Friday, June 26, 2015

Sample Task 1 đặc biệt

Về males and females

Duy trì Intro và General statement khoảng 50-60 từ
Số ít số nhiều: jogging, baseball... ko cần chia số ít số nhiều, ko có mạo từ

The table compares and contrasts data on six free time pursuits enjoyed by both males and females in three different age groups.
Generally speaking, the trend shows that as both men and women get older they prefer to participate in more solo activities than team sports.
The least preferred activity for males in the 36-45 age group was meditation with 3% participation whereas 12% of all females of the same age group surveyed did this activity. The biggest overall increase in percentage in any activity for women was for meditation which rose from 7% in the youngest age group to 42% in the oldest age group. The opposite sex, however, experienced the biggest change in fishing from 12% to 45%, a total climb of 33%. No change was seen in jogging at 31% in the two older age groups for women. Similarly, the same gender saw no variation for fishing which remained at 0% in the same two age groups. It is interesting to note that the biggest difference between the two sexes in any one age group and the same activity was for baseball in the youngest age group: men had 87% whilst the opposite gender had only 2%.

Đề tiếp
The diagram below shows time spent watching TV by age and gender in the UK in 1995 and 1999.

The bar chart compares and contrasts data on the changes in the amount of television watched per week by men and women from different age groups over a five-year period from 1995 and 1999.
In general, more television is watched by both men and women of 65 years old and above than any other group.
More specifically, both sexes in the oldest group watched a little over 35 hours per week in 1999. By contrast, the 4- to 15-year-old girls in 1995 and their 16- to 24-year old counterparts in 1999 watched the least with a little less than 17.5 hours each. The biggest difference between the two sexes in any age group was in the second youngest group where an approximate 17.5 hours was recorded for males and a viewing time of a little over 22.5 hours for the opposite gender in 1999. The only two age groups where both sexes experienced an increase in viewing time were for those viewers between 45 and 54 years of age and those between 55 and 64.

2 lines

The line chart compares and contrasts data on the changes in the consumption of two types of meat- pork and chicken- in America over a 44-year period from 1960 to 2003.
In general, although the amount of pork eaten surpassed that of chicken in the first two decades, the amount of chicken consumed for the rest of this period of time was always more than pork.
More specifically, over this time period consumption of pork fell to the lowest point in the mid 1970s, from the highest level of slightly less than 60 pounds per person in 1960 to a little over 40 pounds. Although pork remained the preferred meat from 1960 for over twenty years, by the 1985, the amount of chicken and pork eaten per person was exactly the same at a little over 50 pounds of meat. The biggest difference in consumption between the two white meats occurred in 2003 when slightly less than 80 pounds of chicken was eaten per individual but only a little more than 50 pounds of pork, a difference of about 30 pounds per person.

3 lines

The line chart compares and contrasts data on the changes in the consumption of three types of meat: pork, beef, and chicken in America over a 44-year period from 1960 to 2003.
In general, although the amount of beef eaten surpassed that of both pork and chicken in the first three decades, the amount of chicken consumed for the rest of this period of time was always more than the other two categories.
More specifically, while the consumption level of beef peaked in the mid 1970s with just less than 90 pounds of meat consumed, that of pork fell to its lowest point for this time period with a little over 40 pounds. Despite chicken being the least preferred meat from I960 to the early 1980s, the amount of chicken and pork eaten per person was then a little over 50 pounds of meat. Subsequently, chicken then became the most popular type of meat after equalling figures for beef consumption in the mid 1990s with over 65 pounds of both meats eaten per head.

Table: No period time

The table compares and contrasts data on the differences in the emission of carbon dioxide by nine private jets, fuel consumption and the hourly cost of flying each jet.
In general, although there is not a perfect correlation  between these three categories higher fuel consumption, and therefore, flight cost usually results in higher production levels of carbon dioxide.
Although the cost per hour of flying time is the same at $6,750, the number of gallons of fuel used per hour for the Challenger 605 is over 200 less than for the Gulfstream III at 280 and 488 gallons respectively. By contrast, the Hawker 400XP and 800XP jets both use the same amount of fuel at 188 gallons per hour but the cost of an hour's flight is $2,700 and $4,500 respectively. The two jets most similar in running cost and fuel consumption are the Learjet 60 and the Cessna Citaion XLS as they both cost $4,500 per hour and vary by only 5 gallons per hour in fuel consumption.


The two diagrams compare and contrast data on the preferences, for five types of media and nine activities, of 13- to 17-year-olds.
in general, television was voted as providing the best experience while the majority of 13- to 17-year-olds watched television and the minority of them read a comic book.
More specifically, television came top in three of the questions posed to the people interviewed. Percentages of 46%, 40% and 42% were given for it being the best media experience, the first to be used and the easiest to use respectively. The radio always received the lowest approval ratings with the notable exception of being the least likely media to be used first which was magazines with only 1% of the votes. While the majority of teenagers surveyed (9 out of 10) watched television, about 7% of them read a comic book. Indeed, reading any kind of material was always a lower priority than listening to music where (in complete contrast to the other survey) just over three quarters of teens interviewed listened to the radio or CDs.

Results of a survey from Taiwan explaining how students wanting to study overseas chose a university from 1998-2008.

same key points
The tables compare and contrast data on the changes in eight university selection priorities for male and female Taiwanese students considering studying abroad over an 11-year period from 1998 to 2008.
In general, ranking the cost of accommodation and tuition remained the most important factors in deciding which university to go to for both sexes over this period of time.
More specifically, although university ranking was the most important factor for both males and females in 1998 with 97% and 100% respectively, both sexes focused more on tuition costs in 2008 (97% and 95%). by contrast, teaching quality at 6% was the least important consideration for male students in 2008 whereas their counterparts felt that teaching methods were with only 2% of those surveyed selecting this. The biggest change in opinion for men was the teaching facilities, falling from 66% to 42% but for the opposite gender, it was language support with a drop from 39% to 21%.

Amount of area used for growing fruit between 1993 and 2006 in Washington State (USA)

The two bar charts compare and contrast data on the changes in the amount of land used to grow apricots, prunes and plums in three agricultural regions in Washington State in America over a 14-year period from 1993 to 2006.
In general, land devoted to growing all three kinds of fruit decreased in area with the notable exception of Wenatchee which began to use more land to grow prunes and plums.
More specifically, more land was devoted to growing prunes and plums in Yakima Valley than apricots despite a dramatic fall from a little more than 1,400 acres in 1993 to exactly 600 acres in 2006. The only area to experience a peak in land usage was in Wenatchee in 2001 with lightly more than 450 acres being used to grow apricots. From 2001 to 2006, the only areas to see no change in the number of acres used to grow prunes and plums were in Wenatchee and other areas where the land used to grow these kinds of fruit remained the same at almost exactly 100 acres and 70 acres respectively.

Consumption of various food groups by people in the UK from 1942 to 2004/5

The two line charts compare and contrast data on the consumption levels of various types of milk products, fresh fruit and vegetables over a 64-year period from 1942 to 2005.
Generally speaking, while the rate of consumption of most milk categories decreased, figures for fruit juice and fresh fruit rose over this time period.
More specifically, despite showing a fall in the amount of litres drunk per week from just over 2 litres to almost exactly 2, the consumption of total milk and cream was always higher than the other milk products. Similarly, the number of grams of fresh vegetables eaten per week fell from exactly 900 grams to a little over 700 grains before consumption levels of fresh fruit surpassed it at the beginning of the 21st century. Although the drinking of skimmed milk only started in 1975, by the mid-1990s. it was already the second most popular type of milk with more than 1 litre per week being drunk per person.

Top five supermarkets in the UK

The two charts provide detailed information on the top five supermarkets in the United Kingdom in terms of their market share, number of stores and how many employees each company employed in September 2003.
In general, Tesco had not only the biggest share of the market but it also had more employees than its competitors.
More specifically, while Tesco captured 26% of the market with only 119 stores to become the largest supermarket employer in the United Kingdom with 200,000 staff, Morrisons only had a 6% share with 46,000 workers but owned a total of 730 stores, which accounted for the biggest number of all UK stores. Both J. Sainsbury and Asda had very similar figures for the number of stores each owned at 463 and 480 respectively with the market share just favouring Asda with 17% of the market. This contrasts markedly with Safeway which had a market share of 10%, a similar number of employees to Asda (92,000 and 117,000 respectively) but had the second lowest number of stores with 258.

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