Friday, June 26, 2015

Paraphrase của so sánh

So sánh tương phản
xxx, as opposed to xxx
xxx, in stark contrast to xxx
In comparison to|Compared to|Different from their low-performance counterparts, talented students  need less time to study and tend to achieve a much greater success not only academically  but also in terms of future job performance.

Exercise 2: Identify types of comparison (verb/noun/nominal group/adjective/adverb/preposition) and objects of that. After finishing doing that, draw some conclusions.

1.      Real-estate investment is considered more a profitable way of saving than keeping money.

2.      The youngsters have more opportunities than their seniors to try out and use these tools.

3.      Libraries should always be funded much more than sports activities.

4.      Young people tend to know better than their elders.

5.      A child would learn more from their friends than he does from his parents.

6.      Universities tend to need more money to run their libraries than they do their students’ sports activities.

7.      These three months were more helpful than dozens of books I had read before.

8.      Swedish advertising techniques are comparatively more state-of-the-art than those of Vietnam.

9.      I took the Introduction to Management class with another lecturer named Mr. A, who adopted a less than desirable teaching method.

10.  Parents could do a better job than trained teachers.

11.  In comparison to|Compared to|Different from their low-performance counterparts, talented students  need less time to study and tend to achieve a much greater success not only academically  but also in terms of future job performance.

12.  Different from their Asian counterparts, students in Western countries usually have a year-long break to get a part-time job or travel before attending university.

13.  Such an environment for youth development in a big city has many advantages over its counterpart in the countryside, such as more opportunities to study and better health care.

14.  I prefer to work with people rather than with machines.

15.  As I have mentioned earlier, students should concentrate on studying rather than finding a job because getting a job while attending university may distracts students from their study, which would give them the basic knowledge of their majors.

16.  Young people often prefer communicating with their friends rather than their parents.

17.  Australian payments platform eWay is fast becoming the preferred way| method to pay online| for online payment| payment options with 67% of shoppers choosing the startup over Paypal.

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