at an affordable cost, industrial farming is essential to addressing food supply problems.

>> high in saturated fat and cholesterol

The significance of capitalising on animals as a food source is therefore undeniable, but it is important to realise that people cannot exploit animals and become addicted to meat consumption. Animal fats, for example, increase the risk of heart disease and meat is frequently associated with outbreaks of food poisoning. Meanwhile, people's insatiable|avid|greedy desire for meat might lead to intensive livestock farming and animal slaughter, which has a direct impact on the well-being of animals worldwide.

>> release stress and avoid isolation

Pet animals are known for their loyalty and playful|lively characteristics and believed to have a positive effect on the health of their owners. The pressures of modem lifestyles are tremendous. Compared to previous generations, people are more likely to live independently and away from their families at the present time. Adopting a pet animal as a companion can give quality to the owners life, and help reduce stress and blood pressure. It is also regarded as a solution to the feeling of isolation and loneliness. These two facts are combined to justify why there are an increasing number of people now depending on pet animals as companions or even a therapy.

>> pets live in cleaner and safer conditions

Raising pets benefits pets as well. Providing companionship and giving pleasure to their owners, pets receive loving care and attention in return. Some might argue that holding a pet is unnatural|abnormal, because pet animals would lose their original way of life. However, people should meanwhile recognise that some animals are unfitted to|incompatible with the wild environment. It is morally wrong that people force animals to struggle with food, clean water and other necessities in the wild environment.

>> maltreated + fecal contamination

Keeping an animal is therefore beneficial, but, notably, there is no guarantee that every pet lives a happy life. Ignorance of an animal's needs for space, exercise or contact with members of the same species, for instance, has been found as a common problem with raising pets. It should also be noted that many people adopt pets for wrong reasons, such as as a statement of affluence or a status symbol. They are very likely to abandon or even kill pets when their initial interest subsides. When holding pet animals has become popular, other problems will result, e. g., pollution caused by excess manure|dung.

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