Sunday, June 21, 2015


- resource problems
- resettlement
- reignites people’s enthusiasm in the natural sciences
- protect the Earth from the outer space
- new discoveries

The first reason to support it is that our planet is now facing an unprecedented resource problem, which can be tackled only by discovering and mining new resources on other planets. The overuse|overexploitation or scarcity of some resources on the Earth is a severe problem. Rare metals, such as gold or silver, will eventually be depicted, as industrial production expands. These metals and other natural resources although rare on the Earth, might abound|be plentiful|thrive on other planets. In that case, conducting space research is a promising adventure.
>> open energy and material resources o f space for human benefit

It should also be noted that the Moon has water, the basic resource for people’s survival, and it abounds in solar energy, a clean and readily obtainable|accessible|available resource. It is also believed that minerals are plentiful there to be exploited. Some day, if people are forced to move off the Earth, the Moon might be the best shelter. Although people have not yet fully explored this possibility at this stage, preliminary|initial investigation is imperative|crucial|vital|essential.
Meanwhile, the world’s population is now growing to a stage where there are too many people for the planet to support, highlighting the need to seek land suitable for people’s resettlement|relocation|immigration off the planet. Even if new urban developments are able to accommodate the increasing population, water and electricity supply, waste treatment, sewage|waste water|sullage disposal and sanitation will become unmanageable|uncontrollable|unruly for the capacity of our planet As there are countless planets orbiting stars throughout the universe, one can be confident that at least one of them is suitable for our second home planet. Mars, For example, bearing a close resemblance to the Earth, is considered a potential backup|replacement.
>> resettlement

In addition to searching for a shelter for future generations, space programmes contribute considerably to the well-being of the Earth in some other aspects. For example, by monitoring the ozone hole, global warming, the loss of rain forests and other environmental threats to human survival, remote sensing satellites help people trace the recovery|healing from the worst environmental threats and thereby improve the quality of life. Meanwhile, space research provides a new platform|stage on which scientists can carry out experiments and make new discoveries in a variety of fields, such as agriculture.
>>environmental monitoring+ weather forecasting +sustainable development

The first implication of Moon landing is reflected in the likelihood of travelling on other planets. Moon, as the object in the outer space closet to the Earth, can serve as a launch site for the journeys to other planets. Having no atmosphere, the Moon is a permanent base for people to observe|watch the universe easily and provide them with sufficient evidence they require for decision making on a great many significant issues, which arc likely to have direct impact on them. For example, one can learn more about the treat of potentially hazardous objects that are likely to hit the Earth and destroy our civilisation.
>> a launch site

Another remarkable breakthrough made by the Moon landing is that it reignites people’s enthusiasm in the natural sciences. When today s youths become increasingly interested in such subjects as commerce, finance and business, space exploration successfully attracts and retains talents in space-related technologies. These young minds are convinced that unravelling|finding an answer to the unknown|mysterious of the universe is feasible|viable|practical, despite many challenges They are inspired to think for the future, instead of being preoccupied with contemporary issues only.
>> trigger imagination

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