Sunday, June 21, 2015


Take preventive measures to address misbehaviour/misconduct
Teachers are expected to take preventive measures to address misbehaviour (U), such as substance abuse, focus on the root causes of the problems, such as family violence, and help those who appear troubled. It stops a problem among young people from occurring or reoccurrence.

Impart knowledge to the youth
 When children and young people construct most of their knowledge o f the world through social interactions, teachers are in a very good position to impart/pass on/convey such knowledge to them. Young people are hence well informed of moral principles, code of conduct and motivated to speak and act in a manner as intended.

Rules restrain children's mental development: creativity, dampen their passion, become rote learners
However, rules should be lifted|revoked|cancelled gradually as children grow older. When children become responsible and knowledgeable with age|as one grows up, rules should be phased out|abolished).
, especially when it becomes clear that rules tend to restrain|hold back children’s mental development. In a traditional classroom, for example, rules are set and applied lo underpin|strengthen/fortify/bolster/buttress the authority of a teacher. Students are not allowed to pose questions at will, nor are they allowed to challenge teachers’ answers. Many of their questions remain unanswered, presenting obstacles|hurdles|barriers|problems|difficulties|impediments to their learning process and forming numerous|multiple|various|manifold misconceptions|fallacies|mistaken believes|misunderstanding. Another problem is that it will discourage students from reflecting on/mediate on/contemplate what they have Iearnt, and dampen/reduce/diminish their passion for learning. They are trained as mechanical|unthinking or rote learners, while their aptitude for creativity is stifled/suppressed/restrained.

Give|provide teachers some feedback
A strong argument for using student ratings to evaluate teachers is that students' judgement is
reliable and impartial|objective|unbiased|unprejudiced. Because of their ongoing interaction with teachers throughout the semester, students have the authority to measure the performance and competence of a teacher, with the knowledge they have obtained from learning and the stance|position|attitude they have adopted toward the subject taught. A critical analysis o f students’ feedback enables teachers to enhance their competence|improve teaching performance|develop teacher training
 and adjust teaching aims and methods for better attainment of students’ learning objectives.

Teachers' dedication
Students are also concerned about whether the teacher is fully committed|devoted to his or her job. The
value o f a teacher is determined as much by competence as by commitment|dedication|devotion. The school can therefore assess|evaluate the performance o f a teacher by collecting students’ feedback on some observable|obvious facts, such as a teacher’s punctuality|timekeeping and the legibility|readability of his or her writing on the board. Teachers who perform poorly are advised to reflect deeply on|mediate deeply on their teaching practice|method|mode, the drawbacks in particular, which is the key to the improvement o f their performance.

Misinterpretation of students' opinions
Despite those overt advantages o f encouraging students' input, analysis o f their input|source of data is important and should be handled carefully. Misinterpretation of students' opinions might leave teachers an inaccurate|imprecise|incorrect picture of their strengths and weaknesses and lead them into a poor judgement about what they can do to satisfy the needs of their students, it is also important to guide teachers to perceive the feedback sensibly|wisely|prudently; otherwise, they might have feelings of powerlessness|lack of authority.

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