Sunday, June 21, 2015


tuân thủ/chấp nhận tiêu chuẩn bảo vệ môi trường
1. taking environmental ramifications ˌræmɪfɪˈkeɪʃən|consequences|results seriously
2. the adoption of environmentally friendly equipment3. in compliance|observance with environmental standards4. By adhering to|clinging to environmental standards5. take actions to make their production less environment-damaging6. Probing|Investigating the core of environment-related issues
7. consider the possibility of incorporating environmentally friendly practices  8. an environmentally conscious business

ích lợi
1. impel|urge|drive them to improve their production lines, make optimal use of materials and resources and increase the profit margin.
2. For instance, the adoption of environmentally friendly equipment can reduce waste, minimise pollution, and
 decelerate|slow the depreciation rate of machinery. 3. reduce businesses' expenditure4. industries will also create|leave|make a favourable impression on their clients, build up word of mouth reputation|fame and trigger sales5. Their attitudes are now subject tomodification|change|alternation|transformation, as the expense of improving equipment is temporary, and can be paid off|recompense by forthcoming|approaching profits
customersCustomers are keen on products made from an environmentally conscious business, in a belief that its products are free of pollutants.
boosting loyalty of employees, who have an appreciation for the safety and comfort of their working environment

biện pháp phòng ngừa
1. more money will be available for revamping|mending|repairing the environment2. economically-developed countries show more willingness to invest in forest conservation, as their industries rely less on natural resources and have become service-oriented.3. facilitating the exchange of goods, technology, know-how and capital. It is crucial to hammering out|working out the best and quickest solution to the problem4. By sharing experience in environmental management, countries can tackle problems with greater efficiency and at lower costs.
5. People might turn to fuel-efficient cars or reduce non-essential trips, both resulting in the drop in petrol use.
6. Car manufacturers are forced to enlarge research and development investment in producing hybrid cars or cars powered by renewable clean energy' sources, a 
cure-all|solution for car emission problems.

hợp tác quốc tế
1. the impact of an environmental problem can be on the global scale=at the international level2. The interdependencies|mutual dependences|interations of ecosystems and the transport of pollutants are the main characteristics of the world.
3. For instance, a stream or lake in a country can be affected by pesticides 
released|emitted|discharged|dumped|disposed from neighbouring croplands, lawns and gardens and by pollutants emitted thousands of miles away. 
4. Likewise, the depletion of a natural resource (such as deforestation) in one nation can have environmental and economic ramifications|consequences|results in many other countries.5. With a clear intent to restore the damaged environment, those countries have difficulties in making headway|making progressin the absence of|lacking|withtout facilities or technologies.
6. They need the support from the global community, especially those industrialised countries that have achieved remarkable progress in this field.

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Improve their production lines
For businesses, large or small, taking environmental consequences seriously can impel|urge|drive them to improve their production lines, make optimal use of materials and resources and increase the profit margin. For instance, the adoption of environmentally friendly equipment can reduce waste, minimise pollution, and decelerate|slow the depreciation rate of machinery. Meanwhile, it can reduce businesses' expenditure in compliance|observance with environmental standards. The third merit is boosting loyalty of employees, who have an appreciation for the safety and comfort of their working environment.
>> improve their production lines by replacing obsolete equipment and machinery + reduce businesses' expenditure +  boosting employees' loyalty

Although travelling by air is likely to cause problems, it is not to say that airtravel should be significantly restricted. Alternatively, air travel can be operated in a manner that its strengths can be fully taken advantage of. For example, by replacing old engines with cleaner ones, people can mitigate|alleviate|lessen the environmental impact caused by flying. Meanwhile, aircrafts have a higher capacity, allowing greater numbers of passengers for each flight and thereby giving the best possible values to the fuel used.
>> replacing old engines with cleaner ones to alleviate the environmental impact

>> grow the client relationships

By adhering to environmental standards, industries will also create|leave|make a favourable impression on their clients, build up word of mouth reputation|fame and trigger sales. Some large industries in the past, when asked to take actions to make their production less environment-damaging, were worried about the proportional rise in operational costs. Their attitudes are now subject to modification|change|alternation|transformation, as the expense of improving equipment is temporary, and can be paid off|recompense by forthcoming|approaching profits. Customers are keen on products made from an environmentally conscious business, in a belief that its products are free of pollutants.

>> more money to revamp the environment

When businesses have become more profitable, more money will be available for revamping|mending|repairing the environment. Probing|Investigating the core of environment-related issues, one can observe that people are more likely to consider the possibility of incorporating environmentally friendly practices when enough funds have been raised and alternative livelihoods have been explored. Illegal logging, for example, centralises in|concentrates on underdeveloped countries every year, where people arc unable to find jobs. In comparison|By comparison, economically-developed countries show more willingness to invest in forest conservation, as their industries rely less on natural resources and have become service-oriented.

The first point to support international|global cooperation is that the impact of an environmental problem can be on the global scale=at the international level. Common knowledge is that people live in a global environment and share natural resources and survive on the same biosphere. The interdependencies|mutual dependences|interations of ecosystems and the transport of pollutants are the main characteristics of the world. For instance, a stream or lake in a country can be affected by pesticides released|emitted|discharged|dumped|disposed from neighbouring croplands, lawns and gardens and by pollutants emitted thousands of miles away. Likewise, the depletion of a natural resource (such as deforestation) in one nation can have environmental and economic ramifications|consequences|results in many other countries.
>> the influences of environmental degradation are at the international level

Another benefit obtained from international cooperation is facilitating the exchange of goods, technology, know-how and capital. It is crucial to hammering out|working out the best and quickest solution to the problem. Environmental problems are mainly found in underdeveloped countries, where industrial or agricultural developments are placed ahead of environmental protection. With a clear intent to restore the damaged environment, those countries have difficulties in making headway|making progress, in the absence of|lacking|withtout facilities or technologies. They need the support from the global community, especially those industrialised countries that have achieved remarkable progress in this field. By sharing experience in environmental management, countries can tackle problems with greater efficiency and al lower costs.
>>  facilitating the exchange of goods, technology, know-how and capital

Individuals' awareness
The first is that aircrafts have been responsible for a large proportion of air pollution. Planes, either idling|remaining redundant or taxiing, contribute a large proportion of local emission annually. Some might suggest that air is the only suitable mode of transport for long distance trips. This viewpoint is fallacious. Trains, for instance, serve as an optimal alterative, consuming less energy and causing less pollution.
>> using trains rather than aircrafts for long distance trips

Therefore, the effort to reduce greenhouse gases emission by curbing car use cannot achieve any immediate outcome unless sufficient time is given. Over a period of years, petrol consumption is very likely to drop, when households realise that fuels represent an increasing proportion of expenditure. People might turn to fuel-efficient cars or reduce non-essential trips, both resulting in the drop in petrol use. Car manufacturers are forced to enlarge research and development investment in producing hybrid cars or cars powered by renewable clean energy' sources, a cure-all|solution for car emission problems.
>> awareness of individuals and automobile manufacturers + generation of renewable energy

It should be first noted that car use alone does not take up|constitue|account for the entire consumption of petrol, although people’s obsession with|passion for car use contributes greatly to greenhouse gas emission. Petrol is intended for other applications too, such as electricity generation, the daily running of equipment and machinery for industrial and agricultural purposes. People are not surprised to see that the appliances used by many families are powered by petrol as well. Therefore, when it comes to reducing greenliouse gas emissions, people should take different methods simultaneously, instead of relying on any single method only.
>> different methods to deal with environmental problems

As well as air pollution, aircrafts can cause noise pollution. Although it is difficult to measure the actual impact of noise on people’s everyday lives, its ability to increase the anxiety and levels of annoyance has been confirmed|verified. Especially to those living in the neighbourhood of an airport and around the flight paths, noise created by aircrafts is indeed a headache.        
>> noise pollution leads to headache

People should meanwhile recognise the fact that the demand for petrol is generally inelastic|unchangeable, at least in the short run. The consumption of petrol would not vary significantly according to the fluctuation of petrol price. To such a high degree have people relied on petrol in their daily lives that they cannot cut petrol use immediately. Some people might argue that using public transport is an alternative, but notably, public transport itself is a large producer of carbon dioxide. Going on foot or by bike is clean, but not preferred by many people, who are extremely time conscious.
>> petrol consumption is inelastic

>>ineffficient use of water|inappropriate usage

A trigger for a water crisis|water shortage|the steady loss of water is people’s lack of knowledge of the value of water. Given the ready availability of water in many countries, people tend to believe that the reserve of water in the world is infinite. Notwithstanding the increased expenditure on water supply, water is perceived as a cheap commodity by many families. Many people see water as a perpetual|eternal|everlasting resource. For this reason, the unbridled|unchecked|uncontrolled use of water is commonplace, accelerating the exhaustion of this valuable resource.

>> rapid population growth

Rapid population growth is another force contributing to the water crisis. Not only does it reduce the amount of water available for manufacture, farming and households, but also has a profound effect on the sustainability' of aquatic|water-related ecosystems. Massive urban and industrial growth fuels unprecedented demands, often at the expense of aquatic ecosystems. Many water resources are not replenished|refilled before being re-used and depleted|drained|exhausted.

>> pollution

Human-induced pollution is worthy of concern as well, a factor regarded by many as the root cause of the rapid loss of drinkable water. The untreated discharge of various pollutants such as heavy metals, organic toxins, oils and solids in water bodies is believed to have severe impacts. Industrialisation, meanwhile, results in abnormal climate and biological destruction. While some areas have become barren|unproductive|arid, other areas are hit by floods. Floods ravage|ruin everything, including reservoirs, dams and canals. The water supply problem will intensify.

>> wastewater recycling|new technologies|new farming techniques|introduce drought-resistant plants

In order to tackle the above-mentioned problems, one can adopt various approaches, besides the existing strategies, such as restoration of ecosystems, rainwater harvest. New technologies can help ease water shortages, by tackling pollution and making used water recyclable. In agriculture, water use can be made far more efficient by introducing new farming techniques (e g., drip irrigation). Drought-resistant plants can help cut the amount of water needed]

Plastic bags and rubbish
Waste disposal|the treatment of garbage|rubbish|waste|refuse

>> social and economic development: business+people

People should first recognise that the increment in garbage is a natural result of the social and economic development. Unethical|immoral businesses are the main creators|makers of industrial waste, including heavy metal, chemicals, plastic, and other durable and non-recyclable materials. People’s quest|pursuit for a better standard of living gives them incentives to manufacture a rich variety of consumer goods and disregard the potential impact on environment. This practice can date back to the earliest days of industrial revolution, producing enormous waste that are unable to be recycled and environmental disaster.

>> people's low awareness of waste issues: people+manufacturers

Another potential reason for the slow progress in waste treatment is people’s low awareness|consciousness of the opportunities to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Many people do not have a firm stand|position against overconsumption and excessive production of disposable items. Besides, many citizens are not environmentally conscious, disposing of wastes whenever and wherever they consider convenient. Meanwhile, many manufacturers tend to use virgin|raw materials, rather than recyclable materials in the course of production. That’s why many communities are facing a particularly difficult position in waste treatment.

>> individuals' effort and businesses'attempt

The best approach to address waste issues is simply to minimise its generation. It is primarily because the more waste people produce, the more waste they have to cope with. Waste recycling offers another means, although it requires the spontaneous commitment of both businesses and citizens. Additionally, laws should be set out|lay out|enforce to regulate corporation behaviour and make their operation environmentally friendly.

Fertilisers and machinery harms the community
>> increase crop yields

Fertilisers and machinery are both essential in increasing crop yields, a solution to starvation|food crisis|food shortage throughout the world. In history, manual work accounted for|explained the majority of farming, from sowing, irrigating to harvesting. The slow pace of human labour made it impossible to produce enough crops to feed populations. Farming is, on the other hand, exposed to the influence of many elements—weather conditions, soil compositions, pests or some unpredictable events like natural disasters. Fertilisers enhance crops or other foods' resistance to external disturbances, while machinery saves manpower by finishing the major part of the work. The yield is raised to the highest, and lands are used to the full. Enough food can be produced to meet the market need now, despite the continued growth of the population.

>> technological innovation

Some people defy|act against fertilisers and machinery because of their concern on environment. However, this notion|concept|perception has been challenged by advances in this area of knowledge. Technological innovation has made machinery more environmentally friendly, and many machines used for farming purposes are now able to operate without generating much waste. Fertilisers, by comparison, are much less environment-damaging. Most fertilisers are organic and free of ingredients incompatible with the environment. Nor do they have deleterious effects on people's health.

>> over-application results in harmful impacts

Despite what has been discussed, farmers should beware of over-application of fertilisers. From an environmental perspective, fertilisers and machinery should be classified and used with caution. The over-application of fertilisers not only has perpetually disastrous|devasting|ruinous|catastrophic effects on farms but also injures the neighbouring ecosystem. Many scientific studies suggest that a long hisotry of fertiliser use can signicandy reduce land fertility. Other consequences include poisoning all wildlife feeding on farm crops (e.g., birds); and polluting the neighbouring water bodies. On health and safety grounds, fertilisers might bring remediless damage to eaters’ health, for some chemicals, although not fatal themselves, might become life-threatening|detrimental when accumulating inside eaters’ bodies.

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