Friday, June 19, 2015



gain a real knowledge of a new culture
enhance their foreign language skills
explore the values and ways of life of the host country
improve language proficiency/fluency
promote culture learning
increasing their knowledge (both general and specialised|focused|particular)

acquire knowledge of a specific subject or profession at school
have a clear understanding of the harsh|hard|painful realities of the world
current events give people more hints and advice than historical events do
Exposure to an unpredictable and daunting|tough|intimidating|discouraging world
(with|without) the full commitment|devotion|dedication to schoolwork

work hard
requires devoted time and energy

the amount of time they spend in studying should increase 


divert a young adult’s attention from his or her previous academic objectives
undertake early employment| suspend/postpone/defer their study for a year to obtain work experience
disengagement|disconnection|severance from schooling|education
children’s early involvement in income-generating activities
work from an early age in order to supplement|complement their parents’ income
lose their abilities and willpower to learn something carefully and patiently
most students lack motivation to study and then attention can be diverted easily by such distractions|diversions as video games

the level of intellect
poor educational|academic background
low standards of education
a well-educated child|an intellectual, a poorly-educated child

cause a sense of frustration and shake their confidence
disillusioned|disenchanted|disappointed|disheartened with early employment
discover that they are not suitable for a learning environment any more
other consequences of lack of specialised knowledge required
They are thus at a severe disadvantage/in a weak position/vulnerable/disadvantaged  in problem-solving in a working environment|in the workplace|in an office environment.

Asian students might be surprised to find that communication in Western countries is starkly open and straightforward, in sharp contrast to the intense use of non-verbal messages in communication in their home countries
even simple everyday experiences, such as buying food and mailing letter
struggling with failing school performance and even dropping out of the school

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