Sunday, June 21, 2015


School curriculum + Employment Support + Code of conduct + Provide students with skills + Tuition fees+  Discrimination + Families' resettlement

School curriculum: international news
integrating international news into curriculum requires educators to address several issues in advance.
>> students might be distracted by a great variety of conflicting arguments produced by different experts.
it is immensely conducive|beneficial to the development of their analytical skills. Meanwhile, it could be time-consuming for students to read those news stories that are identical with each other in essence, although they appear in different papers. It, therefore, requires teachers to select news in advance and play an active role.

conducive /kənˈdjuː.sɪv=contributive ; inductive /ɪnˈdʌk.tɪv/= quy nạp

School curriculum: extracurricular programmes

Unarguably, private schools outperform|surpass public schools based on their more flexible and advanced
academic and extracurricular programmes. With this distinguishing|distinctive|unique advantage, private schools are capable of adjusting their programmes for students of different levels and assisting them to attain their objectives individually. Another remarkable quality of a private school is its proficiency in formulating|devising|inventing and promoting different non-academic programmes, such as group sports and outings to foster students' physical, emotional and social well-being.

Without the full commitment to schoolwork, students might end up with struggling with failing school performance and even dropping out of the school

Assist young candidates to pursue the future careers
There can be little doubt that the main purpose of providing university education is to assist young contenders/candidates to begin and pursue their future careers.
The hypothesis that theory and abstract conceptual knowledge are important lies in the fact that they are the fundamentals o f tertiary education, but without bridging theory and practice, education will possess little value and receive much less support from the  public.
A university should place its emphasis on vocational training (or career education)? which is directly related to a specific trade/craft/line of work/ occupation/ profession, occupation or vocation. It is particularly true when many well-paid jobs require intense use of technical skills.

Consolidate students' skills
Aside from theoretical knowledge, universities should assume/take the responsibility to enhance,
diversify and consolidate/strengthen/secure the skills students can possibly use in many life situations.
Life skills refer to a wide range of skills necessary for successful living, including recognising other people’s feelings, setting realistic and attainable goals and employing problem-solving strategies.
The university can devise/create its curriculum to achieve these outcomes.
For example, by organising sports and other physical activities, the university can help students enhance their team-building and leadership skills. Meanwhile, team assessments/examinations/appraisals can be designed to facilitate students’ group discussion and improve information-sharing skills.
These skills, when taken together, enable students to put their potential to the maximum and to apply the knowledge dextrously/skillfully/adroitly/proficiently/adeptly.

Students' Independence
The boarding school option means early separation from parents. For this reason, a student’s self-reliance
and independence are both bolstered|boosted. Living away from home, students have to make most of
daily decisions by themselves. They have to adjust to another set o f new circumstances and
surroundingswhich is a good opportunity for them to exercise a variety o f skills, such as social skills.
Rather than depending on their parents, students have to do the laundry themselves, manage their diets,
and keep their bedrooms clean and tidy. They are more self-disciplined|temperate|moderate than those who attend day schools.

Master knowledge  via taking a full time job
Knowledge, an essential element o f one’s success, is normally acquired through formal education,
but it is not the only approach.
A university is home to those leaching professionals who have a firm grasp/understanding/comprehension o f a given knowledge area and can impart it to students by various techniques. However, not all
the knowledge, experience and skills can be passed on to students by teaching. Experiences and rules
of thumb/rules based on experience are non-transferable at a traditional classroom. The only way to gain a mastery o f them is the full participation in a job.

Dress code at school
School uniforms are meanwhile believed to have positive effects on discipline. Students are
discouraged from wearing make-up, jewellery or trendy clothing. When children are required to wear
uniforms and conform to/abide by/ comply with/follow a dress code/rules abt clothes, they conjure up/recall thoughts of order and safety.
They w ill take their schooling more seriously.
In addition, with obscene/sex-related and gang-related clothing being forbidden, the school would find it much easier to combat the gangdecrease drug use, improve attendance and solve other discipline problem

Children's development: abide by strict rules|law-abiding behaviour
Although boarding schools succeed in satisfying the needs of some familiesopponents are
concerned about their mixed impacts on children’s development. For example, their intervention on
children’s academic years appears to be excessive. Extracurricular programmes occupy children’s free
time and children are required to obey a large number o f rules, most of which are stringent|strict|tough|rigorous|rigid|inflexible and redundant. Any minor mistake can engender|cause|provoke punishment or even expulsion|exclusion|kicking out. Without permission|authorisation, students cannot go outside defined school bounds. It is no exaggeration to say that children are virtually living in an isolated world.

Private schools are also acclaimed as experts in addressing students' discipline problems. Keen to consolidate|strengthen|secure its image as an excellent quality provider, a private school focuses not only on a student's academic performance but also on their demeanour. For this reason, physical fightsdrug use, bullying and other behaviour problems are less likely to be seen in private schools.
On the other hand, private schools have high entrance requirements and tuition standards, resulting in relative homogeneity|sameness of students’ family background. Students are mainly from medium or high income families. Upbringing and strict school discipline jointly contribute to better behaviour o f students. It is no wonder that most of private school students are good-mannered|cultivated|courteousˈkəːtiəs|educated|refined and have a positive self-image.

Families where parents are so devoted to their work: resettlement
In addition, there is no denying that to many parents, a boarding school provides a choice that merits|deserves particular attentionand sometimes, the sole option. Geographic relocation|repositioning|moving|resettlement, for example, presents a problem of educational continuity|stability. Because of their career, parents might have to resettle in a neighbourhood where schooling facilities are inadequate. A boarding school is the best option to themas it protects children from the influence of frequent relocation (U). It also suits those families where parents are so devoted to their work that they fail to bear care responsibilities.

Tuition fees

Although the position o f a private school as a well-qualified education provider is prominent, it
benefits some sections o f school-age populations only. Because of tuition fees, a private school is
accessible only to those who are able to pay, rather than those who are able to learn. It has denied|rejected|declined most students’ access to quality education, potentially causing the gap between rich and poor to widen.


The arguments presented above have created a dilemma|quandary ˈkwɔndəri|predicament when people evaluate the effects of a private school on society. On the one hand, the private school is better than the public school in many aspects, such as teaching staff, learning environment and facilities. On the other handit tends to discriminate against students from low income families by maintaining high tuition fees. While teenagers from high income families continue to benefit from their social status, those of a lower class suffer enormously from lack of educational opportunities.

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