Sunday, June 21, 2015


Reasons why the Olympics would continue are many.
có giá trị kinh tế
- are of commercial values and of broad interest to mass media organisations, advertisers, sponsors and business managers- possess commercial values to mass media organisations
- open up/create business opportunities
- are so engrossed by|occupied by|absorbed in|immersed in the grace, endurance and fortitude|courage|determination|strength shown by athletespeople, especially young males, are in need of some form of outlet for their energy and emotion related with sports.

Athletes: scandals

Tempted| Attracted| Enticed by the prospect of large financial rewards, many athletes take proscribed|banned|prohibited|forbidden performance-enhancing drugs, a stain on the sportsmanship pursued by the Olympicspay little attention to their nations of origin, cultural and language differences

Business organisations

- seek business opportunities
-  the growing leisure industries with a variety of leisure activities valued today
Major cities

- not cease to compete to host|provide facilities for sporting events
- Expenditures: 
So many services and facilities are required for serving athletes, media and spectators|viewers|observers|audiences|watchers that up to present, only those cities from industrialised countries are capable of and interested in hosting such events
- not require any of them to meet the strict political requirements set by other worldwide organisations

- Critics also view international sporting events as a substitute for war, ritualsing and formalising the conflicts between countries.
- What's more, the Games draw criticism for embracing|accepting|adopting commercialism. The Olympic torch, for example, an important symbol of the Olympics, has been used popularly in the commodity market
First, people, especially young males, are in need of some form of outlet for their energy and emotion related with sports. The Olympics, as well as other international sports events, are ideal for them. Meanwhile, leisure activities are valued today, as economic conditions continue to improve. As part of the growing leisure industries, sport and sporting contests will become increasingly important.
Moreover, the Olympics are of commercial values and of broad interest to mass media organisations, advertisers, sponsors and business managers. Because of those business opportunities, cities will not cease to compete to host|provide facilities for sporting events. Needless to say, they can thus achieve or maintain world class status.
>> outlets for energy, business opportunities

Apart from those tangible benefits, the Olympics possess other values. For example, the Olympics allow nearly all nations in the world to compete in the event rather than require any of them to meet the strict political requirements set by other worldwide organisations, such as the United Nations on sovereignly. The political, social and economic conflicts between countries and regions are disregarded in the face of Olympic spirit. Audiences are so engrossed by|occupied by|absorbed in|immersed in the grace, endurance and fortitude|courage|determination|strength shown by athletes that they pay little attention to their nations of origin, cultural and language differences.
>> borders among countries are blurred,economic conflicts are disregarded in the face of Olympic spirit, pay little attention to cultural differences

Despite those elements in favour of sustaining this international event, the Olympics are facing many challenges today.
The expenditures are one of the biggest. So many services and facilities are required for serving athletes, media and spectators|viewers|observers|audiences|watchers that up to present, only those cities from industrialised countries are capable of and interested in hosting such events.
The Olympics are meanwhile the hotbed of various scandals. Tempted| Attracted| Enticed by the prospect of large financial rewards, many athletes take proscribed|banned|prohibited|forbidden performance-enhancing drugs, a stain on the sportsmanship pursued by the Olympics.
 Critics also view international sporting events as a substitute for war, ritualsing and formalising the conflicts between countries.
What's more, the Games draw criticism for embracing|accepting|adopting commercialism. The Olympic torch, for example, an important symbol of the Olympics, has been used popularly in the commodity market

>> expenses lớn, scandals, thương mại hóa

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