Saturday, June 20, 2015


Confidencethereby boosting confidence|self-esteem on social occasions
- Combined with a balanced diet, sports, such as jogging, cycling or swimming, enable people to maintain a healthy weight, keep in shape

Self-expressionpotentially suppressing students’ individuality
a significant determinant o f children’s self-expression
- uniforms can vary according to the season, environment and occasion. It is not common that students wear different seasonal and activity uniforms within the same classroom during the day. After school, they can wear whatever street clothes they like.
- Fashions are linked to personal style. Fashions allow wearers to express emotion and solidarity with other people. People dress to their mood and according to circumstances
- Buying fashionable clothes is a process in which the buyer translates his or her self-esteem into a personal style. A fashion indicates one’s taste, social class, likes and dislikes. It gives wearers a sense of identity and makes it possible for them to feel connected to society.

Despite the enjoyment brought by fashions, people should beware of|cautious about their ever-changing nature and the expenditure of time and money on this commitment. A fashion usually remains popular for about one or two years at most|at the maximum and then is replaced by another. Many people have been obsessed with following the current fashions slavishly and pursuing the clothing with promised quality and limited availability ceaselessly. Many of them are motivated to buy outlandish|eccentric|bizarre clothing in a belief that they can thus keep up with fashion and their social positions are displayed.
>> following fashions blindly and associate clothing with status and social class

Most of the students are lack of life experience when they first travel overseas.
Failure to cope with the problems that arise from their everyday lives might cause frustration. They feel helpless, suffer homesick and in worse cases, have a breakdown/collapse/depression.

>> fashions please purchasers: 
Fashions are designed and tailored to please buyers. Selecting, discussing and buying fashions can induce|stimulate|generate immense happiness. It has become a way of life and can be taken as a leisure activity, increasing interaction between people. With all types of images and colours, clothing is capable of giving buyers a desired look, boosting their moods and increasing their self-confidence. Fashion is about change which is necessary to keep life interesting.

>> different goals to attain leads numerous definitions of happiness
People have different objectives to attain and different interests to pursue in a lifetime, and meanwhile, their objectives and interests vary in different life stages. One has the passion for toys as a child, fashionable clothing as a youth, an admirable occupation as an adult and possibly company of family members as an elder. With age, one's attitudes, capabilities and concerns are subject to|exposed to|influenced by change. Following the latest fads, for example, appeals to young people, despite the expenditure of time and money. By comparison, senior people are hardly interested in keeping their clothes in fashion, buying trendy consumer products or changing a hair style, and moreover, tend to regard them as a wasteful use of money.

>> different feelings and attitudes 
In addition to those factors that are visible, some factors are less obvious and tend to be subjective|personal in influencing one’s perception of happiness. These intrinsic factors include one’s temperament, characters, pursuits and philosophies. Taking monetary wealth as an example, people perceive the value of money differently. Some people sacrifice everything in their pursuit of wealth, whereas some people take money lightly. Instead, they treasure family, friends, hobbies and philanthropy. It is also one of the reasons why people see favourable events differently (such as a marriage, a family reunion, lottery winnings, a promotion, and so forth) and react dissimilarly to troubles or bad luck, for example, accidents, conflicts, divorce, and so forth.

 >> ways of acquiring happiness
Considering the fact that people are all motivated to attain objectives for their happiness, they should first evaluate whether the objectives are attainable or not. High expectations for the future might bring nothing but high levels of stress and a sense of disappointment. Setting attainable objectives is a recommended alternative. Another step to be taken is giving different weight to different subjects, such as money, health, growth, fame, power and relationships. Few people can attain several objectives at a time. The key is to identify the top priority.

Exclusionspecial courses in education
Treating students differently can twist a child's perception o f his or her abilities and potential
A student experiencing great difficulty in studying should be provided with extra support rather than being treated as the loser.
>> The sense of exclusion/isolation/segregation/elimination does not inspire their performance or commitment but merely triggers their further decline in school record

the development of a young worker’s motivation to help others and serve the interest|good|benefit of others without reward|without payment|free of charge|voluntarily a spirited fightback against individualism and egoism
 A worrying trend in today's society is that a young adult’s motivation is sourced more from individual interest than from the interest o f others.
>> Organising volunteer service on a large scale, especially among youngsters, can counteract|neutralise|counter the corrosive effect of this trend.
Youngsters are directed to look after the good of others and help others without asking for payment or reward. In the long term, it upholds|maintains a sense of community, rebuilds the cohesion|unity|solidarity among members of community and reduces distrust|disbelief|suspicion that is escalating|worsening|intensifying between people.

The rise of egoism has profound consequences on the unity of a family, causing the breakdown of family solidarity.
Every component of a family can be detrimentally affected, if one member is egoistic.
People will turn to family first if they are confronted with problems.
- People used to live in a community in which they lived according to an ethos|a set of moral attitudes of sharing and caring, but nowadays, members of a family tend to work separately for their individual benefits.
- They are ignorant of the fact that families not only give them tangible|concrete benefits (e. g. , financial aid), but also offer emotional support from which they obtain strength, comfort and confidence.

ignore to recover a sense of community and social cohesion
Egoism also causes people to ignore the good of the community, a problem that is disruptive to the community.
So greedy are some people that they can go so far to engage in illegal activities. For example, some merchants earn handsome|sizable|considerable incomes from producing disqualified products and cajoling people to buy what they do not actually need. They, meanwhile, refuse to plough hack any fraction of their income to the community.
Individuals become indifferent to others’ interests and the relationship between individual members tends to become superficial, transient|short-lived and ad hoc|unplanned. People remain as onlookers|observers|watchers when neighbours ask for help, and social solidarity has been dismantled in front of the overwhelming egoism.

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