Sunday, June 21, 2015

The elder and youth

sống lâu hơn
1. The ongoing increase in the life expectancy
2. extend lifespan
3. many older persons are able to stay active in their old age because of medical advances, healthier lifestyles and anti-ageing technologies
có nhiều kinh nghiệm
1. have a wealth of experience and specialised knowledge they have obtained throughout out their decades-long working lives

kiến thức 
1. productivity and intellectual ability o f workers would remain the same as they approach age 65 and in the 2. years beyond3. an ageing population will by no means constitute a problem because older people should work at or beyond retirement age
tài chính vững
1. a solid financial base for families 
2. the sufficiency  of wealth available in society to sustain the retired population3. When they reach retirement age, they are in a stronger position with better financial security

có nhiều thời gian

1. older people also have time to offer for other benefits of family and those of the community2. contribute to the community after a lifetime of service to businesses and their families3. Older members are capable o f shouldering|bearing more family responsibilities following their retirement4. Elders can enjoy the company|accompany of the peers of the same age in a nursing home but meanwhile, suffer a loss of family life
Cảm giác
1. Considering their desire to maintain their independence and be part o f society, if they do not have a 2. decent|acceptable quality of life, they will feel excluded|isolated|expelled
3. Living away from their families, older people are more prone to the feeling of loneliness| the lonesome feeling.4. Their sense of well-being is linked to the extent to which they are involved in family duties.
Sức khỏe kém
1. their slightly reduced physical abilities
>> For blue-collar workerstheir choice is very limited. They are
2. either forced out because of ill health or tired of working days and nights

thiếu nhân sự thay thế
1. difficulty in finding qualified replacements for senior employees who have retired
>> hardly ensure the consistency of staff training of an organisation
>> organisations will find it harder to recruit from their traditional pool of school-leavers and graduates
>> an increasing burden on the working population|lead to a crisis of labour
>>  sống lâu hơn, có nhiều kinh nghiệm và kiến thức chuyên sâu mặc dù physical abilities thì kém

Due to improved diet, higher incomes and medical advances, people nowadays live longer. The ongoing increase in the life expectancy leads to the subsequent extension of working lives.
It comes as no surprise that productivity and intellectual ability o f workers would remain the same as they approach age 65 and in the years beyond.
Meanwhile, older employees have a wealth of experience and specialised knowledge they have obtained throughout their decades-long working lives. All stand them in good stead, despite their slightly reduced physical abilities. The age prejudice is therefore unjustified, causing businesses to lose a major source of expert personnel.

>> thiếu sự thay thế chất lượng, khả năng lãnh đạo để phát triển kỹ năng của nhân viên thiếu kinh nghiệm, trẻ
Another disadvantage of mandatory retirement is the difficulty in finding qualified replacements
for senior employees who have retired. Contrary to popular belief, senior employees are unlikely to
impede promoting young employees. Insteadthey ensure the consistency of staff training of an
organisation. Many senior employees are willing to stay on the junior jobs and earn less when they
reach retirement age. Besidestheir leadership is essential to the improvement o f younger employees'
skills. With senior employees, a corporation guarantees the diversity o f perspectives and minimises die
risk o f relying on impetuous|impulsive|heedless decisions made by young, inexperienced employees.

>> lợi ích cho người già: nhóm blue-collar workers ko còn đủ sức khỏe
Despite those justifications for longer working lives, working in later life might not be aligned with| in line with the interest of all older people. For blue-collar workerstheir choice is very limited. They are
either forced out because of ill health or tired of working days and nights. In many instances, despite
being able to workthe majority of senior people prefer retirement, or at least working shorter hours.
Income has failed to be an effective incentive, compared to being part o f society and contributing to the
society in later life. For this reason, retirement should be made a voluntary option to the senior.

>>a shrinking workforce| the working population= a crisis of labour

People tend to believe that the ageing of a society leads to slower growth of population size and to
a shrinking workforce.
The dominant|leading|prevailing|main|major way of looking at an older society has been to see this as a
problem—an increasing burden on the working population.
The fact is that as the number of young people falls, organisations will find it harder to recruit from their traditional pool of school-leavers and graduates. To tackle this problem, an increasing number of sectors and companies are now desperate to keep their highly experienced older workers. Therefore, an ageing population will by no means constitute a problem because older people should work at or beyond retirement age. Nor w ill it lead to a crisis of labour.

>> public expenditure, better financial security| a solid financial base for families và an adequate inheritance for their children

Another widespread worry is the sufficiency  of wealth available in society to sustain the retired
population. Paradoxically, when people are concerned about the public expenditure on the retired
population, they have ignored private transfers of time and money from the old generation to the young
one. It is important to note that parents' earning capacity grows nowadays because o f having fewer
children. The total time they spend caring for dependents drops, and they are thus released|freed|liberated for productive work. When they reach retirement age, they are in a stronger position with better financial security. In later years their children should receive an adequate inheritance|legacy|heritage, assisting them in turn to achieve a comfortable retirement.

>> the backbone of voluntary services

In addition to establishing a solid financial base for families, older people also have time to offer
for other benefits of family and those of the community. Healthy and energetic, they are the backbone|main part of voluntary services. Voluntary services are not worthless just because they are unpaid. Senior workers can provide families or voluntary organisations with legal, accounting, computer or other skills for free.

>> contribute to the community, involvement in groups and all sorts of activities

It is true that nowadays, many older persons are able to stay active in their old age because of
medical advances, healthier lifestyles and anti-ageing technologies. It is time that people rethought|reassessed|re-evaluated the perceptions o f what it means to be old. Many retired people feel the need to contribute to the community after a lifetime of service to businesses and their families. They love to be involved in all sorts o f activities and enjoy being included in groups. Considering their desire to maintain their independence and be part o f society, if they do not have a decent|acceptable quality of life, they will feel excluded|isolated|expelled. For this reason, the retirement home is not a prefered|favorite option.

>> suffer a loss of family life, các nhiệm vụ gia đình: chăm sóc cháu, nấu ăn

Families and friends are the key to a happy old age. Elders can enjoy the company|accompany of the peers of the same age in a nursing home but meanwhile, suffer a loss of family life. Living away from their
families, older people are more prone to the feeling of loneliness| the lonesome feeling. The lingering|lasting|enduring stereotype of the average senior citizen as a frail|fragile|weak and passive|inactive family member should be scraped now. Older members are capable o f shouldering|bearing more family responsibilities following their retirement- Their sense of well-being is linked to the extent to which they are involved in family duties.

>> nursing home phù hợp cho  those who do not have the company of their families, không có khả năng tự chăm sóc và nấu nướng

Despite the strong preference among the elderly for staying with their families, a nursing home
functions well to help those who do not have the company of their families. In addition to offering the
access to social activity and engagement, a nursing home provides professional care service to old
people, most of whom are not capable of caring and cooking for themselves. For those who are taken to
hospital frequently for treatment, the rest home is particularly a good choice, as there are many health

and medical specialists.

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