Sunday, June 21, 2015


arts >> artworks= the works of art >> artists
tự do ngôn luận

freedom of speech|expressionthe freedom to express any opinion|make any statement|deliver any message

khơi gợi cảm xúc cho khán giản
enlist|procure the empathy|sympathy|understanding of the audience
dẫn đến bạo lực, biểu tình
resulting in violent protests and conflicts worldwide
cause social and political unrest|disorder|turbulence|chaos|anarchy

có quyền lực, tầm ảnh hưởng
make their views profoundly|intensely influential over public opinionthe arts possess the power
pose a threat on the welfare of the audience, especially that of childrenwithout looking after the feelings of intended audiences
objectionable contents: racial elements, radical views toward governments
sex-related contents: obscene works, offensive images, (abuse) graphic sexual images

be restrained/censored/limited/suppressed
be threatened by censorship/ restriction/ suppression
impose limits

truyền cho các thế hệ sau
passed down from one generation to anothera way of passing ideas, concepts, beliefs, values and ways of seeing things to later generations
so sánh 2 đối tượng
- A represents xxx, whereas B indicates yyy
The arts represent human thoughts, whereas science represents natural order
- A leads people to .... while B is aimed at ....
The arts lead people to perceive|recognise the world while science is aimed at discovering the nature of things.While science is objective and based on predetermined guides, art is inherent in the human mind and subjective.
- A..... By comparison|By contrast, B....
What has been found true in science would hardly alter, unless sufficient evidence can be cited to challenge or overrule|reject|cancel the established theories and principles. By comparison, what has been conveyed by a work of art is neither right nor wrong, and can be given different meanings by different people. The arts also give people a sense of cultural background and identity, as a key component of any culture in the world. By contrast, technology and science are uniform to people, regardless of nationality, race and ethnicity.
- A...... B, by comparison, ....
An artist’s primary motive is not only to pursue the aesthetic in the popular mind but also to remind people something that they cannot afford to ignore, such as environment, religion, politics, morality, and so forth. A scientific breakthrough, by comparison, brings benefits dial can be shared by the whole human society, but not unique in any specific community.
- A..., in contrast to B, which....
Science is about exploring the undiscovered but existing, in contrast to the arts, which are interested in exploring both the undiscovered and the nonexistent

Although a citizen’s freedom of speech|expression is protected by law, artists should not be treated as ordinary citizens. Because of the wide appeal of their artworks, the artists can easily enlist|procure the empathy|sympathy|understanding of the audience and make their views profoundly|intensely influential over public opinion. On the other hand, freedom of speech does not automatically suggest that one has the freedom to express any opinion, make any statement and deliver any message regardless of contents. If it contains racial elements, radical views toward government, and other objectionable contents, the freedom should be restrained. Artists are not an exception A good example is that in 2005, a Danish newspaper published 12 editorial cartoons that depicted an Islamic prophet, resulting in violent protests and conflicts worldwide. It shows that the arts possess the power to ruin harmony and promote anarchy|chaos|disorder.
>> artworks contains racial elements or views

Apart from artworks that cause social and political unrest|disorder|turbulence, some other types of artworks should be censored as well. In order to increase the visual impact of their works of art, some artists introduce unusual or even offensive images, without looking after the feelings of intended audiences. Many obscene works appear in the guise of artworks, abuse graphic sexual images and expose the public to those unwelcome messages. It will pose a threat on the welfare of the audience, especially that of children. The authority should discriminate between artworks and obscene works and impose limits.
>> sex-related contents

When artists should not be treated as normal people in view of their unique capacity to influence others, their freedom of speech should be protected to the largest extent. Undeniably, their creativity would be inhibited if they are threatened by censorship|restriction|suppression or prosecution. Many of their artworks might look objectionable at first sight, but over time give people different perspectives to see things. Artworks inspire people to be creative and encourage them to reflect on what happened in the world or in the immediate vicinity|surrounding area. They draw attention to particular issues, which might be otherwise ignored. By encouraging critical and reflective thinking, an artist contributes to addressing social and political issues.
>> enhance creativity

The arts represent human thoughts, whereas science represents natural order. In other words, the arts lead people to perceive|recognise the world while science is aimed at discovering the nature of things. What has been found true in science would hardly alter, unless sufficient evidence can be cited to challenge or overrule|reject|cancel the established theories and principles. By comparison, what has been conveyed by a work of art is neither right nor wrong, and can be given different meanings by different people. Science sometimes treats a new theory as an erratic|irregular and stresses conforming to|clinging to|adhering to existing rules and pursuing accuracy. Science is about exploring the undiscovered but existing, in contrast to the arts, which are interested in exploring both the undiscovered and the nonexistent. In simple terms, the arts encourage individuality and creativity, whereas science respects conformance.

Another major distinction is that the arts draw attention to issues that are unique in a particular society, while science attaches importance to the issues that are of interest to mankind as a whole. Contrary to popular belief, artwork does not necessarily aesthetically appeal to a majority of viewers. An artist’s primary motive is not only to pursue the aesthetic in the popular mind but also to remind people something that they cannot afford to ignore, such as environment, religion, politics, morality, and so forth. A scientific breakthrough, by comparison, brings benefits dial can be shared by the whole human society, but not unique in any specific community.

The arts also give people a sense of cultural background and identity, as a key component of any culture in the world. By contrast, technology and science are uniform to people, regardless of nationality, race and ethnicity. Art has long been a way of passing ideas, concepts, beliefs, values and ways of seeing things to later generations. Because of art, people can be classified into different social and cultural groups.

>> In conclusion, the arts differ from science in many aspects and because of it, people know more about the world in which they live and get an insight into the society, culture and themselves. While science is objective and based on predetermined guides, art is inherent in the human mind and subjective.

The arts, by comparison, although enabling people to see the world and the human condition differently and to see a truth one might ignore before, do not merit|deserve|earn government spending. The first reason is that the arts—referring to music, film and literature altogether—are more likely to attract the investment of the private sector than public facilities. Businesspeople continue to invest in the arts in the expectation of earning lump sum income and the arts in return, continue to flourish|thrive|boom without the government spending. Meanwhile, the arts are a key component of a culture and naturally passed down from one generation to another. Unlike public facilities, they require no money to survive.
>> private sectors+ require no money to survive

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