Sunday, June 21, 2015

Male and female

chỉ dành cho nam giới
traditionally dominated by men
male-dominated profession
the exclusive|absolute|sole right of males

a deadly job, which is exclusively for malesconsider the army as the most ideally "men only” is mainly for men to learn a trade|skill|craft to support their wives and family remains prevalent 
thành công ở lĩnh vực
make a lot of inroads into fields...
succeed in fields
make a success of st

sự tham gia đông đảo
engagement in|involvement in|participation in| association with
The ascendancy|dominance|superiority|prevalence of woman

tham gia vào giáo dục
the pursuit of academic objectives>>  There are a number ofhurdles|obstacles|barriers|difficulties|impediments a female applicant has to overcome in the pursuit of academic objectives
more chances to receive educationthe current focus is on academic ability
Women should not be considered unqualified|incompetent|unprofessional or incapable|inept o f any university subject.

mất cân bằng giới tính trong giáo dục
the gender imbalance|inequality at collegesthe tension or conflict between the sex in the university|academic|learning environmentthe problem of gender inequality and discrimination, which has characterised|featured campuses for decades
>> a gender-fair environment >>  a better learning environment
put gender equality into practice

inborn merits
less likely to commit faults, for they are accustomed to dealing with matters with accuracy and caution
Patience and consideration o f others account for the high presence o f females in army hospitals or logistics  departments
Other impressive personality traits include their endurance o f hardships, especially in gruelling|harsh|tough|severe conditions, and their tenderness, a character required in the caring profession in the army

 social attitudes: the pressure exerted by their families, acquaintances, or friends
 sexual discrimination and harassment

>> academic ability: well-educated, well-trained vì physical fighting ko còn trong chiến tránh hiện đại

The first standpoint to conscribe|enrol|enlist females is that they now have more chances to receive education. In comparison with the pastwhere the army recruitment policies focused on strength and fitness, the current focus is on academic ability. Physical fighting, either armed or unarmed, no longer features in modern warfare. It has been replaced by battles between tanks, armours, missiles or warplanes, most of which are computerised. In other words, females can perform military tasks as their male counterparts doprovided that they are well-educated and well-trained.

>> matters with accuracy and caution + patience + consideration + endurance of hardships

Secondly, women have inborn merits that stand them in good stead| advantage them. Females are less likely to commit faults, for they are accustomed to dealing with matters with accuracy and caution. Patience and consideration o f others account for the high presence o f females in army hospitals or logistics  departments. Other impressive personality traits include their endurance o f hardships, especially in gruelling|harsh|tough|severe conditions, and their tenderness, a character required in the caring profession in the army.

>> social attitudes with pressure from their families, acquantances + sexual discrimination and harassment

Notwithstanding their strengths, females have some limitations they may need to overcome. The
first obstacle is the social attitudes. Females have to cope with the pressure exerted by their families,
acquaintances, or friends, as serving the army is widely seen as a deadly job, which is exclusively for
males. The second obstacle is sexual discrimination and harassmentwhich seems common in most
armies and can discourage females from serving their countries.

>> females come into male-dominated profession like serving in the army or get the traditional blue-collar jobs

The first point to note is that females have made a lot of inroads into fields that have been
traditionally dominated by men (male-dominated profession). To serve in the army wasfor instance, the exclusive|absolute|sole right of males, but today, more women have been enlisted. Many would consider the army as the most ideally "men only” profession. If females can make a success of itthey can succeed in every other field. The ascendancy|dominance|superiority of woman has been seen in the surge in their prominent positions in society and in the traditional blue collar business world. Women should not be considered unqualified|incompetent|unprofessional or incapable|inept o f any university

>> a better learning environment where students could exercise their ability to work with peers of the opposite sex

Universities that provide a gender-fair environment see benefits for both students and faculty. Historically|Traditionally|In history|In the past, the gender imbalance|inequality at colleges has isolated students from the real world, where there is a high chance of dealing with females rather than just males. The tension or conflict between the sex in the university|academic|learning environment only allows students to exercise their ability' to work with peers of the opposite sex. Faculty gets the chance to address the problem of gender inequality and discrimination, which has characterised|featured campuses for decades. This results in a better learning environment, and thus a better thought of university.

>> obstacles a femal candidates has to confront, prejudice
Despite what has been discussed, it should be admitted that to put gender equality into practice is a complex task. There are a number of hurdles|obstacles|barriers|difficulties|impediments a female applicant has to overcome in the pursuit of academic objectives, and the first is from family. Traditional families often feel reluctant to support their daughters’ quest for|pursuit of  higher education. The idea that university is mainly for men to learn a trade|skill|craft to support their wives and family remains prevalent. The women’s role is being defined as supporting their husband through performing menial|tedious|unskilled tasks of life.

>>> devise a policy based on public opinions and receive support from voters

It is first important to correct a common misconception that a leader’s decision is determined very often by his or her natural dispositions. The truth is that a leader formulates|devise|prepare|create a policy mostly according to public opinions and makes a decision as the representative of a country. Admittedly, many autocrats|dictators|tyrants , in history were meanwhile temperamental|volatile|moody males, who were notorious|infamous|dishonourable|disreputable for their volatile characters, unpredictable decrees|orders|verdicts and aggressive stance. Some historians have offered another explanation for this general sign. A leader with such personalities was favoured and supported by a country' during a specific period of time and chosen by a majority of the electorate|voters to pursue the interest of a country. The rise of Hitler Adolf before World War II is a telling example. His attempt to establish a pure race of German people and colonise Europe reflected more a common desire shared by the whole German society than his own will.

>> a female leader shows the same determination as a male leader does.

Another general notion that females are intrinsically sympathetic and nonviolent|peaceful|diplomatic is also ungrounded. Although it scents that females are generally less combative, quarrelsome|argumentative|hot-tempered and ambitious than males, there are exceptions to every rule. The path to the top of the chain of command of a country is routinely filled with obstacles. Only those with strong leadership qualities can survive power struggles and reach the top position. It meanwhile requires contestants to show their abilities to make tough decisions in situations, for instance, when the sovereignty|independence of a country is under threat. A good example to support this is the decision made by Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, to send a naval task force to recapture|regain|reseize the Falkland Islands and settle a military conflict with .Argentina. It shows that a female leader should show the same decisiveness|determination|authority as a male leader does.

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