Sunday, June 21, 2015


Học văn hóa: 
1.arning a culture can help learners 
2. Learning a culture can draw the attention of learners to
3. Learning the cultural dimensions of a language,
4. a language learner can

5. Studying the cultural aspects|elements of a language6. Language acquisition

Sử dụng hợp lý

1. use a foreign language appropriately
2. make him-or-herself acquainted with the skills and habits involved in cross-cultural communication
3. familiarity with a culture

Thể hiện/Có nghĩa
indicate=convey a message

Dành nhiều thời gian
xxx require a high commitment of time and effort
xxx require devoted time and effort

Nên làm gì...
should= be advised to

So sánh tương phản
xxx, as opposed to xxx
xxx, in stark contrast to xxx

1. linguistic differences/disparities: word order
2. effective communication
verbal aspects: pronunciation, sentence construction
non-verbal elements: physical gesture, body language, facial expressions
e.g. silence: agreement in the English-speaking countries but resentment in some Asian countries
3. learners at an elementary/at the first stage of learning a language: incomprehensible, results in confusion when the learning process shows little improvement

culture influences the evolution and formation of a language.
Learning a culture can help learners understand many aspects o f a language, wording, syntax, and so forth.
For example, word order, the order in which words appear in sentences, differs from language to language. In some languages, the object normally comes ahead of the subject, as opposed to the word order in the English language.
It mirrors the disparity in ways o f seeing things and ways of thinking between people who speak different languages.
Learning a culture can draw the attention of learners to these differences and therefore lead them to use a foreign language appropriately.

Familiarity with a culture is also known as the prerequisite of communication with native speakers. Effective communication relies not only on wording, pronunciation and sentence construction but also on physical gesture, body language and facial expressions.
In fact, non-verbal messages sometimes tell people more than verbal messages do. For example, silence in the English-speaking country might indicate the agreement of the speaker on something, but in some Asian countries, silence might convey a message to the contrary, disagreement or even resentment.
There is no denying that by learning the cultural dimensions of a language, a language learner can make him-or-herself acquainted with the skills and habits involved in cross-cultural communication.

Learners: at the elementary level
Although the importance of studying the cultural aspect of language is indisputable, it should not
be over-emphasised.
For most learners, especially for those at an elementary level, the cultural elements of a language are remote and incomprehensible.
Intrusion of these messages will create confusion. Learners will flounder when the progress toward success is little and the situation appeals to be unmanageable.

Language acquisition requires a high commitment of time and effort, so new learners are advised to concentrate on the language itself at the first stage.

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