Sunday, June 21, 2015

Labour market

Students- Candidates- Employees- Job hoppers- Employers- Solutions
When students become knowledgeable and resourceful, they should be equipped with competence
that would enhance the transition/change from school to work.
An excellent learner is admittedly important to society, but more important is his or her productivity. Education should absorb new substances and embrace new concepts in order for students to keep in touch with community and have full knowledge of the needs o f community.
Besides, a school should facilitate the progress o f students in every practical field and give them opportunities to try new tasks and take on new roles.
By enhancing their hands-on skills and job-related skills, schools can foster students’ and society’s future development and prosperity.

In addition to hands-on skills and practical experience, characters can foretell/predict/forecast/ harbinger one’s prospects.
Society has been polarised/separated as economic and social changes make it more competitive. Those with outstanding academic qualifications are not sought-after as much as before.
Employers show interest in other qualities o f an applicant, for example, resilience/flexibility/elasticity, willpower and adaptability.
It is increasingly believed that the most successful are normally those who are most likely to adapt to changes in their world.
Some other qualities, such as the ability to work in a hard-working, stressful and ever-changing environment, are viewed as the shared traits of successful people.
Running toward success is more of a
marathon than o f a sprint.
Only those persistent, self-motivated/energetic and self-directed/autonomous/independent can eventually attain their objectives.

Subjects/school curriculum: music classes are cancelled in exchange for more academic ones
Integrating work-based|vocation-oriented course

The first is that few employers are interested in a job applicant’s performance as music lover or
sports fan. Instead, they are keen to assess candidates’ academic records and professional skills. At a
time when business grows complex and skill-based, tlie evidence that candidates have sufficient
knowledge relating to their job profession is more capable to attract the eye o f recruiters. A student
excelling in|being skillful in a subject is far more marketable in the job market than one playing a music instrument adeptly|adroitly|skillfully, or displaying talents in a sport

The biggest single cause o f rising unemployment among young people is their lack o f work
experience and qualifications. Fresh from high school or college, young jobseekers| job candidates| job applicants generally have little, if any, practical experience. Besides, most of the knowledge they have acquired is from text, which is not satisfactorily consistent with the general practice in the workplace. This weakness can be fatal|deadly|lethal at a time when the market has a strong preference on skilled and experienced applicants, who are ready to fill vacancies without requiring any job training. It is also the reason why employers tend to believe that young candidates possess less value than do those already in the workforce.

Another cause of high unemployment is placed at the feet of the youth themselves. Before they
reach the working age, young people have little interaction with the world outside the classroom, and,
as a consequence, they know little of the situation of the labour market. By the time they graduate, they
have an inaccurate picture of the world. It leads to their exceedingly high occupational and wage
aspiration. In addition to remuneration and financial incentives, young applicants might have other
Requirements, such as working environment. It causes them to lose many opportunities to join the
workforce immediately.

Another force that drives lifelong education is the constantly changing nature o f the society. It is
certain that at the present timeno career fields can stay static/stationary/inert/unchanging/constant/unvarying.
Because of the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, reeducation seems to be an urgent need throughout one's working life, especially to those who work in hi-tech industries, such as IT.
People feel compelled to keep themselves well-informed o f all the latest changes in the industry they are working in, in case that they fall behind their peers. It is in sharp contrast to the past, where university education was sufficient for a professional career spanning/extending/crossing three or more decades.

By allowing employees to work at home, employers can widen the base from which they recruit and boost the chances of capitalising on|taking full advantage of|benefitting from rich human capital. For instance, parents with childcare responsibilities and those with disabilities prefer to work at home. Distance between their work place and their place of residence has never ceased to be a problem. Homeworking enables working people to perform their jobs at ease|comfortably, and thus gives employers more options in human resource use.
>> take full advantage of human capital

Another benefit obtained from home-working is the boost for staff motivation. By working at home, employees can manage their time on their own and strike a balance between work and rest. Similarly important is that, without the presence of their immediate supervisors, they feel less stressful and more comfortable. Those two factors both play a part in boosting their productivity|output|effiency|yield and job satisfaction.
>> staff motivation and boost productivity

Some might argue that it is reasonable for an employer to expect some degree of flexibility during a particularly busy period, but to those employers, reliance on the jobs with extended hours has the tendency to become a regular event. Tolerance|Forbearance of this practice would allow employers to exploit labour and disregard|ignore the benefits that employees are entitled for, thereby posing a challenge to the legal system. It is time that employers assessed alternatives like rescheduling, flexible working arrangements and job redesign to explore the full potential of each employee.
>> increase job security and promotion opportunities

Most of the factors that have influence on job satisfaction are extrinsic. One is employees’ material needs. It is understandable that income, housing, paid holiday, bonus and other job benefits are the main elements an employee will normally look into when evaluating whether a job is desirable or not. Another source of satisfaction is job satisfaction. An employee is delighted if continued employment is accessible, that is, staying on a job for some considerable time. Besides these basic needs, people crave for a positive self-image and to have their contribution valued and appreciated. That’s why promotion is very ofien manipulated to improve employees’ job satisfaction, sending a message to employees that their commitment has been recognised.
>> material needs + promotion

Along with extrinsic factors, intrinsic factors arc important. Individual personality plays a large part in many cases. It is believed that the employees with a positive outlook|prospect on life and full of optimism are more likely to achieve higher job satisfaction irrespective of|regardless of the job or workplace they are in. When optimism allows individuals to function well in the fact of adversity|hardship|difficulty and prevents them from becoming depressed, pessimism makes them less likely to complete tasks and meet objectives successfully, thereby undermining job satisfaction.
>> individual personality

Given the constantly changing nature of today’s business environment, a job can hardly live up to the expectations of job holders. Weak economics, rapidly changing technology and likelihood of downsizing are combining to account for why the length of tenure|term is shortened nowadays and few people now expect to stay on the same job throughout their working lives. Rewards are able to raise motivation and increase satisfaction of employees, but not available for every individual that wants them. There is no guarantee that every good performer will be awarded all the time. Law of the jungle applies here: only the strongest competitors will win access to the majority of the resource.
>> Expectations varied as their experience change

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Apart from those benefits, homeworking might have its drawbacks. A challenge that employers have to face is the difficulty in managing and monitoring employees’ performance. Whether employees are as likely to meet a deadline when working at home as they are in the workplace remains unclear. Similarly difficult is to maintain team spirit because employees have limited interaction|contact|communication between each other. Furthermore, staff training, an integral part of increasing human capital, is not practical in a business where homeworking predominates.
>> problems related to home working: meeting a deadline, maintaing team spirits, training staff

To job holders, working long hours triggers at least two problems. It is not only to damage personal relationships (with families particularly), disrupt social lives and impede community activities but also to cause a feeling of stress, a psychological disturbance that is experienced by many working people. It also lends to exert pressure on the employment market and make fewer employment opportunities available. Those with caring responsibilities, for example, would be disadvantaged, because they are either unable or unwilling to work long hours. A high unemployment rate is always regarded as a threat to a country’s economy.
>> easily induce iatigue and stress

To employers, long working hours, although promising maximum benefit from limited resources every now and then, have destructive effects in the long term. The primary reason is that employees tend to be less productive, and meanwhile, at greater risks of sickness. It would lead not only to die lower quality of work outputs but also to high turnover and absenteeism. As a result, employers have to spend much more on recruiting and training new workers. To a country as a whole, it has chronic|persistent|never-ending effects, disabling the optimisation|best use of resource use, human capital and natural resources.
>> long hours are not necessarily productive hours

A new job implies opportunities for career development, an objective many working people intend to achieve. In general, there are two reasons behind a job holders motive for a new job. The first is that the current job cannot make the best use of his or her abilities. The second is that he or she cannot improve skills and gain new experience. Both can lessen the possiblity of a brighter job prospect.
>> switching jobs to acquire a wide array of technical skills and improve marketablitty

Job-hopping, meanwhile, assists one to survive the keen|intense|stiff competition. People are living in a fastchanging world and a once stable job is now vulnerable|in a weak position. Willingness to stay on the same job is no longer valued as much as before. Any employee, if complacent|satisfied about the current employment, would be faced with threats posed by others. By comparison, taking the initiative to obtain a better job can at least drive people to increase skills and thereby improving the chance|possibility|likelihood of continued employment.
>> vulnerable to the competition + in terms of career survival there is no room for complacency

When job-hoppers are craving for new chances, some issues are particularly worthy of concern. The first is adjusting to a new environment, such as working with new colleagues and supervisors. Besides, while valuing a job hopper’s resume, employers too often tend to suspect his or her loyalty' and resilience. It is therefore imperative for every potential jobseeker to learn the new employer better and evaluate the potential risk.
>> risks: get along well with new colleagues and supervisors + adjust to the new environment +  reflect badly on the job candidates resilience and loyalty + gain experiences and on-the-job skills+ restart a new recruiting process

There are many reasons why the private sector should play a more active role in sports.
First, the government alone cannot afford the expenditure involved in the sports industry, such as salaries of athletes, administrative costs, and so forth.
By organising competitions efficiently and economically, enhancing athletes' market values, seeking out sponsors or patrons, the private sector not only raises necessary financing but also maximises the return|gain|profit|earning|revenue of the sports industry.
A business’s willingingness to take part in this industry is attributable to many incentives. For example, it would help create an image which is associated with enthusiasm, energy and passion and can be turned into enormous income.
Meanwhile it contributes a lot to its solid position in society, as well as good reputation
>> trang tri chi phí, đu tư hiu qu (tăng giá tr th trưng, ti đa hóa li nhun, to ra đng lc liên quan đến passion và enthusiasm đ tăng v thế trong xã hi và reputation

Meanwhile, as sports have grown more competitive, the need for better equipment, facilities,
nutrition and training methods has become urgent. Athletes should have well-developed physiques|bodies|figures|body shapeswhich can be obtained only through extensive physical training and strict exercise. Private sponsors have expertise in different areas of technology, ranging from nutrition to the treatment o f injuries. They are able to train athletes scientifically and effectively, reduce the risk of injuries and extend their career lives. Besides, as private sponsors are more financially capable o f providing awards, bonus and other financial incentives to motivate athletes, their involvement is crucial to athletes’ performance on the playing field|sports ground|arena.
>> cung cp trang thiết b, dinh dưng, phương pháp luyn tp, tin thưng

The role of the private sector is therefore indispensable, but it is not to say that the government
should divest|deprive|rid itself o f intervening in the sports industry. Although the private sector is surely committed to seeking sponsorship and performing many fund-raising jobsit is profit-oriented and therefore, very likely to make a decision ignorant of the interests o f athletes.
National teams are branded, marketed and sold as entertainment products, while the value of national pride and ethnical dignity is overlooked. It is also very likely that private investors are only interested in those sports with high media exposure, resulting in the imbalanced|unequal|uneven development of sports. For this reason, the government should retain the major ownership of the sports.
>> profit-oriented, ignore the interests of athletes, overlook national pride and ethnical dignity, imbalanced development of sports with high investment in sports with high media exposure

Tackling youth unemployment requires the commitment of both society and youngsters
themselves. The government can provide employers with taxation incentives for recruiting young
workers. Low-cost courses, especially job training courses, should be made available for the young
unemployed. Consultancy services can be provided free of charge|without charge|at no cost, giving youngsters instruction on job-seeking and helping them make proper adjustment|alternation from school to work.

From a social aspect, current employers show a tendency to recruit youngsters who can do a
various array of jobs within a single position rather than job specialists. A clerk working for a bank, for
example, is required to possess a collection o f skills, ranging from those learnt in the field o f finance,
accounting and economy to those in other relevant subjectssuch as management, communication and
sociology. As the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, students who dabble in different
specialised areas and have experience in interdisciplinary study are expected to be in a preponderant|advantageous position.

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