Saturday, June 20, 2015


Global perception
it reminds young people of the forces of globalisation and international developments
Para: To young people, watching international news leads them to develop a global perspective and world vision
Studying international news drives them to explore perspectives and get a view of every aspect o f an international event. Reading editorials allows them to practice independent thinking.
>> develop a global perspective

Shape/influence the behaviour pattern
Ethical education can also help shape the behaviour pattern o f individual citizens. Morality is neither a vain promise nor a collection o f ideals/(principles/standards/beliefs/moral values) that appear in writing only.
It is reflected in how people respond and act in different social situations, such as whether they habitually or instinctively/intuitively/impulsively reserve seats for the elderly and disabled at a bus.
>> shape the behaviour pattern: ethical education

Meaningfulness of commitment
Despite those merits of organised volunteer work, participants' entire willingness should be
guaranteed. Otherwisethey would be less willing or likely to commit to their work. Instead of
enforcing a policy without consulting|discussing with young people in advance, schools can take another approach, showing youngsters the meaningfulness|significance of their commitment to the local community. If possible, young adults can be given a range of options so they can choose one that is most helpful for their skill enhancement|improvement.

>> participants' entire willingness should be guaranteed
Telling lies
>> certain situations accept lying
The first justification for lying is that a lie is not necessarily immoral. Instead, it can be benign|kind and beneficial. There are occasions in life on which people have to conceal part of the truth or even twist facts. For example, it is acceptable if one withholds a fact from a friend or family member that he or she is diagnosed|detected with cancer. It is to give the patient a peaceful frame of mind|mental condition, a condition that has a healing power. From this example, one can observe that while a falsehood is condemned by many on ethical grounds, it in fact shows sympathy and goodwill|kindness|benevolence.

>> protect a person's feelings
Another justification is that lying, in the broad sense, has accompanied people since the early childhood as part of the daily routine. The boundary between lies and white lies or banters|jokes is blurred. Sometimes people tell a lie, or to be more precise, overstate or downplay a fact for amusement|pleasure|enjoyment or other social purposes. A telling example is that people often compliment|praise|pay tribute to their friends on the food they prepare, despite the fact that the meal is not enjoyable at all. People are taught to spare|save another person’s feelings, rather than speaking something straightforward that can cause discomfort or distress.

 >> building up mutual trust based on truth
Although the preceding discussion tends to excuse|forgive a lie teller, it does not justify lying as an entrenched habit. Honesty is still being regarded as a core virtue|value in many traditions. There is little doubt that a man who is known for his candour is more likely to earn respect than a man lying habitually. A truth-telling environment is what communities are striving to establish. Lying should not be allowed unless it is appropriate, as it creates an ethos of distrust|disbelief.        

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